Natalya should not be the top build for DH

This is an opinion piece. I believe I am in the majority, but let the comments below reflect that.

It is my impression that the reworked Natalya set is not widely beloved by the demon hunter community and does not reflect the class identity well.

This is not an issue in itself, the playstyle is unique and diversity is a good thing. However, with the current patch 2.7.7 patch notes Natalya is looking to become the undisputed best set for the class.

As these are likely the last balance changes we will ever receive for the game I hope that the Blizzard developers will consider making small changes that ensure one of the other sets will be the best set for the class - of course without killing the set completely by nerfing it 10-20 GR tiers.
I know it is unrealistic to ask for large changes at this point in development, simply tweaking some percentages should resolve the issue.

Thank you for considering, and for all the work you have put in over the years making this an excellent game!


I prefer TalRasha meteor or Inarius Nova to be the push role rather than Natalya.So,I mean Talrasha nerf too much,This has led to a new problem, which is that DH becomes the push role in a party.

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I actually liked the first iteration of the reworked Natalya set, as it was available for testing on PTR a few seasons back. Spin-to-Win… whyever not. High damage, good fun.

But based on expert player feedback (including from streamers who complained the new build was too easy and boring), the set was once again reworked to make it more manual. I assume that was to please all those who found spin-to-win too uninspiring and wanted to work for their fun.

The result: A manual and clunky playstyle which I don’t think I’ve seen any of the above mentioned streamers enjoy a lot either.

For me, the build was killed in that change. I’m sticking with GoD, even if Natalya beats it on performance. It’s just more fun.


My thoughts exactly. I even made a thread addressing this set (along with Rathma):
Please nerf top-performing builds with clunky playstyles

OP is talking about Natalya throwing off the balance among other DH sets, not against other classes’ meta builds.

I don’t think Natalya should be nerfed, because God Hungering Arrow is already the most efficient DH gameplay for fast clear,it can also pass GR150 in the Non- Season, and the Marauder was nerfed. If Natalya is also nerfed, then God is undoubtedly not only the most powerful set for fast clear but also for rank in DH gameplay.

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Pretty sure Marauder is still up there for pure push buddy, so don’t worry, big bad GoD won’t be dominating DH ladders any time soon.

You are forgetting UE and the recently buffed Shadow. Unfortunately, neither of these are as strong as unnerfed Natalya.

Doesn’t matter to me if the Nat set is the top build, if its not fun to play, I won’t play it period. I do not understand Blizzard’s obsession with “Trapping” builds.

As Demon Hunter, I want to aggressively “Destroy” monsters with weapons, not play footsies with “Traps” and try to get them to walk into it. That’s totally “not fun” for me to play and I refuse, no matter how much time someone worked on that set.

DH Sets Ranked:

  1. GOD
  2. UE
  3. Shadow

Everything else is trash…


Pretty sure Marauder is still up there for pure push buddy, so don’t worry, big bad GoD won’t be dominating DH ladders any time soon.

You think so? Marauder will be nerfed almost half of its damage, from 12k to 6.5k per active sentry. Most likely its gonna be Impale DH.

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Who? Natalya? Is this a new set? Sorry, never heard about it. :smiley:

I agree. I really don’t enjoy this Natalya build and I never play it even though it is the strongest.


"I actually liked the first iteration of the reworked Natalya set, as it was available for testing on PTR a few seasons back. Spin-to-Win… whyever not. High damage, good fun.

But based on expert player feedback (including from streamers who complained the new build was too easy and boring), the set was once again reworked to make it more manual. I assume that was to please all those who found spin-to-win too uninspiring and wanted to work for their fun."

That was one of the most disappointing changes from PTR to release I’ve ever seen.
Whoever encouraged that nerf deserves to roll only garbage Primals for life.


The limited time PTR version of spin to win Natalya’s was a faceroll abomination that never should have existed and makes the GOD set look like 4D chess in comparison.

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Agreed! Although I like the idea of a different playstyle, I totally dislike playing Natalya as it stands. I preferred Nats when it was a general multiplier because it allowed the players to add set pieces here and there to customize builds.

Sometimes a set is “difficult” to play but still fun. You want to put in the time necessary to get good at playing the set and eventually pushing with the set. This is not the case with Natalyas.

Although I very much respect the opinion of the Diablo streamers like Wracques and Bludijo, they had moved on to the newest Diablo iteration. Their time spent playing DIII was at its end. They would not be spending any significant time playing the new Nats. Yet, the developers changed Nats based on their comments like: “We don’t need another spin to win build”. It really didn’t matter that the Nats play style is clanky, irritating, and feels like a monkey squirting diarrhea heaps, jumping away, and killing enemies with the stench. The Horadric Hamburger would be an appropriate transmog for this!

I think it is better to have a set with a play style you enjoy, even if its similar to an existing build rather than a build that no one wants to play.

Having said that, there are plenty of other classes with high performing sets that can one can choose to play and this, of course, is what keeps the game fun.

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