New Trailer - Same Models

Where did i judge? It is a historical fact. Again: try the history book. It is good.

That is not my mindset. Your argument falls apart the second you spend a thought on it.

And just to add to it. it is again assuming the victim role. Exactly what EbolaCarcen has said before is the problem: people falsely claiming the victim role. Do not do it. Find proper arguments.

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There certainly have been intolerable levels of unreasonableness throughout the entire human history, even today.
Only I am not the perpetrator of said unreasonableness.
Only video games are usually a safe place, a form of escapism from whatever unreasonableness people put up with daily.
Only no, no living person has experienced something for “centuries”, as there are very few people who live longer than 100 years.

Yes… by the new models. What were the reasons for those new models again? Because the old one were not “diverse”, “realistic” and “respectful” enough?

Or maybe you should?

How is she more interesting?

For all you know, all the rogue corpses you find in Act 1 are that of disabled, blind and deaf rogues, that were easy pickings for the demonic forces.

Oh, you mean playable character? My character is already deaf when I turn off the in-game sound. Wanna play a blind character? Turn off the monitor!
Wanna play a disabled character? Log into D3 and play the weekly challenge mod every week with the dumbest build imaginable!

Those are things you can roleplay all you want.

Overwatch is that way, good sir =>
And I find it funny how the announcements, that this or that character is gay always came after some scandal or controversy as a little more than diversion than anything else.

No, I’m actually laughing in my chair, but thanks for asking. You have truly made my night :stuck_out_tongue:

Considering, that I only like select, few games, despite having played over a hundred titles… no, most things are not for me.

Why should everybody else be the victim? Why can’t I be the victim?

LoL… you gave me nothing.

You refused to concede points I was clearly right on. You and others in this thread acted disgustingly prior to the mods interfering with implied or straight up insults and accusations.
You don’t give a crap about the lore, the art, inspirations for said art, the studio, the history between Blizzard North and Blizzard South and anything I brought up. To you, those things belong “back in the 90s”.

For you it’s about “representation”, “gay, disabled characters”, “respectful and realistic” depictions of women… as to how the original depiction of the Amazon is unrealistic and/or disrespectful is quite frankly beyond me, but the moment I speculated I got called sexist…
again… and a bully…

I highly doubt anything would come from that, likely because the decision is already made… probably on a level above that of the devs anyways…

I guess to be allowed to discuss the matter further, regardless of outcome? Kinda like what you’re doing.


Hi there, Sinured.
You have an interesting take, so I hope you would allow me to make this connection or… analogy.

I’ve seen the exact same mind in video games. If a character, a race or a class is overpowered, it eventually gets nerfed.
However, there are certainly players, who are in no way concerned with true balance.
Instead, they are concerned with what I would call revanchism.

They demand, that said race, character or class gets nerfed to the ground to the point it’s unplayable… and for it to stay that way for a while as a form of punishment…

And that’s what they get from companies and corporations… revanchism in one form or another.
True Balance be damned.

And Blizzard, even in game balancing are notorious for what I would call PR nerfs. Not to bring something back in line with the rest the things, so it remains a viable option. Nah, they nerf something to the point they destroy or erase it.

Food for thought…

2:42 AM here, so I’ll retire for the night. Have a good one!


When you judge others based on their appeareance you are.

Yes, but for everybody. And you are actively trying to shut people out.

I never spoke about individuals, but about the societies in general. You seem to have a hard time with abstraction, should we maybe focus back on the game?

They are new by definition. Because there were no 3d models before. That is the reason for having new models.

Which part? Or are you just trying to retort with no actual substance?

Scroll up. I wrote it already. Its getting boring having to repeat everything 20 times for you.

Yes, you clearly do not see the argument and think it is all a big joke. Very mature.

Oh really? How many examples of gay characters do you have? Since you are using the word “always”, there seems to be plenty cases.
And what was the scandal again? Enlighten me.

What does that have to do with anything?

Because you are not. Remember, you are the one sitting in his chair laughing. From what i know about bully-victim situations, it is usually the bully who is laughing.

Also it is not a game where you are taking turns. The problem with bullying is that it is usually the same people being bullies over and over again.

Not quite. I am a fan of blizzard north from the very first moment. I have followed every of their games and played them to great avail. I love their art and their gameplay vision. But that does not make me a blind dogmatic follower. It does not prevent me from learning new stuff. And you bringing that lazy argument over and over does not make it any better.
We all are here because we are fans of diablo. Get that into your head already. It is really, really annoying to constantly having to read that ridiculous claim.

I maintain that i never insulted you. You are again playing the victim card, yet you are the one sluring insults out.
Nobody expects you to concede your points. But you should put them in perspective. You are one person, not the majority. You are one fan amongst many (including us) and everytime i provided you a link or a number, you have ignored it. So you are refusing to learn more.

I literally marked it as a planned overexagerration, now you claim it is my argument. Top marks for reading comprehension.

Which does not make it any more respectful.

Because calling women or female characters names based on their appearance is sexist and being a bully.
Why do we even have to debate this? Are you having a different dictionary or something?

Bullying is a subcategory of aggressive behavior characterized by the following three criteria: (1) hostile intent, (2) imbalance of power, and (3) repetition over a period of time.

  1. aggressive: you call them hags, ungodly, ugly and many more words. All can be considered aggressive choices (as opposed to e.g. “old”)
  2. you perceive yourself as the majority and act as a gatekeeper to the community
  3. repeated: you can count yourself, i will leave a checkmark here

Regarding 2:

One essential prerequisite is the perception (by the bully or by others) of an imbalance of physical or social power.

So much for semantics. I find you guilty in all 3 counts of being a bully. You can check them yourself.

So why are you still posting?
Why have you not refunded? What is your goal? I do not get it.
You are posting for ~3 weeks now. And you are saying that you do not even expect them to change anything? Are you insane?

I’d love to discuss with you. But for a discussion you need to acknowledge the other side. So far i have been called many things by you, but not an equal partner in a discussion. Let’s start with that, then we can discuss. I tried a couple of times, even reaching you a hand at the very start, you did not want it.

Your comparison of racism with balancing in a video game shows that you have literally no idea what racism is.
Nobody in their right mind who has endured racism would make that comparison. It is far too much of an important topic to be mashed up like that.

In a video game, you have the choice to play a different character. In real life you do not!
I asked you before to pick up a history book. Since you refuse to do that, go to your mother or grandmother. Ask them when they were allowed to vote and what it meant for them. Then you get an idea of what things that you think are self-evident are not so self-evident to others because of social injustice.

Jay was a donkey’s behind in that instance. I like Dave. I am glad the team talked him out of a turn based RPG and into an ARPG. That was revolutionary for the time. He is a good person who has gone on to make some interesting games. Nothing that was quite as big as D2. I wish him well and It Lurks Below seems to be a great little niche game. He is someone I would love to chat with someday.

I have respect for everyone (that I have knowledge of), who has worked for Blizz and eventually moved on. Excited to see what most do.

With one exception. I made the mistake of following him on Twitter thinking, naively, that he was an interesting person I could learn from. I was wrong. Very wrong.

Yes - and announced it on Twitter that he was full GG. But that was something I found out much later when I did research to try to explain some confusing statements I saw. Then I read a bit more - the trail of disaster in new companies, the bus, the lies, the attention screeds, etc. He has a select audience and they love belly buttons just like him. Makes me want to comment about his gaze, but he really means bare bellies.

There are good arguments for art critique, citing him is the opposite of helpful though. It undermines anything valid someone might want to do.

P.S. I am behind on the thread because, fireworks, family, friends, and a new WoW patch so likely did not address everyone. Just a few tiny things.

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Good morning.

That’s the problem with your world view. Abstractions, generalizations and very few specifics.

If me asking for the original character appearances is what prevents people from enjoying the game and is shutting them out, that means they weren’t big fans of the original game in the first place. It also means, that you’re obsessed with your idea of social justice (your words, not mine).

One of my best times playing Diablo were in D1 as a Sorcerer and in D3 as a WD. Not even once did the though of “the character does not represent me, because his race is different than mine” crossed my mind.

Completely nonsensical and irrelevant. You can have 3D models that are more or less faithful recreations of the originals. We don’t for what are… outside of the game reasons…

No. I literally meant, that you are the one, who should open a history book and learn, that not every “straight, white male” fits your idea of a “straight, white male”, that the idea of having “advantage, privilege” and things like that does not translate into reality in many parts of the world… that some white countries are not “colonizers”, but rather have been on the receiving end of slavery and subjugation, much more brutal and bloody than… let’s say black people have experienced in America…
And for all the bad, at least the descendants of black slaves at least get to live in the US, a nation which, regardless of all it’s problems, still remains a superpower to this day;
while many white folks that have had nothing to do with whatever harm different ethnic groups have endured across the world, get to live in the poorest countries of the EU…

You can get called a racist without ever mistreating a member of a different race or a minority group in your life, because you can dare to bring up arguments against changes to video games from aesthetic and gamer perspective…

But of course, that doesn’t matter, right. Whatever doesn’t align with your way of thinking doesn’t matter.

I never met my grandmothers, both passed away before I was even born.
My mother died when I was in 5th grade. Interestingly enough, that’s probably the main thing that got me into gaming.
So no, I can’t exactly sit and read a history book with them.

I’m pretty sure when my mother was born back in 1963, women already had the right to vote in my country.
According to a simple goodle search, women were allowed to vote in the US back in 1920, and women in my country were allowed to vote back in 1938… on condition that they are married, divorced or widows…
That crap gets removed in 1947. One of the few positive influences of marxism.

And yes, I find it particularly laughable, that many of the ideas for social justice or

originate from marxism. And while a broken clock can be right twice a day, many in the west are happy to profess how awesome many aspects of those ideologies are, without having lived in an ex-communist country.
Even in a state of self hatred, you maintain the feeling of western exceptionalism, believing you can be better at marxism and communism than the marxists and the communists themselves :rofl:

Oh, I got the idea… from you. Every white male is the same, right.
You should dedicate your life to fighting “social injustices”, who cares if you love a video game and wanna preserve it…

And onto the question, by a fellow poster in another thread:

Why is the amazon so ungodly ugly?
why aren’t women allowed to be beautiful anymore?

The answer is:

Meanwhile in Overwatch, a game for less mature audience than Diablo, the female characters can be sex symbols, no problem… aside from this one poster, who complained that Tracer had this victory pose with her back turned towards the camera… and that backfired spectacularly…


Hey there friend. Pretty please get enough sleep. Your job and real life come before a video game debate.

I hope work is going well this week.


Why not, indeed! As I said in the previous thread, that was deleted, the so-called “older” versions of the heroes are better.

Why? Because more experienced, battle-hardened warriors are a better choice to stand up against the denizens of hell, that’s why. Not some squishy beauty queen…

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Why not turn them into mech warriors? Those are even stronger.


I truly appreciate the concern. Even though it’s Monday, I have a day off… not sure as to why, likely compensation for overtime.

I truly do. However, I have my doubts.

I’d like to share an interesting story, and get your perspective. One of several things I do on my work place is operating a forklift.

This Friday couple of my bosses (that of my particular department and the 2nd in command of the facility itself) appear and ask me as to… why am I pushing people and vehicles with the forklift…

It sounds crazy and absurd… because it is. I told them, that nothing like that has ever occurred, encouraged them to ask people around if something like that has transpired, and also to present the person who accused me of something of such a serious nature.
I also pointed out, that event like that would be… well, eventful… a scandal would erupt, likely a verbal or a physical fight would happen and it’s not something me or people around me would not notice.
After asking people nearby, they calmed down, they laughed and left.

I’m unaware of the circumstances, but I believe this happened in another facility, on the other side of town… and my bosses were too distraught to listen to whatever message or report they received in it’s entirety, and rushed to see what the hell is… supposedly going on.

Their… eagerness to believe that nonsense is what made me worried about my job security…

I wish, I truly wish I was as privileged as some people might think I am…

Just a day on the job… a nice, out of season April Fools joke… on my expense.
:innocent: :sweat_smile:


Because that is not inline with Diablo II mythology?

Your workplace sounds challenging - and often personal. Glad your bosses realized you were not the one engaging in dangerous fork lift activities. Honestly, I have run forklifts. They are slow and easy to avoid. The story sounds odd to begin with.

Just keep doing things right and doing your job well. Document everything even if it means you keep a journal at home. I realize your country is very different though. Eastern EU is not quite the same as Western EU or the US.

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It can be.

I couldn’t say. So far I’ve been treated right and with respect… but this particular situation sadly reminded me, that my bosses are not my friends, despite of how friendly they might act.

It’s bizarre…

Not that different… I mean, we are civilized… the facility has cameras… and again, surely something like that would not go unnoticed…

And just for the lolz, I’d like to state, that I’m writing this from the comfort of my own home and not from jail :stuck_out_tongue:

Even better. I share such information with friends, both IRL and online ones.
Tomorrow I’ll ask around on the job as to what has transpired in the other facility… whether it was an accident, or someone legitimately went nuts and used the vehicle as some sort of weapon.

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Either is Charsi being an old lady


Ok, since you brought it up. Or mentioned Chasi specifically, in this instance.

Let’s go realistic, and think if this in an hypothetical I.R.L situation:

You go to a blacksmith (or some other craftsperson) to have something forged or repaired for you. Would you prefer that a young person, barely out of apprenticeship with little experience work on your item, or would you prefer to have the older, more experienced craft master do it for you?

It is a perfectly legitimate concern, really.

Whether it be the looks of the NPCs or the heroes themselves, when it comes to the role-playing aspect of Diablo, I support Blizzard and Vicarious Visions’ choices regarding the character models of Diablo II Resurrected. Why? Because even though it is fantasy from the ground up, it adds a new unique level of realism that we never had before.

And that is what ARPG games are all about — Being a fantasy presented in as a realistic as possible manner.


Charsi has the voice of a mid 20s woman at the oldest end. Making her old is lore breaking. So why not add mech warriors so mech warrior fans will be happy too?


I know people in theirs late 50’s who sound like people half their age, and I know people in their late 20’s who sound like they’re in their 60’s.

The sound of the voice is not relevant. The world (both D2 Fantasy and I.R.L) is a very large and diverse place. Deal with it.


Oh stop, she isn’t 50


people can deduce all sort of things quite accurately from just the sound of the voice. Height, ethnicity, even sexual orientation (think it was something around 75%, i will look the paper up when i get home from work) and age. Its a factor like smelling.

here an excerpt from “Making age assesments based on voice” from Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology:



Several studies have shown that substantial vocal changes
occur during menopause (Amir & Biron - Shental, 2004; Schneider, van Trotsenburg,
Hanke, Bigenzahn, & Huber, 2004) which may be the proximate reason as to why raters
could accurately discern females’ age at that time. Additionally, our
findings also revealed that raters were more accurate in estimating the ages of female speakers who were in the 23-34 age group as compared to males, suggesting that there is also sensitivity to female voices for not only developmental stages of declining reproductive viability, but also for detecting heightened reproductive/fertile year.

(page 301)


Fix amazon’s face asap, ty