New GR record dint update

Hi in SEASON 32 in 24/8/24 i did Gr150 but europe
leaderboards haven’t update it.
in clan leaderboards shows it.


Just completed a GR136 on EU…

Completion screen confirms Blood Shard cap increased to 1860 (due to GR136 cleared) but still shows my personal best as a GR135…

Leaderboards still only show my GR135…


Yeah - it looks similar to the problems we had before… no notification in chat, no update on personal best and/or leaderboard, but increase in bloodshard cap.

Your D3Debug.txt file will probably show the new record when you do a new game.

Let’s see how long it takes Blizzard to react… and what that reaction will be   :frowning:


Yeah, it’s certainly not the first time we’ve had the issue…

When this occurs it’s generally dependant upon which server you get connected to when you start a game session - some of the servers are recording clears, some aren’t - and this was specific to individual host servers, as shown by which IP address the game’s executable establishes a connection to.

The solution generally seems to involve Blizzard restarting the individual servers / blades that are problematic.


Created another game session and did a GR135 and it got announced due to being faster than my previous GR135 clearance, and it was placed onto the Leaderboard (despite the fact that I cleared a GR136 earlier) so it’s only some of the game-hosting servers with the issue…

I had a look in Resource Monitor, to see which server IP addresses the game was connected to when it had a successful Leaderboard recoding…


Same issue for me on EU

Just cleared my first GR150 for this season and it didn’t register.

Non of my 3 150 clears over 3 days counted either. Just got a 12:49 and nothing.

Friday result:

Just 30 min ago - doesn’t work again:

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Meteorblade, may I ask you which box I have to tick in order to have these big notifications with “rewards” and “personal best”, like you ? (I had never seen these before…)

Not really for Bug Report but when you get a new GR record there’s a small splash screen. If you click the little plus sign to the right of the clearance time, it’ll show the expanded splash screen. Example below…


Has anyone gotten a GR record that didn’t update lately (on Europe) ?

I completed 5 GRs in 5 different games… and got 5 updates.

Fixed ? or just lucky for server attribution ?

I tried to test it on a fresh build then got new results thrice in the same game - all four results were updated. Maybe fixed, maybe a “lucky” server.


Seven more GRs tonight… each time “Exiting Diablo III” after completing a GR.

7 attempts… 7 successful GR Updates…

It be real cool from Blizzard to do a bit of communication about that issue…
(has anyone been trying GRs in Asia ?)


No updates on Asia’s LB for several weeks, at least

Could be only some servers… but some players are getting new records

Have you tried lately ?


… and me, just now – notice notification :

New record at Orek:

New record in Leaderboard:


not for me… after 10+ GRs with exit/restart game!