No to Ploot, Yes to Melee Splash

This here is out of the league of Modern, now we need a 4th divide for the community called Custom apparently

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charm inventory doesn’t touch damage at all, that the entire premise of how it was designed… u dont add ANY charm space… u ONLY add non-charm space.

melee splash while it is a QOL DOES majorly affect balance for melee characters

for those not familar how it funtions

also… light sorc has the fastest char speed out of any character in the game

and werebear is one of the worst and slowest builds in the game,

and even melee splash cant fix that… so this thread was BS from the start.

i use melee splash in pod all the time… and yes its fun… but it belongs in mods not the OG games. becuase while its a nice QOL change its far to big a balance change.

things like charm inventory were specfially designed in a way to not touch balance.
loot filters obvoiusly dont touch balance.

but allowing your character to hit the targeted monster TWICE, and hit all ohter monsters near it once… thats a pretty freaking huge BALANCE change.

its not necessarily a bad idea overall, its indeed fun to play with, but its a MASSIVE change to balance, and that doesn’t fit here in D2:R

QOL changes only.

Charm inventory and melee splash are way too big of balance changes.

My chars would get way too strong with either of them.


this isn’t the thread to discuss charm inventory, but…, no it doesn’t, adding more non-charm space isnt a balance change because u cant do anything different than u could before…
the only “balance” change it does is buff the weaker non-used builds which is GOOD, as it gives more build variety in hell, by allowing them to use charm and pick up items, becuase those builds actually rely on charm to be viable in hell… where all the normal meta builds dont “need” charms it just makes them WAY more efficient.

without the added “non-charm” these builds would literally never be able to pick up gear.

and all the “meta” builds run 8 skillers and cube anyways… so again no balance change… all it does it allow them to pick up items.

and pvp isn’t changed you still cant use more than 4x10 of charms

all charm inventory does add “non-charm” space that cant charms don’t work in.
it doesn’t affect balance.

Found the… ahh I don’t want to get banned again.

Anyway, no to melee splash, that’s for mods, thanks.

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so having enigma/forti- lifetap gear. hoto/cta. shield full rev. + full charms in inventory just to name a few things. dosent Effect anything? because you could have all thos thing in cube right?

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No melee splash imo. Seems like too much of a change.
However, skill balance changes, very much including melee skills? Yes.
Timed Allocation would be nice though :stuck_out_tongue:

no it doesn’t… becuase in pvm it donest matter,

and pvp is always honor based anyways soo… what does it change?
you always had to trust people to not "use pots or sorb, or nk, it was always based on trust and good manners.

so you tell me “what does it change?”

also if your telling me you need more than 16 full rejuves… per run, then i highly question your ability to really be talking about anything balance related

you know that ther is pvp games wher you can use potions right? and FFA. so pre buff. buff agian buff. buff… yer it dosent change. i see. keep gear in inventory to switch to all matches. yer seams not to change anything.

Melee does need something. I didn’t really like melee splash though. It doesn’t make sense for your attacks to just hit everything nearby. They should just adjust some skills to maybe add splash where it makes sense.

One of the reasons this game dies off quickly for a lot of people is because of how limited the character options are. Farming is most of the game, and if you aren’t a sorc or paladin, you are just doing it slow.

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go watch the video i linked

Im just gonna spell it out loud. Are you dumb? How does charm inventory not boost charm space in PRACTICE when only occasions youd have inv full of charms is PVP or when you already have everything and dont need to loot anything(these 2 scenarios powercrep every single player thats not pvping or so rich he doesnt need to loot anything, read as 99.99% of players, since when you pvp your not looking to loot anyway and pvp is mostly done in separate games) AND on top of that it also adds more space in inventory for potions and/or possible swap gear. Time for a reality check my dude.

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I guess it depends on how you implement it. They could easily just add less spaces for charms. I don’t think it matters much just leaving it full size, but I’d say either remove 1 or 2 columns if they must. A cubes worth of space or a cube + 2 tomes worth.

Even if that is the case, this would still apply: on top of that it also adds more space in inventory for potions and/or possible swap gear.

And limiting charm space to less of what is maximum currently, then it would be a nerf, would everyone be OK with nerfing very endgame setups? Loosing attack rating on attack builds for example, which already need AR badly from charms especially if they want to compete in pvp vs certain builds.

I’ve played the game plenty with both. Potions aren’t really a worry end game. You fill your belt between runs and you often find more than enough potions from drops. For mid game though, yeah people load their inventory up. They also tend to have less charms at that point in the game though.

yes yes yes yes yes pls blizzard

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Dude. It literally would make my PvM chars stronger, by a lot. I don’t run with 4x10 charms, but if I could with no downside I would.

This is the very definition of a balance change.

Also to reiterate for the sake of the thread- melee splash is awful.


How many spaces do you fill with charms?

Usually torch/Anni and then 2-3 skillers on casters…on non casters I usually just throw a few SC at the bottom and run with lots of space.

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Seems like less than most players would end game.

I think I usually fill up to the point where I have 2 columns free. I would use the cube as an inventory but I often never find enough skill charms by the time I stop playing. I was never really big on trade. I do load up on resist/life charms too.

Still, I think it wouldn’t impact the game much if they had the charm inventory.