Hi guys, really need and appreciate some expert advice pls… I just upgraded my old 24" Samsung monitor to a brand new 27" gaming Samsung monitor with 240Hz refresh rates, but to my shock, the became a lag in my game… i’ve taken a video posted on Youtube, from it you can see there’s a clear lag between the Pulverize flame and the action of bashing… !!
I’ve tried all kind of settings, both in the game and in my desktop settings but to no avail…
Tweaked all kind of refresh rates in game & monitor
Installed updated drivers for both Nvidia RTX2070 Super and monitor
UPdated audio drivers for PC also
Any kind souls who know how to resolve or been thru this same problem before, pls help…?? Thank you very much!!
240hz is pushing it even for a 2070S. You are in 2080S/2080ti territory there.
I have a 2070S and 144hz monitors and frankly, I really can’t see any perceptible difference between 120 and 144 when playing D3. My GPU runs 2-3c higher on 144 than 120, so I just keep it at 120.
Thanks MolaRam, i never noticed that because it was never a problem before i changed my RIG & monitor… so coincidental that once i changed my system, the servers became busy… so u think this is the reason for the “lag”?
You might just force the game to run at a lower refresh. Try forcing it to run at 144 or 120, or hell even 100.
Not like D3 needs high refresh.
I run mine at 144, but I also use Windowed mode full screen. (that setting can affect systems differently too).
I also run Overwatch at 144 with 200% scaling enabled. And this is using an Asus Strix 980. Not exactly a modern card, but does the job and quite well.
I’m using a AMD Ryzen 7 3800X 8-core processor, one of the later models from ASUS ROG…
so u think i shouldn’t set my monitor and in-game settings at 240Hz?
Windowed fullscreen or fullscreen exclusive? If you haven’t try that too. Something is choking your connection out. Either resource consumption, internet usage, or your path to the D3 server is not optimal.
There are times when D3 plays like crap ping wise, yet OW plays fine, and other times it plays fine for me. And I have an 8MB DSL connection. LOL
Sometimes I use speedify, and that makes D3 play like garbage for example.
It would help to know which display you have. A model number for your display gives us a way to begin troubleshooting properly. It also helps to know if you are using Fullscreen, Fullscreen (Windowed), or Windowed mode. Also important is what connection you are using for your display. Is it DisplayPort or HDMI? Without these details we can’t really do more than offer the usual software troubleshooting advice.
Edit: From the video itself, that’s internet related latency going on. Even talking to NPCs had lag from what I saw. A good comparison test would be when your ping is under 70ms (green on the latency indicator). If it’s lagging at that point then you’ve got additional troubleshooting to do, which we’d be happy to assist with.
i’ve tried all 3, windowed, windowed fullscreened and fullscreened… same… this let me to think whether its really the internet speed/ping issue that MolaRam mentioned… but so coincidence… i never had the issue before i bought this new system & monitor… started playing D3 again for about 2 weeks until this happened.
We still need the rest of the info I asked for in my previous post. Everything from the video points to internet related lag, especially since the video is butter smooth in terms of framerate. But it never hurts to have as much info as we can get so we can help you in the best possible way.
Anything different with how you connect to the internet on this PC vs your previous one? WiFi instead of hardwired for example? And to expand on that, have you tried using different connections to see if that helps?
This is important too. The wrong type of display port cable can cause problems with things, but I don’t see how it would cause lag issues.
Hi TheTias, just realised can’t post links in posts… the model of the Samsung display is LC27RG50FQEXXS (27" Curved Gaming Monitor with 240Hz
Refresh Rate)
I’ve tried both Display port 1.2 and HDMI 2.0, problem didn’t change…
You’re right, even talking to NPCs had a lag, even opening up my bloody chest also got lag! LOL… very irritated
An HDMI cable wouldn’t allow 240 FPS to start with unless it’s HDMI 2.1, which is unlikely here as those displays are virtually nonexistent. For DisplayPort, the type of cable (active vs. passive) and length are the variables here.
Resolution also matters as well, though I’ll find that out shortly hopefully.
Edit: Checking on the display info now. Will get back after I’ve looked it over.
Agreed. Which is why I mentioned the DP. And yeah, cables matter. But would they cause or introduce lag? I hadn’t seen that, but anything is possible. I remember when I once had a wrong kind of DP cable, the computer wouldn’t start unless I unplugged it, waited for the post beep, then plugged it in and it was fine. Once I replaced the cable, problem was gone.
Anything different with how you connect to the internet on this PC vs your previous one? WiFi instead of hardwired for example? And to expand on that, have you tried using different connections to see if that helps?
Nope, no difference… has always been on WIFI. Have engaged a cable contractor and going to install cabling to use LAN soon… but question would be why I didn’t change connections and yet became laggy?
I’m based in Singapore, but during installation i’m recommended to connect to USA region, is this right or wrong?
But you have a different card than your previous system I’m guessing. Personally, if you can go wired, that’s always going to be better and more reliable.
Singapore and connecting to the US? Well, lord knows what that will do.
Thank you so much Tias… if it helps, i’m using the same HDMI cable right now vs on my previous monitor/display… I’ve stopped using the displayport cable, trying to eliminate new variables during this troubleshooting.
Actually, the DisplayPort cable is probably the better one to use. HDMI’s bandwidth is less than that of DP and could introduce issues in addition to those you are experiencing due to latency from the wi-fi connection.
When you say you updated your “monitor drivers” in the OP, did you get them from this download link? That’s the direct link for the display’s .inf file installer. You can find the link on the page containing the download link if you are unsure about clicking a direct download link from here.
We’ll need info on your wi-fi card as well. To get this, do the following:
Right-click the Start menu icon and select Device Manager.
Double click the Network Adapters entry in the list to expand it and find the name of your wi-fi card. Post it here so we have the model information for it. That will help us see if we can troubleshoot that device for you.
Region-wise, if you are still using the same region (NA Region) and were using it before, changing to a wired connection would be best. How far away is the router from the computer?