No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

No, I don’t want ploot.

What we do need is a way to address how much more superior casters are vs. melee’s in pretty much all aspects of the game. Melee’s need DS, OW, CB, IAS, ED, R/W just to keep up, and still loses out in clear speed. Two of the biggest mods introduced melee splash.

At first, I thought, man, that would be OP. But when you actually try it, melee’s still lag behind, and splash radius is not big.

Comparison videos:
Melee Splash Wearbear: Project Diablo 2 Hunger Maul Werebear Shape Shifter Overview - Splash damage stun build!!! - YouTube
Light sorc: Baal running /w my plugy light sorc - YouTube

After testing it out, I realized it only really affects PvM rather than PvP. Additionally, even with melee splash, casters STILL out-pace melees. The radius of the splash is not game-breaking either. It’s a HUGE QoL change for people who like to play melee characters.

Besides, all casters and their spells have inherent built-in splash as well, we just don’t notice it.

At this point, I can’t even play vanilla LoD anymore because it lacks this. Melee needs all the help it can get.

Farming as a non-caster is a joke atm. Smiter vs. Trapsin clear speed for example. All inherent caster spells, like Orb, Blizzard, Chain Lightning, Death Sentry, Tornado are all AoE.


No to Ploot, No to Melee Splash


Found the purist here


try to kill ubers with Light sorc if you can…
try to tank any boss etc… with Light sorc…
bla bla bla bla…

every character it’s made for something and every character/build have their uses, this is made to “force” the player to make more characters and make the trade alive for a longer time.


yeah Pachu is a well known Againstists

I wouldnt mind short allocation and i wholeheartly welcome Some sources of melee splash

Ie: make it a rollable affix on weapons or/and add it to barb masteries

BUT! Restrain it to single target

by that i mean, no ww, no zeal, no fury, etc every that means 1 click 1 hit = allowed

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while melee splash is indeed fun, it does change the melee game a lot, and imo it makes it a bit too easy

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Ubers is like 2% of your gameplay. Farming and killing regular mobs is 98%.

it doesnt make the game too easy - melee still comes up short-handed even with it. Don’t believe me? Go try it in PD2

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and for those things you have other builds to use, sorc / amazon / barb item finding build / assasin trap / elemental druid / poison nova necro etc…

every build can be used for specific things, the barb finding item it’s perfect and the best for pindle runs,
javazon for cows and area 85
trap assa for cows and area 85
necro poison for cows and area 85
sorc for bosses like mephi / andi / shenk etc…

don’t blame the game because you are to lazy to make new character and builds, WELCOME to diablo 2 the best arpg game of all times.


I’m pro:

  • ilvl display
  • /players 8 in non ladder bnet
  • Grind reducing balance changes
  • Unused merc balance changes
  • Unused skills balance changes
  • Bug fixes (even the ones that benefits the player)

Guess most in that list would drive an purist insane, so no.

Melee splash belongs to mods.


How does it makes the game too easy?

If a conc barb takes 10mins to run chaos sanctuary but adding spalsh makes the conc barb run it in 7min… how is that too easy when a hdin can run it in 5min

Splash is meant to balance up single melee build which are already known to be absolute crap compared to meta builds, they cannot reach the same level of power as meta builds but splash helps close the gap a bit


No. Melee splash damage will be too op. I always play barb for mfing in pits and Trav or fury Druid in cows or Javazon for really just about anything and Zealer is also good (not the best) on a lot of the locations including ubers. Only character really needing a buff IMO is a bowazon and even then I’m against that (at least for now).


No to melee splash. Project Diablo 2 has you covered if you want that.


sure and also buff enigma while ad it. also shako could use 5+skill more and 30 all atribute. :grin:


100% agreed with this
Its called DIVERSITY. Not everyone is supposed to be good at everything. Whats the point of having 7 classes that all do the same thing with different skins? Why isnt every league of legends character a tank, support, adc, ap carry, jungler or bruiser at the same time?

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yeah because buffing the worst playsstyle of the game is the same as buffing the most OP items in the game… great logic mate


The point hes making is that your suggestion is as ridiculous as his.
Hes being sarcastic


It’s not though. Spells / Casters already have AoE and dominate melee splash regardless. Currently barbs or zealers take forever to clear something. The melee not only requires you to have ample run walk speed to go up to them, but lack of splash means you are hitting 1 target at a time which is really inefficient.

Your argument would make sense if it was to a reasonable degree. Unfortunately, sorcs, hdins and casters just dominate vanilla D2 in a way that makes trying to farm with a Smiter or Zealer miserable. While these casters jerk around with Enigma and tele all over the map.

Keep those random features for your modded games, at least while they are not shut down, wich they should.

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I agree that zealers often take more time than most of the casters but it’s good in all locations and excels better than casters in certain situations. As for barb, I don’t think you played the right build. Mf barbs don’t use faster run walk but use enigma. Barb is quiet fast at mf runs and with “item find” skill, I often use barb over lightning sorc depending on the mf location. As someone who played almost all melee builds in Diablo 2 including kick sins, bear sorc, enchanted melee builds, etc… adding splash damage is too op and will require nerfing a lot of the melee skills.

and why should modded games be shut down?