Not Working: Left-Click Interaction, Town Portal Hotkey

(Deleted/moved from Techical Support thread to here)

I’ve just finished Greater Rift 114 on Hardcore Seasonal by slaying the boss, but my Left-Click interactions do not work. I cannot pick up items (except Bloodshards/Gold, but those are auto-looted by walking over them), or talk to Urshi for Legendary Gem upgrades. I also cannot use my Town Portal hotkey. Pressing my Town Portal hotkey OR clicking on the UI button for it does not start the channeling.

I can access my Inventory and other menus, and I am able to move my Equipped Inventory to and from my Backpack slots, so left-click is registering there correctly. I can also left-click to move around. All of my other abilities work via hotkey. It appears that any left-click interaction with Urshi or items on the ground, however, is not functioning.

I can also drop items from my Inventory/Backpack onto the ground, but I cannot pick them back up.

If there is not an end-user fix to this issue, I was wondering if Support is able to use item logs to place what was dropped on the ground back into a player’s inventory?

Also, I was wondering if there are any known ways to avoid running into this problem again due to the potential of missing out on picking up Primal Ancients, crafting materials, gems, and interacitng with Urshi for Legendary Gem upgrades.

Diablo III does not have item logs.
If you can’t pick stuff up, those items are lost forever.

I’ve seen reports of this multiple times, sadly with no workarounds / resolutions, but the hero using Stone Gauntlets will frequently factor into the reports. Are you using those?

Thank you for the prompt reply. I haven’t been able to effectively reproduce the problem, to confirm, using different builds and equipment, but I did have the Stone Gauntlets equipped at the time of the problem. Seems to be a bad RNG issue.

Hello, the problem already existed in
2019 : Diablo 3 - Left click bug caused by (suspected) stone gauntlets. - YouTube
2020 : Game doesn't let me Left Click anymore - wtf (Diablo 3 Season 22 PTR) - YouTube
and so on …

I re-downloaded Diablo 3 yesterday to enjoy the game again after many years, it happened yesterday and today. It is so boring because you can’t do anything else than quit and loose forever the items on the ground etc.

How is this still happening ? Was it addressed to dev team ?
I also noticed i had Stone Gauntlets as mentioned above.

I know it may not help people on this thread get items back but this happened to me today and I was infact using the dreaded gauntlets. To add to my stupidity I took them off and threw them on the floor… no big deal I thought, if they could cause it to happen again. Went about my business (couldn’t town portal) so to get to the next bounty I clicked on the next waypoint using the map and it worked! To test it I went back and managed to loot and pick up my stone gauntlets too, town portal works as well as all left click interactions. If this happens to anyone else try using another waypoint on the main map (m). If you can travel then you can travel back and loot. It’s a pain but at least you won’t loose out if a puzzle ring drops or the like :slight_smile:


Man, you are my hero! :star_struck:
I just ran today into the same problem: had stone gauntles equipped and just had killed the RG but could not pick any items, talk to Urshi, use town portal, leave the GR floor or use any skill on left click which consumes wrath; everything else was still working. I tried to equip/unequip items and change skills to no avail.
But following your advice, I unequipped stone gauntlets, used the map and ported to a waypoint. From that point on everything was back to normal and I could make my way back to the rift floor, pick up everything, talk to Urshi and so on!

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For future reference, please check the date the thread was posted. This one is almost three-and-a-half years old. Necro-bumping threads is frowned on in these forums. (Well, maybe not so much anymore. But…)

For players equipping the Stone Gauntlets:

  1. Equip or cube an item that gives you Crowd Control Immunity.

  1. Use a Skill that gives you Crowd Control Immunity with 100% uptime.

  1. Make sure the Omen Seal is unlocked in the Altar of Rites. (I haven’t tested this one).

If you do this you can use the Stone Gauntlets without negative results.

Note: Obviously #3 won’t work in non-Season.


I’m normally not doing that. But considering that (1) I found many threads, posts and angry users related to this bug (2) but did not find ANY WORKING hint on how to solve the problem apart from this one, this seemed to me a case of an open bug with a workaround suggestion which nobody confirmed or negated. Such unconfirmed suggestions are normally ignored. But since this IS WORKING, I wanted to contribute to the community by giving a confirmation and hopefully helping many other players.

If this is now considered as bad behaviour on the forums… :poop:

And of course I know how the gauntlets work. But that doesn’t help me if I want to play a certain build where I’m just missing a few percent of CDR to get 100% CC immunity uptime. So what shall I do, stop playing my build it because of this stupid bug until I have the needed CDR? For me the better solution is to use this workaround.

Edit: as just seen, this is a bug report and not a normal thread. An open bug report is a valid bug report until a solution is found and confirmed or the report is rejected. So I really don’t see any reason for your post.

That is not true. It is considered a game bug when something in the game is not working as intended. But, @Phamdemic confirmed:

And the Stone Gauntlets are working as intended. So, in this case, it is NOT a bug.

You should read the stickied thread, How to Write a Good Bug Report for more information.

Blizzard does not respond in these Bug Report Forums. Other players try to help out those having issues so they can either understand how the game works or get past an issue to continue their adventures. (Like with a workaround). The point being, if you wait for Blizzard to post the solution to a game bug, you’ll be waiting a LONG time.

In the case of the Stone Gauntlets, if you prefer to use a “workaround” rather than learn how to properly gear up your Character, then that is your choice.

Like you, I was merely providing information about how these (Bug Report) forums work. The Stone Gauntlets are not bugged and necro-bumping threads has ALWAYS been frowned on in ALL Blizzard Forums.

In Summary

If you still think the behavior of the Stone Gauntlets is bugged, you should first search for a current thread on the issue. If you do not find any that are more recent than 6 months you should create a new thread.