No Blizzconline, no word on S25, D2R servers are a mess

I read her story again last night it was sad to see what happened to her at Blizzard.
I saw how some on this forum attacked her personally for some of Blizzards decisions.
I tried to encourage her a few times when she would visit the Westmarch Workshop.

That kind of comes with the territory of being a public face for a company.

I was furious, gutted, heartbroken over the 2018 Blizzcon. I was even angrier that Blizzard went with “post one PR statement then say nothing”.

That was not her fault though so I did tell people to leave HER alone. Blame Blizzard. Do not attack Brandy.


I know its hard being a community manager for a popular franchise. I appreciate the work they do. It’s just that there is a disconnect between the people who create the content and the fans that play it.

It’s like the movie “Office Space”. Remember the scene where the Bobs are asking the guy what he actually does at his job? Why can’t the engineers just take the specs directly from the customers?" “BECAUSE THEY DON’T HAVE PEOPLE SKILLS!” He eventually got laid off of course. It’s about the time we took out the middle man and let the devs post on the forums again.


Well, let me be the first to attempt to remedy that…

Thank you, MissCheetah. I appreciate what you do here.


I will put $10.00 on your paypal account as long as you stop hitting me with the yardstick. :kiss:

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We can’t. We love cakes.

Give a piece to your cats!

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But such discipline is required at times.


I don’t have one! I also don’t have any public social media or any other fancy monetary accounts. I have paper checks still. I am not kidding. It is the only way to pay my small town water bill and also useful for the Lawn service.


That is by far my favorite scene in that classic movie! The looks on their faces when he loses it is priceless.

I know it’s just a silly movie, but his job was basically a Product Manager, which can be a valuable job to have someone in between the developers/engineers and customers. Customers can often have very unrealistic expectations and you need someone to bring them back down to earth. On the other side, you need someone who can turn the angry customer ranting into useful feedback for engineers. So there is a little truth in the “i have people skills” stuff. But that guy in the movie was obviously useless.

Not that any of this relates to blizzard of course. I just really love that movie, and the longer I’ve spent in corporate jobs, the better that movie gets.

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I got one you can send me the $10.

To the real workers who deserve cake and i’m afraid i go by £ so it would have to be £10.

I love cake.
And the new plastic money. Which IS waterproof btw.

Everyone in the Diablo community loves cake.

:moon_cake: :moon_cake: :moon_cake:
:confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:

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at this moment " droppin by to let you know we’re reading your posts and tell you when there’s news" is not gonna satisfy. a month ago that wouldve suffice.

i’m checking the forums to see patchnotes/season announcement and less will not do.

-making a couple of new chars to pass the time till ptr. inna monk and firebird sorc.

the weather here is not too good, and theres rumors we’ll be on lockdown till christmas - so no concerts, cinema, restaurants etc. This is the best time to play the new season. Sadly i have to wait and play season 24 untill blizz remember they have another diablo game with eager players.

Best I can do is you in the Brawling Grounds on a Crusader using Steed Charge to dodge Storm Armor and Lightning Storm casts from my wizard while there’s a Witch Doctor nearby casting Piranhas.

As for the supermodel, I think you’re on your own for that. Unless… I can interest you in a certain red-headed barbarian?

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Hey! You leave Olga out of this. She’s mine!

Welcome back to Sanctuary, my cake! You’re so sweet!

Oh, great. Now I’m going to be thinking about Gina Carano as Red Sonja or Xena all day.


While knowing D2R has already made millions.

I have skeletons hanging from a pillar atm btw.

It is pretty pathetic that a Billion dollar profit company can’t take the time to keep their fans updated with what is going on in their current games. It is especially dumbfounding that they have pretty much no communication going on with their fan base when they have some current new releases (D2R) and a bunch of new titles they want us to dump their money into (D4, D:I, OW2, etc). They are losing fans (and all those tasty $ Acti-Blizz seems to like) left and right. Hopefully, they can figure this out.

Thanks a ton for doing this. You do a lot for the community with no reward.