Please nerf top-performing builds with clunky playstyles

With both the altar and soul shards coming to S30, the majority of the relevant playerbase should have little issue clearing a 150 with top-performing “meta” builds.

However, this does not mean that all such builds are equally fluid/engaging to push with. Some of these have very clunky playstyles and should be nerfed to discourage their use and allow other builds to shine.

I’m thinking of two builds in particular:

Natalya Spike Traps

  • Too many interactions to deal damage
  • Melee, facetank playstyle unbecoming of a DH
  • Squishy

Rathma Army of the Dead

  • Requires killing 10 mobs at start, usually obtained by opening a Cow level
  • Boring

TLDR: Don’t forget to nerf Natalya and Rathma! They are horrible to play!


Why are you encouraging nerfs?

Encourage buffs to fun play styles.

The Devs have nerfed the team pushing gameplay, making it more balanced between team and solo. I can accept Devs’s adjustment, and the only suggestion is that the seeker set’s buff is still lower than expected. (Seeker of the light needs more love) At present, the balance adjustment of Devs is great, and there is no need to nerf another gameplay anymore.
Finally, by the way, the Tal Rasha meteor set gameplay Moderate intensity in the Wizzard’s internal gameplay. I think adjusting Tal rasha 6 P bounus 1000%→1500% is more appropriate.

See bold:

This is off-topic. Please stay on topic. But to your point, I’d be all in favor of reverting the Tal nerf if they just removed the Smoldering Core effect from the game.

Why do we need to nerf the clunky gameplay? Elephants should not be as strong as reality because they are clunky?The antelope should be very powerful because it is very flexible? Don’t forget, every gameplay has its way of survival.

That doesn’t answer the question. Just because it’s horrible to play doesn’t mean it should be nerfed.

Fun builds should be made to be more viable. Increase diversity at the top end, not reduce the top end.

You can play with elephants if you want. Just don’t advocate for everyone else to do so over other, more graceful animals. LOL.

But… But the streamers ask for the change… "Already a strafe build they said.

Went from a butter smooth build in PTR to a build like no one played lol.

And the funnier part, said streamers logged 50x more hours in GoD and barely played it.

Sorry, please don’t think every DH player dislike current Natalya spec.
I love Natalya, just because it has the same name as D2’s Assassin set.
And I’ve been playing Nats set so long, even while it was super weak Rain of Vengeance set or Rapid Fire set.
I’m not interested in being the strongest set, though.
If the devs remove “clunky” style and bring in some other stuff, its ok to me.