No Matt Uelmen for D4 :(

Don’t pre-order. That is all. Wait, and wait and wait. If it isn’t a diablo game, don’t buy it. Don’t be fished in by the title like we all were when diablo 3 was released.


i already cancel my classic wow sub and will dont buy d4
i`m very disappoint of d4 , i hope this crap of basic itemization and game improve

he said he is “uninvolved” right?
only perhaps because Blizzard has not asked him yet.

It’s still early into the production. They could still contact him about it. And they should. His music and atmospheric compositions are fantastic and are iconic to the Diablo series.

Blizzard, reach out to Matt Uelmen and ask him to compose Diablo 4’s soundtrack.


I don’t think D4’s soundtrack depends entirely on 1 person, though I am a major fan of Matt Uelmen’s work.

If they are ‘going back to dark’ with D4 or however they have marketed it, they better be aware that music is a huge part of the atmosphere. Here’s hoping the game has a soundtrack worthy of keeping on.

In D3 I basically put on some deep house and play away…which is a bit of a shame.

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Other threads asking for Matt Uelmen to compose Diablo 4’s soundtrack:

I think this is a really important aspect of the game and that Blizzard should reach out to Uelmen to ask him to work on Diablo 4’s soundtrack.


To be honest, I like all the soundtracks from Diablo series with D1 still being the best.


Uelmen was a huge part of breathing life into Diablo 2. If the great itemization was the brain of the game and the characters/atmosphere/story were the heart of the game, then Matt Uelmen was the spine of the game.

Take out of one of those, and there’s a good chance it will collapse.

I want to be optimistic about other composers, but Uelmen will always be #1. Kamil Orman-Janowski did a fantastic job with PoE’s soundtrack, so I am convinced there’s other great composers out there, just rare to find them.


It seems like a no-brainer that Blizzard should contact Matt Uelmen to ask him to compose the Diablo 4 soundtrack. He’s the one for the job.


Please don’t do orchestral. It always gives that sense of aloofness feeling, like not really connecting with you, detracting you from being immersed into the game environment. You need a Matt Uelmen replacement…

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The man needs to be involved in this. Even if not full time. Plus it would give team a good idea what makes diablo OST so fitting for this dark fantasy world. But I must say, new music is already shaping to be good.


Yeah, I saw a live stream with him not to long ago and he said he was busy with the new Torchlight game. I guess it’s not impossible he’ll become available before D4 release so maybe they could reach an agreement, get him to make a couple of songs but sadly I wouldn’t count on it. I really wish he was making the OST though. His music really gives the atmosphere a huge boost in D1 and D2. I’m still listening to his soundtracks while playing other games for example.

It was hard to hear the music while watching the streams of the D4 demo but from what I heard of it, it did sound promising though!

Cant blame blizzard for looking forward. But why not make some tunes with him? It doesnt have to be all tunes…

Gaming used to be an art form, now it’s just a money making machine…

That’s the difference.

I feel like the only games that have good music or more importantly, memorable music are indie developed 2D games in today’s age.

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Artists must fully embrace and love the project they work with. Uelmen followed the Schaefer brothers with Torchlight.
If his heart hesitates between the two, he will not fully use his creativity. It would be a disappointment to have an average music.

I rarely comment in forums but this statement is 100% true. I bought D3 thinking that Blizzard knew what fans loved about Diablo but they clearly don’t.

Necro a one year old thread?

Personally i have enjoyed all Diablo music so far… D4 i doubt will be any different.

I feel it is in spite, as with the death of Deckard Cain. The old team/ideas must burn to boost the self esteem of the current Blizzard.


Deckard will always find a way to save Tristram. His body left there… that’s it hopefully xD.