"Nothing gets nerfed, only buffs since release"

What is wrong with that statement? If the endgame is something I don’t enjoy, I move on to a game I do enjoy.

You keep saying GR is just a number. Again, it is a difficulty setting. How is it different than hell setting or inferno setting in D3 vanilla? Why do people continue to play to try to beat those difficulty levels.


It has not. The game is largely the same now as it was 4 years ago, with the exception being the necro addition. The problems it suffered from back then are still present today, some even more compounded.

Then you should move on to another game. This cap is only here because raising it is a minor technical hurdle, one that is not worth overcoming since this game has last priority.
The point of GRs was always infinite scaling, for you to use them as a static goalpost is just stupid. Reevaluate your wierd opinion, sometimes it’s ok to admit being wrong and change it.

Are you even doing 4man near the 150gr level anyways? Or are you hardstuck at say around 120-130 playing solo? If so, why are you playing the game again? Because you’re still far off from clearing the “max level” which seems to be the sole reason you’re playing. I probably don’t need to tell you the difference between 130 and 150, but if you thought it’s small… it’s not. Maybe you should wait for another patch or two and then fulfill your stupid goal.

The problems it suffered from back then are still present today, some even more compounded.

Like what?

You should. The discussion started at post 36 in this thread. You should read all posts after that and then comment since I already gave answer to what you asked.

Nice. I enjoy min/maxing too. However, this doesn’t make the goal of beating the last GR number meaningful in itself since you start to min/max already from GR1.

The soft cap would be whatever the highest ranked player achieved. Beating this however might not mean anything as long as you have more stats than the player in question due to more time put in the game and help from your “brothers”.

What I am heading at is that “beating” in D3 might have a meaning as long as some conditions are in place. Beating GR150 or any other GR number in a vacuum might be one’s constructed self-goal, but this won’t mean anything at all aka it would be wrongly constructed goal.

Like what? Did you crawl out from under a stone just recently?
We can start with the most obvious one. The “exciting” loothunt in this game last for barely a week, and then you start grinding +5. Before it used to take a bit longer to reach this state, now it goes really really fast. There is literally 0 excitement about finding items in this game.

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Like what? Did you crawl out from under a stone just recently?
We can start with the most obvious one. The “exciting” loothunt in this game last for barely a week, and then you start grinding +5. Before it used to take a bit longer to reach this state, now it goes really really fast. There is literally 0 excitement about finding items in this game.

That’s certainly AN opinion. I like being able to find a complete build rather quickly… it lets me actually PLAY it complete. AND lets me farm for other sets/builds for other classes. And a “complete” set is FAR FAR from an “ideal” set.

I guess if all you wanted to do was farm for 1 month to complete 1 build… then yes i’d agree that it is a problem.


Ye i’d rather farm exp because that is much more exciting.

Or, and tell me if this is totally weird, you could play the game because you enjoy it.

The loot hunt isn’t interesting enough to be a primary activity or motivation.

Like, did anyone really enjoy running the exact same route over and over in D2, accomplishing exactly nothing 99.9% of the time? Bleh.

Playing the build I want to play and progressing with it over time, through GR pushing and maximizing Torment builds etc is the fun part of the game. IMO

Waiting months to maybe start that sounds like garbage to me.

Some game designs were rightly left behind.

PS: For anyone but the most casual of nubs, the loot hunt does extend throughout the entire season. Upgrades are exciting and meaningful and they eventually reach the level of rarity that seems so important to the masochists lurking on the forums. The difference is that it is totally optional to grind specifically for gear. The difference is you aren’t stuck playing a build you don’t want to play.

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I agree with this. I’d rather farm for small upgrades then NOT be able to farm at all because I couldn’t complete the set. You STILL item hunt… you are just hunting for ancients/primals… its BETTER this way imo. You can play a complete build (sub optimal) and farm for upgrades.


Oh big shocker, you didn’t enjoy D2. Yes, everybody that played D2 enjoyed this. It is why you kept playing it, because hunting items in D2 was actually fun. In this game, it’s not.

Triggered much?

Is that a fact? Did you do a study? It’s weird that this oh so popular feature got nixed.

You’re begging the question. But also I’d say it was practically the only activity of the game. I wouldn’t ever compare my experience of say pushing to teleporting through the same map for the 10000th time. I still enjoy playing D3. Teh loot hunt stopped being fun for me when I stopped being a teenager.

I disagree. I find getting upgrades to be enjoyable. I find the first part of the season to have some fun twists and turns. It’s fun to finally complete a build. But in a shorter (than months) timespan. Anything more would be tedious. Your vaunted loot hunt of D2 was the very definition of rote tedium. IMO.

In D3, To the degree that teh loot hunt is fun, it exists. To the degree that it isn’t fun, it is optional rather than mandatory.

I don’t see what all the fuss is. Instead I see a lot of people that don’t play the game looking through rose colored glasses at dated designs. If that tickles your pickle, you do that, but don’t assume some wayward design from nearly 20 years ago is automatically the most fun for everyone else.

It’s not weird, different devs. Why do you try to be a wiseguy when you’re obviously clueless?

Blizzard decided to lock entire builds behind 6pc sets along with their respective legs. This design decision is what makes you feel compelled to find the set quickly. Using their own terrible design as some sort of arguement is hilarious rofl. It’s not my problem they cornered themselves with locking it behind gear.

It could’ve been locked behind something we have a bit more control over, like hmmm, a skilltree of some sort. Gear could’ve complemented your character rather than entirely dictate it. Maybe then they could dial down the welfare loot and suddenly it might just be exciting to find that amazing item again. Ofc, they’d also have to fix itemization for that, so that the rarest of loot doesn’t roll complete trash. But hey, that’s another fail decision.


You could just get out of here since you’re not making any sense anyway.

These are two separate things.

D2 gameplay with MF/Baal/Uber runs was WAY worse than D3’s.

However, D2 itemization not forcing sets on you was better than D3’s. In fact, if I have to compare the itemizations of popular aRPGs like D2, D3, TL2 and PoE, I would put D3 at the bottom with D2 above it and TL2/PoE at the top.

Item tiers signify bad itemization. This topic is huge, but to sum it up as much as I can: Right now all aRPGs itemizations are far from optimal. But this doesn’t mean you should not enjoy some of these. One can find D3 itemization fun for example disliking more complex one like this of PoE and there is nothing wrong with this.

Play the aRPG you most enjoy.


PvP and trades? I ain’t gonna compare ubers, as some accept it as an endgame activity, some don’t.

Like Greater Rifts or speedfarming Neph Rifts?

You never used trades, nor tried to discard an item you didn’t need? PvP fellows only used trading instead of going through all that hassle for instance.

You never get stuck at D2 playing a build you don’t want to play, it gives you total control. Unless some ghost picks your skills at random for you, you aren’t playing any build you don’t wanna play.
May be the problem was, you playing a mature rated game in your teen years? D3 follows the D2’s gameflow model more or less and you have no right to complain about it; one has flexibility and control while other has a “linear experience” and you can not blame us for liking one of them more.

This system is nothing different than a linear yardstick. It’s about as deep as a “sword picking simulator” you complained about. The difference lies in; you always know the best sword. In a tabletop RPG, you never have that opportunity yet you still have mad fun, same applies to D2 for us.
It rewarded exploration and allured us with randomization and sustained itself for decades. If you have no idea what D1 and D2 were and their impacts, then you may simply admit you don’t get it.

If you like linear scripted progress that much, guess you can have fun in idler-clicker games as well; it’ll be like botting in D3 but more interactive. Wasting your lifetime in a game is not a good indication of understanding the design ideals, this doesn’t happen with cynicism either.
D3 followed the gameflow of previous titles afterall; you can not call us names just because we liked flexibility and control over a linear power progress that eliminates every approach but one due to hierarchy.

If you call us for not wasting thousands of hours (which I did) then we can call the same bollocks on you for not enjoying previous installments. We don’t have to run the same treadmill as you did to be called “fans,” neither you have to enjoy previous games. Get over yourself, you’re in a forum and replying to us.

You’re only flame-baiting and wasting your time trying to dent feedback for an upcoming title. If you love the game as it is, I doubt developers care for a few D2 fans, neither have resources to do major changes in the current gen Diablo anyway. No need to spill salt.

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The point is that it was fun doing those things, otherwise we wouldn’t be playing D2 for so long. Whether GR or specific routes is a better choice, that is a seperate matter.

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I get that point, everyone here had fun with D2, what I was saying is D2 itemization with D3 gameplay would be a superior game than both D2 and D3 alone. Let’s hope D4 reaches that level.


I agree. I think most the appeal of D2 is finding uniques with fixed affixes.

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I’m stupid? I mean look at the two statements you just made. :smiley:


Having a cap means static right? Derp.

I am waiting, duh. We’re getting much closer now. Scale wise, 130 is far from 150 due to the 17% monster hp/GR level but it’s much closer now than say when it first started when averages clears were more like in the 40s.

I mean, what is your goal in D3? Playing it for that awesome story?

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Cap doesn’t matter if you play solo, your power is softcapped and completely developer controlled beyond your grasp. Also I wouldn’t wait 'till I reach GR150 solo as it most likely never gonna happen; in case that applies, you may realize they don’t care about bot infestation or banwaves anymore.

Sustainable loothunt to bridge between low-medium grade casuals with devoted players so interaction along the way keeps you going.