⚔ New Barb Set

If you have Win 10, try the MS Game Bar. Works surprisingly well.

I do, thanks, I’ll check it out. If it can do video plus voice, good enough.

Here is my video: GR120.
www. bilibili .com/video/av87247065

I think it still need *2 dmg. 2pc “feared enemy take 100% more dmg” part is really, really bad design.

My other suggestion: turn the 2pcs bonus of the set to: “Enemies damaged by Overpower/Revenge takes double damage from the Barb for x seconds”.

“That’s all it takes, really. Pressure, and time.”

I would love to see this set work but it just seems like a bad April fool’s joke. I’m waiting for the haha just kidding.

I don’t think that’s all it took really. I think it comes down to the game getting handed of to the classics team and they actually care and are trying. These are the two things that have been missing for years.

You haven’t watched The Shawshank Redemtion, have you? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not in years. Plus I’m old and my memory is not what it used to be.

It works perfectly for me. Awesome playstyle, and the Fear effect is quite handy and helps excel more.

I just wish it was a hit more tough, 2B toughness on a melee build is quite squishy at 110+

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I wish it was all about overpower/revenge. I wanted a bazooka wizard esque set

Another dual wield set, I suppose. No place for a Bastion Revered variant :unamused:

Yeah. If you don’t use Oathkeeper, you’re losing a 3x multiplier to Frenzy damage. No bueno.

At this point, there’s no way for 2H weapons (outside of Tribes in EQ) to displace dual-wielding.

I mean Bastion Revered equipped and oathkeeper cubed

Ah, gotcha. In that case, you certainly can go that route, and you can probably get a 2H variant to within 3-5 GRs of the dual-wield variant.

Devs won’t fix 2h. I’ve already given up :unamused:

Yeah, agreed. The 2H ship has sailed. Perhaps in D4.

We have charge and leapquake, they just need some buffs.

x6 actually. The 50% IAS is effectively a second x2, so it is x3 x2

It’s always been that way. Auto attack builds’re better with dual weilding and caster builds’re better using 2 handed weapons.