No Blizzcon this year

“we will soon share some exciting plans for other industry trade shows and conventions like Gamescom.”


Darn. Was hoping for a D:I2 announcement.

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Somewhat sensible decision if they have nothing else major to announce this year besides the next WoW and D4 expansions.

Oh great. I can read a book instead of reading forums getting enraged over Blizzard’s silly mistakes this time. They still need to consider the balance decisions on Overwatch, now they have decided they want e-sports scene back, and Diablo 4 is nowhere near where they wanted it to be. WoW is getting another expansion and story getting more diluted into another dark force appearing with each release. All the while smaller series are getting buried and ignored inbetween, such as Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. Considering those, holding Blizzcon this year would be opening a can of worms at the shore when fish was still hungry.


Neither of those are exciting in the slightest

(Insert homer simpson backing up into bush gif here)

Maybe they brought Jay Wilson back to be Director on this one. “We took the P2W microtransactions and we double them!”


comrepentance . c o m(is a teaser=P)

comrepentance . c o m(is a teaser=P) ##

D-IV:R, where the only difference is you can zoom in all the way on your characters and see the skins you’ve bought in full 4K glory. Also, customizable body types.

The DI announcement was gold… sadly more entertaining and memorable than any Blizzard game released in recent years.


In other word, “we got nothing substantial” and/or “we ain’t paying our staff enough for them to talk in front of our customers and get booed due to lack of substantial content to present”… but they may have a vague teaser to show at a non-Blizzard event.

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DI2 would be to much godlyness to handle…


Indeed. What are they going to talk about in this year? Their 3 recent games are F2P with MTX which is clearly something they know won’t resonate well with Blizzcon audiences, even if it was played by millions out there.

At least last time they had SC2 and HoTS Esport tourney to fill the Blizzcon contents.

D4 Expansion reveals alone isn’t enough to carry the entire Blizzcon either. Plus, it wasn’t really cheap to organize an event like Blizzcon too.

It is kinda funny that they still release new games but it somewhat it is just not a Blizzcon material. So we can’t say that they didn’t make a new game either :laughing:

Dear Devs, Diablo 3 still requires a balance patch and we look forward to releasing Pacth 2.7.8 before S32.