"Nothing gets nerfed, only buffs since release"

Same use to be true for groups right?

So your goal of playing D3 is to bridge the gap between casuals and hardcore dedicated players? And how is this accomplished?

Right. But promoting solo comes with risk of botters abusing the system.

I think it didn’t.

Aren’t botters already abusing the system now? People who are going to bot are going to bot regardless if the softcap is at 10, 30, 50 , 90 or whatever. In my opinion, it’s their lost.

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Groups still can speedfarm higher greater rifts way faster than a solo player or a botter could, the thing is; bots fail at high tier GRs because they lack the complexity of crucial decisions. Botters indeed abuse the system but their efficiency at speedfarm pale in comparison to a group player of legit players.

But that still doesn’t invalidate the point that there are lots of botters out there. And a lot of bots aren’t used only for gaining XP, they are used for gaining gear.

And a botter can still gain a decent chunk of XP running mid level GRs 24/7.

This is going to continue to be true regardless of what the solo GR cap is because it’s already happening and has been happening for many years now.

In almost any game where there is repetitive grinding, you’ll see bots.

And they’ll get eventually get caught in the banwave. Group play gets player massive chunks of experience to cover this by binge playing daily. Compared to what group play gets, solo play is merely nothing.

After AH closure market refused to die, hence why you still see bots around. Otherwise why do you think people throw money at bot software developers to surpass the security measures that Blizzard pulled on them? In any game with any sort of underground market, people will abuse it.

Generally no, but you have problems accepting what many other people in this thread told you.


New Feature: Greater Rifts
Formerly referred to as Tiered Rifts, Greater Rifts are a special type of timed Nephalem Rift. There are an infinite number of Greater Rift levels, and each Greater Rift level will be progressively more difficult than the last.

We don’t know whether it’s technical issue or current design choice. I already said in other thread current GR cap serves more good than bad. What we do know is GRs were created with the intention to be infinite back in 2014. The game evolved and there is a cap now.

Making that cap your goal now is stupid, however (I already explained why in multiple posts). Waiting for power creep to achieve that goal is beyond stupid. It’s pretty much absurd. But if you personally enjoy it, it’s okay. No one will stop you constructing a meaning in such activity.

How so? Didn’t you already mention Blizzard has stopped caring?

[quote=“naksiloth-1354, post:150, topic:3355”]
Group play gets player massive chunks of experience to cover this constant stream of experience farming pretty well. [/quote]

Smart group players farm xp as you say and run bots on the side to grab bounty loots. So they get the best of both worlds.

I agree with that and I don’t see the cap on GR have much relevance in seeing an uptick in bots, especially in an old game like D3. Those that want to bot are mostly doing it, those who don’t aren’t going to start , those that don’t like to compete against bots , most of them probably left.

[quote=“Skelos-2150, post:151, topic:3355”]
Generally no, but you have problems accepting what many other people in this thread told you.[/quote]

I don’t think I have problem accepting things. And these people you are saying, it’s mostly just been you and like one other guy.

But I’m pretty open minded. In this discussion, I don’t see it as a wrong or right answer. It comes down to what people enjoy doing and playing. I’m not saying we will ever see a solo GR 150 clear, just stating that I would enjoy it if it was possible, not to everyone but to those who put a lot of hours into the game.

Can you please explain again exactly why? For you where GR is just a number, why do buff, nerfs, or no changes matter? I’m just trying to understand.

Well, I don’t expect you to agree with me, I mean it’s obvious you have some problem accepting what 3 other people pointed out in this thread. I suggest you start back from post 36, re-read the whole discussion again and try to understand it.

I’ve done my best. Nothing more to add.

I didn’t say such thing. I only mentioned if solo play catches group play in terms of efficiency THEN that means Blizz don’t care anymore.

And that’s why friend invites should be regulated; no matter what’s the cost and no matter what people think.
Also they only get benefit of loot from such activity and main experience comes from group play as I said before. When those slave bots gets banned they ought to buy another pair of vanilla-expansion package.

Their recovery on leaderboards would be faster after a banwave if solo play does giant leaps.

Controlling the bot influence, keeping them down and promoting legit players group play via means of power gaps between classes and higher rewards upon doing so.

Again, it’s not a problem of accepting. It’s a different perspective. What is there to reread? I didn’t follow this thread from the beginning, I jumped into it in the middle. Honestly, I’m not even sure what we’re discussing again, that’s why I asked you what’s our first point again?

I just remember you saying GR is just a number. And I told you what that number means to me. And then you saying it’s stupid, something about climate change and killing people.

And isn’t now the perfect time to make GR 150 a goal? As you mentioned, the cap wasn’t even known until just last year… so now we have a cap. Solo builds are getting as close to this cap as we’ve ever been. D3 is pretty much in maintenance mode, so not expecting sweeping changes other than the new sets and legendary powers to existing items. I think when that all rolls out, this game is pretty much done and we’ll have D4 or be close to it.


Sorry, misread your sentence:

I thought the “they” meant blizzard. But honestly, if blizzard cared why are people constantly requesting for banwaves that hasn’t happened. When was the last ban wave?

Again, when was the last massive ban wave?

I would totally buy into your argument if 1) Blizzard cared about botters and 2) That at lower level GRs, botters don’t exist.

But right now, I’m seeing neither of those two.

There’s never a “perfect time” to pick whatever GR number in a vacuum and make it your goal. For the potential scenario of yours to be meaningful would require certain conditions to be in place.

An example for that could be a Challenge Rift’s snapshot of first solo GR150 completed with pushing for example. Then you can say: “Okay, I have this time of 14:59 on this map, and I have this character with this build and these stats. Now my goal is to complete the GR150 snapshot”.

This would not be a stupidly constructed goal, but this goal could be on ANY snapshot GR level with pushing involved. Because GR is just a number.

I think for my sake the conditions are already in play as mentioned above.

  1. We have a cap in place now where we previous did not know of.
  2. Solo builds are closing in on that cap to a point not ever seen before. Even we they never get to 150, they are pretty close for all intended purposes.
  3. The game is going to maintenance mode so not expecting much to change whats the announce changes occur. (This is huge because in the past, as you said we kept getting power creep. Now once things settle, we know exactly what the final state of the game will be. Best time to set my long term goal since things are going to stop changing).

You forgot:
4. I wait for power creep so my stats can jump with some billions and I can sweep the 150.

Did I ever say I wanted 150 to be given to us? I’ve always said, let us hit about lower 140s and let us grind the rest of the way, may it be hundreds or thousands of hours. It may not even be me hitting it, it could be the top 1% of players and that is actually a good thing.

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  1. Let me spend infinite time (brother help is not needed) to gain more stats to hit the 150.

I indeed meant Blizzard but that sentence has indicatives before that partial phrase, separated with a mere comma;

I said “in case that applies” which should be clear enough by any reader.

You can check non-season leaderboards of group play to notice the gaps. At seasonal they do one or two massive banwaves by the end of seasons. They always work in silence because they don’t wanna have an influence on the underground market, nor alert them.
There’s only one anti-hack team and their priority at the competitive games that are monetized such as Overwatch and WoW.

Can you rephrase that? Hundred or thousands of hours is still a finite amount of hours.

Gotcha /wink Now it all makes sense.