New monitor causing issues?

  1. Yes, i downloaded the monitor drivers using the same link.
  2. I’ll get the network adapter card info and share shortly…
  3. Regarding the region… i just tried connecting to Asia regions and noted that the ping rate is much better… BUT, i completely lost the Babarian character that i was using when playing USA region! now its a old Babarian character that i used years ago when i was playing D3! How can i transfer my latest character over pls?

You can’t. Characters are region locked. What happens on say US realm, stays there. Same goes for the others.

Good news is that nothing is ever deleted at least.

What he said…

I’m afraid you can’t transfer characters between regions. They’re separate. Also, your achievements and seasonal progress are also separate as well.

If you are intending to play in Seasonal mode, just switch to the Asia region. You’re starting fresh anyway so you might as well enjoy lower ping times. :slight_smile:

OMG… so much efforts put in my character… all gone… of course its nowhere near you seasoned guys… but its still a level 70/121 Babarian character…

btw am i able to post picture here? i took a snapshot of my network card list info…

To post a picture, put the link to it here (it has to be a place like imgur or photobucket, etc.) and then highlight the link text and click the </> button at the top of the editor window to make it so it is a non-clickable text link. That will allow you to post the link so we can see the picture.

Example link using the method described above:

As for the 70/121, I assume you mean Paragon 121. That’s suuuuuuuuuuper easy to get now. Power creep has made the game much, much faster in early paragon levels. Once you are geared enough to hit Torment 1 or 2, paragon levels start coming in faster, and once you get a set going, they fly in for the first couple hundred levels.

OK… not an IT expert, probably will take too much time to figure that out…
the description for the network adapater is
Realtek 8822CE Wireless LAN 802.11ac PCI-E NIC

Yeah, unfortunately, people can get 800 Paragon at the season start in less than 1 day. Sad.

AC, so 300MB potential card. And I find ACs to be glitchy sometimes. I take it though this was a new card with your new system correct? I see it also doubles a bluetooth wireless card too.

And you hadn’t answered us yet, do you have the ability to go hardwired with a cable to see if that improves anything?

Chen, is your system a Lenovo V540?

Isn’t that a 24" all-in-one?

It is, but I’m just asking to make sure it is or isn’t that system. It’s the primary system that particular NIC is used in. Many AIOs can allow external displays to be used (which is another variable if this system is in fact an AIO).

I think it may be in a few different Lenovo’s but yeah they use it. Asus has it too, and he mentioned ROG above.

Pre-built Asus tower?

Ah yes, ROG, so not an AIO.

If it is a prebuilt tower, the model # on that would definitely help.

Probably one of these:

Well, similar. Not that one.

More like this one.|L|BrandProduct|electronics|computers-_-pla-_-s|dc_41627636626_pla-911473037003__E306583-000-000_&mkwid=s|dc_pcrid_41627636626_911473037003_pkw__pmt__productid_E306583-000-000&gclid=CjwKCAjwq832BRA5EiwACvCWscRmLILfHtLXC4OgX9QHl8mRirPKX4rsyv-5L1lHWS5sLfaKWbErKhoCGFAQAvD_BwE

The one that most closely matches his specs is this one.

Agreed. I was about to link it. lol

I’ve engaged a cable contractor and he’s coming over this afternoon to see if i can be equipped with cable… my router is not far away from my PC now, its like 5m away… had been trying to avoid the cabling cost etc… what i don’t understand is before i used the new monitor everything was ok…? now it seems like i need to change region, change new character, incur cabling costs…
Btw, what latency is considered acceptable/good for you guys? 100ms?

All you need is a simple cat 5/6 cable. Looks like a phone cord but has 8 wires. Surely you have one from a previous install or something you can connect as a test? You would need to disable or disconnect the wireless to do so. As long as you can get to the router/modem and it has ports to plug into you can do this easily yourself. There will be a similar port on the back of your system.


guys… my system is the Asus G15DH-SG021T R7-3800X (32GB 2TB+512GBSSD (RTX2070)

sorry i need to step out to get lunch for the family, will be back in 1-2 hours time… really really appreciate all the advice i’ve been getting from you guys so far… cheers!

If your router is only 5m away, and you can route the wire to it without it causing tripping issues (meaning you won’t trip over it by accident), then a simple Cat 6a cable of that length will work. No need for a contractor. Contractors are only required for in-wall cabling. You don’t need in-wall cabling for this.

Is the system that I linked in my previous post the one you have? If so, go back into the Device Manager as noted earlier in the thread and check the version number of your wi-fi card’s driver. If it is 2024.0.10.107 or later, you have the most current driver. If it is a lower version number, then get the one from here.

Edit: You verified that your system is the one I linked, so check those version numbers and follow the instructions in this post.