No changes from Part I?

As far as I can tell they made zero changes from Part I. Nothing to fix the piece of crap Wizard builds. Nothing to adjust the Godly Crusader builds. Nothing to really balance the classes, that was supposed to be the point of this PTR. Please tell me I’m missing something. Because if not, Blizzard has truly become totally clueless.



they want to balance but do the Cruzader finishing rift 150 solo.


I would have thought after running season 21’s final changes untested was such a disaster that they would have learned their lesson. That seems not to be the case…again.


Very strange , you really want to collect the feedback , make change and test them again , right. This isnt propper testing tbh …


There are abilities that have gone unused for years, abilities that require nothing more than damage amplification on Legendary items to be somewhat viable. There’s virtually no communication from Blizzard on anything; it took a long time but the lack of posts on this PTR forum from testers is indicative of the playerbase finally cluing in that their testing and feedback is largely ignored.

I thought this was going to be the big equalizing patch but it’s nothing, it’s practically nothing once again.


I am a bit surprized too that there was no changes to items from Phase 1 or even additional new changes… We’ve spoken out and emphasized on topics we belive that needs a little more help… Hmm… Does this mean what we see in Phase 1 is going to go live with S22??? Damn…


Blizzard is laughing at us …


The only explanation i can think of is they are planning item fixes right now as the data from season testing is being collected.

I would hate to think that I wasted hours testing and writing feedback for it to fall on deaf ears.

Pez and Rich, can you let us know what to expect?


So, do they filter all informations from part 1 and add patches later (which would not be that efficient, since we simulate the season start) or did we just waste our time?

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Balance in Diablo 3 has been utterly crap ever since the game began to revolve around pre-determined builds and sets. I thought they did that change to make the game easier to balance, and still they are worse at balancing than basically any random Diablo 3 player with at least some years of experience of the game. It’s like they don’t even try. Years and years of obvious imbalances that could easily be fixed by changing some simple numbers around, but nope.

Reason is probably because there is little to no money to make with this game. Blizzard used to be about making good games, and they would make tons of money due to the fact their games were great and everyone knew before buying that they would be great and continually supported. Ever since Activision came into the picture, though, it’s only about making efficient money, and using the Blizzard tag to achieve it.

Anyway, I think we all expected a patch since any random player knows that the current version needs it. I mean, what the heck, if they can’t even bother to change a number then that should tell you something.

But we’ll see, maybe it’ll come still, but if that’s the case then they need to work on their communication. Usually this billion dollar company can’t even be bothered to write a post on the internet.

Crossing my fingers still. No update = No Season 22 for me.

EDIT: It seems they did write some notes on the patch notes/blog section with red text. Doesn’t allow me to post a link. But it appears there are only some fixes and improvements, and no balance changes whatsoever. Blizzard…


really no changes so far what are they thinking the only build playable for wizard as lon is energy twister and is totally awfull and unplayable is really ridiculous, BLIZARD SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE YOU GUYS THINKING BE REAL CANNOT LEAVE THE WIZARD LIKE THAT ALL THE BUILDS ARE NOT TO PLAY NO DEFENSE NO DAMAGE PLAYABLIITY REALLY AWKWARD… argh sighs getting tired of this…


There were no planned changes from the initial rollout to adding the seasonal theme to test. It was release the PTR, then release the season theme, then make changes with a possibility of another PTR. Asking them to alter that isn’t really feasible considering only a few people at Blizzard are working on D3 anymore.


I think the only strange thing here is that you thought changes would happen before part 2 came out.

Those changes will not happen until the final patch notes are released per norm unless there is something game breaking mechanics wise.

This change is going to be swapping a 2pc and 4pc bonus around more than likely, so do you really need it to happen now?


DMO & Tals are both viable with the boosts to Twister. DMO Twister is testing better than LoD twister. There’s a niche frozen orb build that uses LoD that may be stronger than any other wizard build, but it requires high paragon.

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They want the focus to be seasonal theme. They saw the data and will adjust accordingly.

Don’t worry, the real 3 month PTR is coming up soon, aka the next season. Don’t believe me? Ask anyone who played a build that was tested in a PTR, had it go live in the season, enjoyed it, then saw it nerfed after the season.

They have been trying to balance this game for 8 years and are still miles away from any reasonable balance. Hopefully, we will get a reasonably balanced game when D4 is released, so we can get actual content updates instead of 8 years of beta testing.


It certainly would have been nice to see a short Blizzard post in the crusader thread at least acknowledging that Blizz had read it. Given the absence of such, I can only conclude that they have not.

Although my conclusion may be incorrect, one thing remains certain: Blizzard’s PR approach is downright horrible at this point. I actually find it offensive that people like you should go through all the math, planning, then posting only to not even receive a word of “we heard you” from the dev team.


True, communication is a problem since a few years and it doesnt seem to get any better in near future. i mean we test their sh*t for free and they don’t even listen, roughly said. and there are some ppl out there who really put alot of effort into their feedback. Still no communication


Rich replied on the top of General Forum. He should have spoken in the PTR Feedback forum because that’s we’re all checking.

This game would be better off if the devs placed most of their time into balance, new items and QoL instead of wasting time producing half-baked season themes that fizzle out in 3 months.

Investing 50%+ of patch development hours into the creation of Shadow Clones, when 70% of the items in this game are not impactful is foolish. Just like the last, this season theme is already buggy and precious dev time is being wasted by not addressing ‘the exciting stuff – the builds’. The 4th cube slot is fine, but Shadow Clones are gimmicky.

They must feel pressure to keep this grandiose season nonsense on their itinerary because of competing games. I truly believe if they revamped 100 items, it would bring a larger crowd than Shadow Clones.

They surveyed me in the past after Season 19, Eternal Conflict, and I told them I wanted new builds to play. I guess my feedback did not match the other submissions, or perhaps they disregarded it and did whatever they please.

I will reserve my judgements when the final patch notes arrive. Hopefully they don’t blow it and they nail the balance of the items THEY opted to edit. In the meantime, look at these notes and take inspiration from the past:

Most enjoyable D3 patches:

Patch 2.6.1 PTR Patch Notes - Diablo III (89 items changed)

Patch 2.6.4 PTR Preview - Diablo III (24 items changed)


This, exactly…!!