New interview regarding QoL changes

Right. So we don’t actually have confirmation whether it is going to be a bannable action in D3 or not, just as many rules in the EULA are intentionally vague. There have been many MVP posts advocating for extreme caution to players who think they are “safe” to use these programs in Diablo3, because they clearly know the EULA could be interpreted many different ways. Input broadcasting software is in no way condoned by Blizzard in Diablo3, and people who use it are likely violating the EULA, whether enforced or not.

I will not be surprised if they officially make a statement against it in the future for all Blizzard titles, but lets for a second assume you’re correct.

Input broadcasting software would still only be useful for the fast-click boss drops, and not throne-tele sniping, as such it is absolutely not logical to think a multiboxer even using key mirroring software would be able to snipe as many items on average in a public FFA Baalrun, as a multiboxer who is in a personal loot game. It doesn’t make sense, mathematically.


Actually, it was/is allowed in D3. For D3, it is one key press does one action per game client.

I am right currently.

Have you ever multiboxed with key mirroring software? From experience, your idea is inaccurate.

Can you link me to a Blizzard post stating it is, in fact, allowed in D3? thanks in advance.

My recollection (which may be inaccurate) was that this was asked in the old D3 forum and received a blue response. Unfortunately, Blizzard archived that old forum and they are now inaccessible. The new D3 forum came into existence in July 9, 2019 and replaced the old forum.

From the WoW link, key input software was allowed and then they changed the policy. Why would you think that it was not allowed in D3 when it was allowed in WoW at the same time?

MissCheetah has much more extensive knowledge than I do on internal Blizzard matters, and she had this to say in Nov '20

***That is not a safe assumption. The EULA applies to all Blizzard games and is really vague with regard to third party software.

It is very much an “at your own risk” situation. Blizz tends to have similar rules for all their games and refused to clarify D3 restrictions when asked on the CS forums. Orly intentionally did not step in and correct the answers that were given - which tends to mean they are correct.***

when responding to this post -

I think until Blizzard says something specifically about D3, D3 players that use input key mirroring are safe. If warden detects a D3 player using input mirroring, they would not be banned unless Blizzard provided an announcement that applied to D3 or more broadly to all of Blizzard’s games.

Honestly, the same principle applies to things like D2JSP. The sad fact remains, Blizzard is intentionally vague on these matters. I would love for them to give more concrete answers, so that I could base gaming decisions around it.

Is JSP against policy? is image broadcasting software? it’s super vague, and I would love for Blizzard to respond like they did for WoW.

That quote from MissCheetah was after the WoW change that created uncertainty about whether this applied or would apply in the future to other Blizzard games. To date, Blizzard has made no other statement in relation to any other game.

So if you trust her then… previously, she stated (pre-WoW change) in December 2019:

The language was vague then, it’s vague now.

Did Blizzard explicitly state it was ok before they officially said it wasn’t? I am not sure.

MissCheetah is typing…

I think her point was not to risk it since we did not have official clarification after the change in WoW.

We shall see.

Yes, that was the policy AT THE TIME. That policy changed this year.

THIS ^^^ is what I would say now after the changes to WoW policy. I would caution people to err on the side of caution with D3 and D2R as well.

They don’t technically have to warn us.

The only thing Blizzard said back then was (paraphrased): “While multiboxing is not supported, it is allowed. We will not approve or condone any software associated with it as we don’t control that software.”

Since then, that stance has changed - only in that they specifically prohibit any software or hardware that mirrors keystrokes- and they have warned WoW players in particular because they are the ones who do most of the MB gameplay.

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To your knowledge have they ever made a similar statement about key mirroring software for any other game not named WoW?

I was quoting someone else there. That was not me. And yes, I know they don’t have to, but Blizzard is usually really careful with their fans on these sorts of matters, they’re actually great for that, ergo why they felt they had to make an official statement (finally) on WoW.

(the exception is D2 vpns and temp bans…d2 has been a mess for a while.)

No. They have not stated that the change applies to anything but WoW at this point. They are not required to - mostly because they never approved that software or hardware for any other game. The only thing they have firmly stated is that they do allow more than one account to be played at a time. Yes, that is tricksy wording but they do that on purpose.

WoW had to be addressed as that kind of game play while not approved, had been allowed by GMs for a long time. Sort of like when cops finally post warnings that they will be doing speed checks in a zone they had not been enforcing before.

Given that they usually apply the same policies to most games though, it is wise to err on the side of caution.

Yes. I have filed a strong suggestion to clean that up with the Diablo team and the CS team. VPNs are common as is logging in from work. Most people would not think to avoid that. I get that updating the old client is not likely to happen, but linking the Support article about it on the Download page would at least inform returning or new players about the restrictions.

Which is upsetting. We know for a fact that using real money as a direct way to buy items is 100% a violation of EULA/tos.

What we do not know is if “fake” currency, or “points” will be considered as “purchasing” items from Blizzard games. Again, very vague language that I’ve parsed over repeatedly, and it can be interpreted either way.


Yes, that is a violation of the rules if those “points” are acquired with real currency. Blizzard never enforced it though in D2 which lands it in a grey area. Failure to enforce rules makes it very difficult to then go after those websites or companies in court. The website can say “you let it go on for 20 years so that is, in effect, permission”. To have a leg to stand on Blizz would have to issue formal legal CnDs, etc.

The other thing with that website is that the communications take place there - on a site that Blizzard does not control. Blizz only bans people using data from the Blizzard servers and logs. Deals that happen on private websites, discords, etc - are outside Blizz control - it would be complicated to get legal access to those site records, link the trades to Bnet account holders, and ban the Bnet account holders.

So again, they would have to go after the website in court to stop it…which is not easy to do at this point.

EDIT - please don’t think I am defending this in any way. I WISH it did not exist or they could do something. I worry D2R will be the same way and that it will end up P2W for ladder gear.

Agree. Though I am unsure of how to interpret it when some of that forum gold was not bought by real currency. As you said, it absolutely is a grey area. For me, if I ever bought a digital item for money I would quickly lose interest in that game. The grind is the fun, for me.

Ultimately let’s just hope they have a fluid, well run trading post or official Blizzard trade forum, would solve a lot of issues, and be preferable for a lot of trades over 3rd party sites.

They do have a D2 Trade forum on the new D2 sub set here - not that anyone uses it.

We had one for D3 too, and it was not really used. The forums do not seem to be attractive as a means to facilitate trade to most people. Do you think that would change?

They would have to rework the forum system to be trade friendly.

This forum setup is fine for 50 of the same people to hang out and argue about personal loot, they are not a good place for each of 10000 players to setup 25 different trades simultaneously.

There is already a site for that. :frowning:

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First flag for for saying that Drium was a little slow for not reading… at all… or even between the lines… and blindly praying / advocating for something that the devs were clearly against word for word?

Let me say again without the slightly rude portion:

‘A separate inventory for charms is an increase to standard inventory and it removes important decisions like what to pick up or leave behind.’

Guess telling someone what is what is against ToS

I do agree that reading the interview any other way than “there will be no charm inventory” is a pretty big stretch.

I think it was quite clear they intend to keep inventory management the same as D2LoD.


No, insulting folks to pick a fight is against the forum Code of Conduct. So is talking about disciplinary actions.

Argue the idea, don’t attack the person. If you resort to personal comments it tends to mean you got rattled, or don’t have a valid counter point on the idea.

This comment is excellent. It states the point you wish to make without addressing any personal aspects of a poster.