[Now Live] Patch 2.6.7a Update

Thanks for bringing Lamentation buff “back”.


Great work, Nevalist!!!


It’s great that there’s a lot of effort being put in to address changes. I’ve been a DH main since release, and as of now logged almost 2500 hours in that class. I haven’t seen DH dominate the leaderboards, save for one of the first seasons in 2014/2015. DH has never been in the 4 man meta afaik. DH has always felt like a solo class, but it can’t even compete with others in that regard. It feels like an accessory class that will always be overshadowed by some gimmick of another class; Chantodos, Bazooka, Corpse lance, and so on. Heck, now even an easy peasy build like WW rend is going to overpower the top DH build, and the only DH balance change I can recall in past seasons is the UE MS buff, which rightfully shouldn’t be at the top due to ease of gameplay. Are DH ever going to top LB above other classes?


2.6.7a is very very stupid idea. Blizzard think too hard. Why do you want to match the balance criteria to GR150? We need GR200.


Thank you for putting the Buff back on the belt. I was considering not playing this season due to the nerfs. Its a great day that the devs are listening to the barb community.


Thank you ,buff it proof one thing if we whine loud enough they will listen our whine :joy::joy::joy:


Yeah making the build unplayable for legit players is the wrong way… But im happy about all the fixex Good Job :slight_smile:


I seriously hope the Epiphany teleport bug applies to runes other than electric field as well. I failed multiple rifts earlier just because i lost Flurry stacks multiple times to enemies with big hitboxes (Big Spiders, Golgors, Exarchs, Maggot Broods…).
Some bosses also seem to be problematic. Agnidox for example. If your mouse ever touches his hitbox, bye bye stacks. Need to circle the mouse around in a huge radius for it to work.
If it stays that way, it will make the build more reliant on fishing than pretty much any other, because single mobs can just kill the entire run.


Would have to find a way to even get to 200 considering the hard cap before you explode your system is 158 (see signed 64bit integer on health)

Will the Shield of Fury have to be refarmed? Guess not. (Also asked in the Crusader forum).

It should, as Cyclone Strike seems to be the issue there

I think this is a rare case where because of a nerf to an item it will retroactively update. It would be bad if the un-nerfed versions stayed for those who got them. Its not the first time that a legendary power was retroactively changed.

It’s good news that the Lamentation nerf is being partially reverted, but it would be nice to get some clarity on the aims of the developers on balance and reaching the GR cap.

THANK you so much!!!
the Barb was sooooo awesome on the PTR it gave me so much fun and pleasure.
what great news the Lamentation gets a buff again.
thank you for acknowledging our feedback!

It was a stupid question I now see, because otherwise everybody would use the old shield!!

I think they mentioned that a blog would be upcoming about GRs.

Thank you for this, even though Rathma is my least fav set. I hope it gets some serious love in a future patch, as a necro main who keeps waiting patiently patch after patch to take a look at their sets.
Hoping Army of the Dead can be fit into the skill bar finally whatever you guys do with this set (and maybe have Jeseth’s weap/shield looked at too?).

I’ll be honest though, Trag’Oul + Pestilence sets are what I am holding out hope for in terms of buffs and making them feel more thematically true to their playstyle.

This too please.
FotH is a fun skill and even with Darklight it’s not that great, despite its recent buff.

We’ll see later I guess? As mentioned above, something with AotD cooldown and/or the scythe/shield set would be great.

Lastly, as many others have said already and pointed out that D3 is basically on life support with the legacy team + one CM, there is no need to direct your ire at our CM.
It would be much more effective to email or write letters to others in the company who are responsible for hiring/firing or PR team etc…

I’m saying this as someone who has worked in the corporate office world in the past and I know how insane things can get.

Normally we have to refarm legendaries but I noticed the other day my Bone Ringer’s description now also includes the “capped at 60 stacks or seconds” or whatever.

Lets hope that addressing the Rathma set means making it better for pushing, and not nerfing Rat runs.


Thanks for putting yourself ahead of the entire Barb community that is still waiting for a new table.