No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

Because private servers are against intellectual property.

Blizzard has been lenient on private servers/mods for the original game and I’m willing to bet they will continue to keep that stance for the original game.

D2:R is their new baby, so any tinkering with it will very likely not be tolerated.

I also think so, but the right move would be to shut them all down to get more sales for d2r, thats what i would do if d2r were my product.

That would be a really smart move if the intention was to anger a lot of people.

A lot of people that are playing in an illegal plattform.

Again, Blizzard has been lenient on private servers/mods for the original game… It helped retain interest in Diablo 2. You have to have a copy of the game to play the mods.

Wich doesnt mean that they are legal, they didnt care about them because they didnt lose money because of those servers, but now they will make blizz lose money from d2r…

This is EXACTLY the type of useless feedback that ruined D3 with powercreep. Constant complaining about “this isn’t fair!” “the sorc does more dmg in this non competitive game! waaaa!” Directly led to the powercreep that put the nail in the coffin of D3.

Melee does not need splash or any other combat changes. Each class has its own specific uses and it should stay that way.

Im all for GOOD changes. Not obvious garbage changes by people crying about video games being “unfair”. :roll_eyes:

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Well that is Blizzards decision, however if they start cracking down on mods/servers that have been going on for a while now in the original game, that will anger a lot of people.

So you want the benefit of being melee and getting more items because no ploot, AND you want to boost melee damage. Just put that hypocrisy right out in the open.

I would prefer a remastered D2, not melee splash.

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yes, it does, i didn’t say it wasn’t fun, it said it makes the game too easy. i run one of the most popular loot filters on pod bro. i know how a melee splash jewel works.

and i will never touch PD2 because the game dev is an complete jerk.
i disagree with a lot of greendude’s changes but at least he is friendly.

having melee splash is cool idea, and it does fix a tiny issue i had with fury being annoying with the baby spawns from act 4 maggots and grotesques. and yes its fun to play with. but u really cant deny it makes the game easier. it not only does ranged damage to nearby monsters, but it hit the initial monster twice because it is also hit by the ranged melee splash.

dueling double damage is a pretty major balance change for melee classes, and yes its only “basic attack” damage it wont copy the skill damage so it wont quite be “double” past around act 3 norm… but its still a massive increase.

and thats a huge balance change.

but that’s not the main reason I’m against it
the MAIN reason im against it, is because it “forces” every melee character to use a socket
if melee splash was to be added then just add it period… don’t make it a jewel

i don’t feel its a good design to put something so absolutely necessary for melee characters in the mods to be a thing u need to use a slot for, for the same reason charm inventory is needed. because the “illusion of choice” is pointless and it just makes it annoying.

the balance change would also need addressing in norm and nightmare, as it would be far too powerful there

Interesting. I think melee splash is a bigger gameplay change than auto allocated loot could ever be.

I’m ok with an item or rune word giving melee splash or even a skill having melee splash… not every melee attack.

What? So you want to keep the game as unbalanced and broken with Hdins and Sorcs running around with Enigma while Melees are forced to be much slower. You guys need t take off the nostalgia glasses, the game was broken even at its heyday in terms of balance. Zealer or Fury Druid had to spend 3x the amount of wealth just to be still worse than your average caster.

I’m not saying everything has to be equally balanced. Im just saying physical melees should be only -100% worse than casters rather than -500% worse. Buffing underpowered classes or builds only opens up replayability for others and makes it a healthy game for longetivity.

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Wait, adding a charm inventory is too much power creep, but adding base splash damage to all melees isn’t? I feel like one of those prissy girls, because I can’t even.


I’m all for adding charming inventory as well :slight_smile:

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Every class has its quirks, and every class is capable of a certain level of clear/kill speed. If you’re playing a Single Target build, you’re automatically consigning yourself to efficient boss kill speeds at the cost of clear speed. Single Target is not meant to have the ability to clear. If you want a Barbarian to have effective clear speed, use a Whirlwind Barbarian, for example.

Splash is unnecessary for single target builds.

“againstist”? That can be turned right around on you. On the contrary, we could be described as “forists”, we are FOR keeping the game as a strict remaster, you are AGAINST this, do you see now?

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Its not unbalanced and broken. its just unbalanced. But you could also argue it ISNT unbalanced. Because the “balance” is giving each class its own purpose. Diablo 2 was never a competitive game, so theres zero reason to cater to the competitive crowd or to “balance” the characters skill against eachother. none.


Some people just don’t seem to get it. We don’t want to turn D2R into every other Arpg.

We like that it’s harder to gear and level a barb than a sorc.

Please choose to play a different game, rather than ruin this one.