No Blizzconline, no word on S25, D2R servers are a mess

Is anyone surprised anymore or are you starting to get concerned? If the CMs ever come back to the D3 forum what news would you like to know. I know they are trying to put out the D2R fires, so it might be a wile.

“One more thing we wanted to make clear: even though we aren’t holding BlizzConline in February, we’ll still be making announcements and updates for our games. We’re proud of our teams and the progress they’ve made across our games. We have a lot of exciting upcoming news and releases to share with you. :point_left: You’ll continue hearing about those through our franchise channels, with the talented people on the BlizzCon team playing a part in supporting these efforts.”


I’m surprised, yet not surprised. Honestly I’ve been pretty numb to most “bad news” pertaining to Blizzard for the last year or two.

That said, until news of a cancellation or such emerges, I’ll continue to wait and look forward to Diablo 4.

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D2R servers a mess?

That has not been my experience. I log in, sometimes queue time, and sometimes not.
Gameplay has been solid: no crashing, no lag; no problem. Today alone I remained ingame (online) for roughly 8 hours… No issues encountered.

So define the mess? What are you experiencing? O.o

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I picture myself riding a unicorn to get to the beach to rescue a supermodel from a shark attack avoiding multiple lightning strikes whilst buying a winning lottery ticket and I marry the supermodel…

Not sure which is more likely.


If they come back I would like to know how a workday/week looks like for a CM.
It sounds like the easiest job and they still mess it up, even when they have more manpower…

They promised more transparency. How difficult is it to post a quick message on the forums telling us why there is no news yet about s25. That cannot take more than 5 minutes work.

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So why constantly make thread after thread about it!?
Peace :smiley:

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It’s like you intentionally put your house on fire (you choose to do a remaster instead of a remake) and then you seek water to stop the fire. Man, I wrote years ago making anything besides a remake of D2 is an idiotic decision. Should I take the plane to USA when the visas drop in my country to start telling these folks the ABC in person of what they should do next?

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It’s certainly no wonder with the massive brain drain they have experienced in the last year or so. Corporate memory is probably very much diminished.

I am uncertain if they institutionalized much of anything concerning how to run the operation. Tribal knowledge is not a good practice. It’s not like they are a AS9100 organized company. So chaos might reign for a spell as they learn how to do things again.

They certainly are still in a re-branding phases at the moment. At this moment I’m not certain what this will look like.

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I see the D2 fanboys are visiting. I guess they have nothing better to do but defend their game since they can’t play it, stuck in queue.


They don’t post there except the rare patch notes or scripted update. The CMs do not seem to actually engage the community at all. I see that when things hit the fan, but this team does not really engage even when things are not hitting the fan.

So no, they are not busy with D2R posts, that is for sure. They pretty much leave me to handle it, like normal.

:woozy_face: :angry: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Of course I don’t HAVE to. That is my choice. I just think players deserve some sort of engagement and info when it can be offered.


Do we still have the 3 CMs?

The check is in a mail.

You do a very good job. You are very even tempered, unlike others. (like me)

Also your game knowledge is right up there.


I would make you a coffee if i could and only you as Vizzard don’t seem to care.

It would be cool if blizz hired pr reps with good communication skills.

Yeah, that would be nice. I need to get off my butt and go put the real life coffee on. Cats would probably like to be fed too. heh

There are more than that on the team I think - for the Diablo franchise. I don’t think all are public facing though - only the 3 who were introduced to us. Check the credits of D2R. I think the Community team is listed there.

And to think, Brandy handled it alone for a LONG time. I think she had someone in a mgt role around but that was it.


Rest assured, you are appreciated for doing so.


I only just stopped cats pooping in my play area. They love to be fed though yes that’s a good idea.

I don’t think it is that they suck at that. I am sure they can all do that. I think they just have a different idea of what being a Community manager is about. Instead of engaging with the Community, setting tone, interacting, etc. They seem to do PR and publishing instead.

I would guess the disconnect is at the tasking and management level somewhere. As in, Blizz has a different idea of what a Community Manager does than other game companies.

I would do a lot to have a Bex that was allowed to be an engaged Bex.

I got a “thank you” yesterday which was rare. Someone needed help navigating the ticket system. Of course I did. All good. They actually followed up.

Mostly people see green and vent frustrations. They assume green means you think Blizzard walks on water, which is the farthest from the truth. I just don’t pitch a tantrum and spew profanity like an an out of control lawn sprinkler. I can be very unhappy with a situation and critical of it, while being a decent adult. I get a lot of pretty vile threats and insults, esp with the Database/online issues with D2R right now. I got threats of disfiguring violence, sexual comments, etc. for posting a time conversion table. That was it. A time conversion table to answer a question. Moderation is terrible for whatever reasons. Lack of reporting, lack of staffing, whatever. Even worse on EU where really vile things stay up for days until someone finds me and I use one of my favors to report it privately.

Cats are now sated. Kettle is hot. Progress.


Your lucky you got threatened before it happened tbh usually that means a person is talking poop. Anyway i know you work hard on this forum. And glad your cats are ok. I got vile abuse on another game myself just because my character was more powerful than theirs and apparently i made them leave. They like… you know who i am bla bla blaaah! I was like no, don’t care do what you want i bn stabbed n all sorts so i doubt you can damage me further unless you merk me off. I’ll stay my beautiful self until that day!
To be honest with each chunk of me missing has made me an even better person. They are still trying to get their apps on my phone to this day.

Every time a CM does make an appearance, everyone immediately jumps and piles on as much hate as they possibly can as quickly as possible.

I think people forget, its still another human being on the other end. A person who has literally no say in pretty much everything everyone complains about.

Would you want that job?

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