No main stat...(

Sorry, I should have specified the “re-sit.” That’s all English! Americans would say “re-take,” or “repeat.” Americans take a class. The English sit for a class. :slight_smile:

How have you got time to argue about semantics?
Shouldn’t you be publishing your crafting results?

Geez…testy… Actually, I am modifying some formulas so that they will provide useful information in the grand scheme, rather than just repeat the same information over and over for each bow. Standby.

Still standing by…
2020 is rapidly approaching.
Do you reckon you’ll publish in the same year you said you would?

[ EDIT ]
For some reason you made a completely new thread with the results…

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The reason being I wanted a topic about the results, not a topic rife with derailments about D4, and other useless retorts. But you found it, so there it is.

And those results, similar to my own results, proved that your claim of 8:1 ratio of VIT to DEX were not even close to being true, with the overall results of my 180 crafts and your 450 crafts being a ratio of approximately 0.9:1


And so what’s your point? Trying to keep that post count up? Waiting for someone to give you a pat on the back? Waiting for me to? Keep waiting.

It’s pretty obvious that not you or anyone else looked at the damn spreadsheet or read the summary, or you might have some opinion on crafting other than, “I’m right, you’re wrong, nah, nah, naaaahhhh!”

Infant. I’m done with you, dude.

My point was that your claim was feelings based nonsense.
My 180 crafts debunked your claim.
Your 450 crafts debunked your claim
Our combined 630 crafts debunked your claim.

I only looked at the portion of the spreadsheet that was relevant to your claim, i.e. how many of your 450 crafts had main stat, how many had vitality and the ratio between them. Everything else was irrelevant fluff that you added for your own amusement.

The reason I have the opinion that I was right and you were wrong is because my data, your data and our combined data proves I was right.

Ah, so you’re back to insulting me again because I disproved your claim.
That demonstrates admirably who’s being childish here.


So, you get emotionally motivated, make furious forum rants, get angry but you don’t get upset at all. This is why no-one believes your claims about statistical results. You base your threads on how you feel things are, rather than how things actually are.

This is why I tend to not believe the claims you make because, when we actually investigate them, not once have your claims been substantiated.

Next time you make such a claim, make it with your evidence so we can analyse it because “Trust me, it feels like it’s broken” is a really bad method for deciding if something’s actually broken or not.


I had missed this thread and read it all at once. Damn it was painful to read. Meteorblade: A+ for patience, well-deserved.

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My point was that you’ve said that over and over and over again in this thread, and you didn’t need to say it again. So my question was why? Why would you feel the need to say the same thing again and again when we already see the evidence of it, and I have already capitulated?

Also, I’m tired of you misquoting me to try and make me look like a fool. What really makes me angry about that, is the reading comprehension of others is so ridiculously horrible, that they don’t catch it. So let’s look at this one example.

The line that you quoted out of context is when I noted that I was “not upset at all.” And that was true. But I wasn’t talking about my emotional reaction to the horrible crafting results of the RNG in this game, I was talking about my emotional reaction to the fact that after a pretty exhaustive study by me and a swipe at it by you, that your initial conclusions based on your 90 crafts was confirmed. So be it. Why would I be upset by that? So no, I wasn’t upset at all.

But you took that completely out of context, ignored the fact that I was talking about two completely different topics, and tried to make it looked as if I was contradicting myself, which I wasn’t.

So I have to ask, what’s your point? Are you purposely trolling just trying to get your post count up so you can keep posting screenshots? Are you trying to bait me to make me become angry and point out that your behavior is that of a disaffected adolescent? Do you feel so insecure that you have to try to make others look foolish so that you won’t feel inferior? Or is your reading comprehension just as poor as everyone else’s, and you just can’t grasp what I’m trying to say?

Here’s the thing: I get the feeling that you’re very intelligent. I think that you try to bait people and get them wound up so that you can sit back and snicker at their reactions. I think you take quotes out of context to support your position because you (usually rightly) figure that no one else will catch it, or care. So when I call you names like, “infant,” and such, it’s not really all that personal, it means that I believe at that moment your behavior is infantile, and below the level at which I think your intellect would dictate.

So there’s that.

Please elaborate. Granted, Meteorblade was quite patient in waiting for the results, but what about it was so “painful?”

My point, is that you regularly post about how you feel RNG works. You get an unlucky streak of RNG, make angry posts about it and when other people point out how things actually work, you insult them for pointing out your feelings-based conclusion was wrong.

Just look at this thread as evidence. Your feelings made you think there was an 8:1 ratio of VIT to DEX on crafted weaponry. The actuality, however, was that it was around parity. A ratio of 1:1 is nowhere near 8:1. Your feelings led you to a conclusion that was 700% wrong. This is why people don’t take anything you say about statistics seriously because you base your claims on feelings rather than maths.

As for the quotes, you literally said you get emotional, furious and angry. That’s why you make these threads, i.e. you let your feelings overwhelm the fact that the maths / statistics do not support your conclusion.

When I point out, with maths, stats, evidence and facts, why your feelings-based claims aren’t true, you feel that’s baiting. Again, that’s your feelings colouring something that is purely me not wanting false claims on the forums to be uncontested.

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^^ You could try to be a little more friendly and sympathetic about it.