⚔ New Barb Set

I am excited for the new set, honestly didn’t even see the notes until yesterday…

Was thinking about a new set involving both overpower and Revenge, as thematically it could make a cool build. So my only complaint is that, if they could work in both these abilities into the new set, could bring a nice flavor to the build…

Don’t take this the wrong way, but I think the set text is basic… the 2-piece bonus is interesting, the 4 and 6 just seem basic nothing interesting just damage and toughness, don’t even need to try for it.

Does anyone has any thoughts on how many god damn blue throwing axe / stunning lighting will be proc with so many attacks speed?

If it get procs.

Not sure, but they don’t do any significant damage. Only your actual Frenzy strikes, and those added from Bastion’s, will be doing any actual damage.

Wasn’t intended to discuss any if that, just a fun fact, if you reach a descent AS as 3 or 2 breaks point or even faster, watchout. Bling bling Christmas is back!

Haha absolutely! It’s gonna be a light/axe show!

Can’t wait to transmogrified weaponry’ into something with sick flashing colours and go in at speed of light, it’s gonna glow!

I see the new barb set as a novelty set. Good to a point. They have op ww . I cant see having 2 op barb set. It should be fun though ,im more interested in themes I don’t grind xp. I got plans for hota/eq barb already lol

No need to introduce myself…

I just had an idea of how we all could participate in the PTR.
As a well organited barb community i would ask you to keep the following idea in mind when it comes to the feedbakc you are able to leave tomorrow, when the PTR goes live.


Just a possible way to get in touch with the developement team.
I am sure a similar format for your class my be healthy and purpseful.

Peace! :upside_down_face:

You should introduce yourself Mort I have no idea who you are :slight_smile: Barb got some big buff this season I don’t thing we need a forum they finaly got it :slight_smile: :smiley: It reminds me of the movie Shawshank redemption…it only took 7 years lol.

Hi Free, can we have a focused feedback thread.

Just test the new set. Bastion is amazing. Really, I like it.

I just did 120 11 min with EoF. The AOE is good!


Absolutely. I’ll make one in the PTR forum later tonight after I’ve played the set a bit and recorded some footage.

And please, everyone, record video footage and post it with your feedback later!

Luv y’all!


New WD and Wiz sets suck balls! Barb new set performing very well
Seems that Blizz did good for Barb this time again.
Barb for S20!

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Not quite. Better, perhaps, than other classes, but so far, it’s pretty underwhelming.


yeah but that LoD Hydra wiz clearing 150s, lol

With a bugged arcane torrent. That will be fixed soon.

Well… I’ve been using Unity in my Cube but NOT on my Templar. Updated results that drop War Cry and add Ground Stomp:Wrenching Smash to follow.

Coupled with updated results that keep War Cry but use CoE in the cube.

[edit] 127 in 13:32 with CoE in Cube and War Cry:Vet’s Warning and utilizing Echoing Fury. I also decided to swap out Mortick’s Brace for Vambraces of Sescheron. That way I could at least always benefit from the healing, rather than just SOME of the time. I like it. Another option could be Strong Arms (I think I would use this if I use Unity in the cube). I have tested the Burning Axe vs EF and I am telling you, the damage difference seems significantly in favor of EF. Both of the two dudes above me have 150 gems and are 9.2K and 8.6K paragon vs my 6.2K and that was with no Power and no Conduit pylons. I forgot to hover over the time left when I fought this RG (Infernal Maiden) but it didn’t even last until a 2nd WoTB cycle.

I am pretty certain that this build is melting these RGs in about a minute or so (at least at my paragon level and GR level). Either way, I think it’s AT LEAST half the time as Whirl-Rend, maybe even a third. With a power pylon, I would just hit it off the bat right before my CoE cycle and charge could connect me with the RG.

I just let my video capture/editing software expire, but I may renew it to record some game play doing GR128-130, tomorrow.

If you have Win 10, try the MS Game Bar. Works surprisingly well.

I do, thanks, I’ll check it out. If it can do video plus voice, good enough.

Here is my video: GR120.
www. bilibili .com/video/av87247065

I think it still need *2 dmg. 2pc “feared enemy take 100% more dmg” part is really, really bad design.