I actually hope they are binded. I know it is not what some ppl want.
Everyone cant get the build they hope for, that is just fact.
In my opinion a TR/SW would be a fun build.( if they can make it work, better then TR LOD or sunwoko)
But in the long run i do not really care, THE ONLY important factor is that set do not buff Wol in any way. And that hopefully, i think/feel that it is a fun & powerful build.
Holding my breath, until final patch notes.
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A lot of good ideas in this thread. I’ll be testing some of your ideas when the patch goes live, but I’m more of a DH main so I might do things wrong.
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I’m a fan of tempest rush, and am looking forward to giving this set a go, now that TR is actually useful in the build.
It seems that the sweeping wind damage and the TR damage will be pretty even, and together will be about 50-60% of WOL, but flurry should hit pretty hard if you can build up stacks.
It would seem the best build is going to use RORG with a Mantle of Channeling and Aquilas, the better rolled one worn the only in the cube. Kyroshiros belt and
Cesar’s bracers.
It’s a shame that Rabid Strike doesn’t proc on TR, since you do teleport with Epiphany active. So would the best weapons be Vengeful Wind and Azurewrath for the extra cold damage, maybe Crystal Fist for some extra defense?
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Utar’s Roar is a craftable Axe that rolls with Cold damage.
Why not istvans pair blades?
Yeah, they are a good option, but you cant have both of them, balance & SW blade.
So you will miss the dmg multiplyer from one of them
SW damage will still be basically irrelevant so this is not really a problem. Unlike SWK, this set doesn’t require SW stacks for damage, only that the ability is active. As a result, there is no reason to run VW for this.
The only version of the first iteration of this set to clear over 110 on the PTR used Shenlongs. With the set buffing all damage and the abysmally small multipliers for SW damage on the few existing SW legendaries, there is no reason to devote any item slots or gear rolls for SW damage.
I can’t see any TR centric variant of this set doing better than LoD or SWK TR, honestly. Very disappointed to see what is likely to be our last set turn into a carbon copy of SWK, but restricted to the worst skill SWK buffs.
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VW does interact nicely with the PoJ 2 piece though, going from 15% movement to 65% movement speed bonus is not insignifcant.
I completely agree that SW legendaries need a rework along with something new. Kyoshiro’s Soul need a bigger multiplier and it needs to be a part of the legendary affix. Eye of the Storm needs to be redesigned, it is basically useless. VW needs a bigger legendary buff and they need to ensure SW stacks are correctly applying to SW damage (I saw on a different thread that stacks past 3 weren’t correctly getting calculated for SW damage but that may be old info and could have been fixed already). Cesar’s needs to be modified to a TR buff for a duration after a blind, stun or freeze hits a target instead of applying only to enemies who are blind, stunned or frozen. Hexing Pants needs a bigger multiplicative damage modifier instead of it’s current additive bonus (and WW Barbs might get use out of Hexing Pants with such a change). TR needs better multipliers in general if it will ever leave the kiddie table to sit with the adults (WoL). TR gets Balance, Cesar’s MoC and Hexing. WoL gets Torch, Kyoshiro’s, Pinto’s and Tzo Krin’s plys has incredible AoE to clear screens.
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That would be nice.
If they made it so Balance, Cesar’s, VW, Kyroshiros belt, and Eye of the Storm all applied to both Tempest Rush and Sweeping Wind the damage may be pretty close to WoL, but the AOE isn’t going to be close, unless SW gets really big with the new set.
What would be nice for a remake of Eye of the Storm is to drastically increase the proc of cyclones from SW and to have them orbit you, as if you were the “Eye of the Storm”. The damage buff from EotS needs to be bigger and it needs to proc off SW hitting multiple targets, not a single target. Then they can just play around with the numbers to get something viable. If the cyclones get all of the buffs in such a build (VW, stacks of SW, EotS, PoJ 6 piece, Kyoshiro’s Soul, MoC), that could be a fair amount of AoE (also depending on the size of SW from PoJ 6 piece).
Yeah, that would be cool.
Truly making you “the Eye of the storm”.
Love that idea
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The current remake just shows how pathetic /limited devs knowledge on game mechanics/synergy. I didnt even bother include EoS in any of my theorycraft builds on PTR.
What it should do is buff straight SW damage w/o target limitation. The item encourages lightning version, it self is a restriction / balance. To make it more strategic / interesting, i d like seen the item provides SW damage per target hits. Encouraging / challenging player ability to group up mobs. Some thing i found from my TR/SW on PTR was the grouping mobs was extremely interactive and fun. It could be due to my extended zmk/zbarb experiences (combined 5.5k+ hrs) .
I d love to invest more hours into TR/SW and step back from META groups next patch.
EDIT: After some D3p… yeah SW is irrelevant. Will edit this reply.
Shenlong Gen version cleared significantly higher than TR version largely because no one really pushed high. I cleared 100 on PTR, discouraged by the ping going for 110+ pushes although fully capable. I believe theres a China monk that overlapped his 110 TR/SW clear with a LoD WOL in the 120s.
Due to PTR not accessible, i ll link another post that screen shot my 100 clr on PTR:
This was the 2nd draft. With the current buffs, i will push this hybrid to full limit, hopefully lands in high 120s to low 130.
Well remember that in the 1st PTR patch, PoJ ONLY buffed SW, so using Shen Long’s was one of the few ways to buff SW since it lacks supporting legendary items. TR in that build did next to no damage without the 6 piece set bonus. Now that the set buffs TR (and everything) it will make sense to use TR as a damage dealer. Balance (cubed), Cesar’s, Mantle of Channeling and Hexing Pants (one cubed and RoRG in the cube) is not insignificant. It still could use some love to get up to WoL level of dps, but it should be pretty good.
Guess we will 2 skills giving around 100b dmg (wild guess) per hit.
Due to hitting more per sec then just wol, i guess this build wont be far behind a wol build
one other open question might be which gem to use. usually i’d say taeguk (spelling might be wrong) but its buff looks poor to me. and if really sw will deal that much dmg. another problem is that sw would be lightning rune to use, tr would be cold rune for pushes. so what to do with this? should we use cold rune to wind since we get all runes and dmg is selected by rune? and what about eos? i really would never use it the way it is now.
wol has supporting items that can be used, tr and sw with that set don’t. how to wear moc, eos, hexing, cesars, kyo, wind, balance, … and the set?
wol does 20 trio per hit on fire coe…
Ahh, true, did not think that trough…
Well i guess we will see, when it goes live.
Hope the pach notes comes soon…