Mysterious GoD6 DH Bug

FYI the exploiter who did 147 is on right now. Good chance to ask him about his secret or flat out report him to get Bliz’s attention (you can report him by first messaging him then clicking on his name/battletag).

Do the report schemes also include “Exploit abuse”? I think the proper way is reporting him through this:

He won’t talk to you and the moment you speak, you can get flagged for harassment or something. Just because you gave many people a target, he will take note of that. Don’t do that.

Hate to bump threads but was this ever patched out? I don’t think the leaderboards were reset (US/EU).

Would hate for this to be lost in the shuffle of so many other D3… Umm… “Opportunities for improvement…”

Dont think it has been patched, just now someone has done dh solo in 1min47 on NS EU lol


No, the problem still exists.
New record with GoD6 on NS EU:
GR150 4m 3.383s Dec 14, 2021 6:26:52 PM paragon 7,7k
100% impossible without using bug/exploit.

Edit: Just now the same player has done 1:47. NS EU, GoD
150 1m 47.550s Dec 14, 2021 6:39:22 PM


How do you feel when you know someone already cleared 150 in 1:20 with solo DH and 33 seconds 4 man in S25?

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I feel i didnt care about lb, and still dont. 150s are set out to be speed runs this season anyway.

The 2 “players” use some strange gems on their followers.

EU: Simplicity’s strength
NA: Bane of the powerful

Simplicity’s is the go-to gem for GoD. Nothing strange about that.

The Bane of the Powerful though, that stands out. The “normal” gems for GoD are Simplicity’s, Teaguk, and then Bane of the Trapped or Zei’s.

The same as seeing someone clear a GR 52 in 14.59; it makes absolutely no difference to my game and how I play it.

But on followers? How does that work?

On their followers? Are those gems emanating? That still wouldn’t be enough for a 1:20 GR150.

Oh, we’re talking about Followers? As far as I know the only gems that work on followers are Mutilation and Esoteric. The others don’'t.

I talked about gems on followers :wink:

Maybe it’s not the problem, but it’s surprising.

Some folks in my clan did in-depth testing to find the exploit so they could report it and hopefully get it patched but they couldn’t figure it out through their combined efforts.

Whatever, the mysterious exploit is, it’ll have to be more widespread, and someone will spill the beans. Until then, it’ll be just a few folks standing out.

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They don’t have to emanate, it’s just a ascertainment.

Has anyone checked if taking a set piece off and on while momentum is built leads to any kind of “snapshot” irregularities?

People who know how this is done have reported it privately to Blizzard already. Since exploits shouldn’t be posted publicly I won’t say more. I have no way of proving that this is the case, but hopefully Blizzard will take this seriously and act soon. The unfortunate thing is that this was reported before season start and they either didn’t take it seriously or decided to launch the season with a known exploit anyway.


Actually almost every single Gem works on followers. What most people fail to recognise is that all the gems which provide extra damage are irrelevant as their damage is too low without sets to begin with. Gems which provide damage resistance dont seem to do anything because they most likely have the immortality relic on anyway. Speed gems dont seem to work because the follower will always match your speed no matter what or just teleport to you if you do go to far ahead.
Where it IS possible to notice other gems do work is with Gems that provide special damage like the Poison Gem. You can actually see that the enemies are poisoned. The Ice damage gem clearly Chills the enemies. The Smite Gem is also clearly visible when the follower uses it and as I write this I realise that this might be something to think about. Effects like Smite can give you the ability to insta kill enemies once they reach a certain life points level. If these types of effects are used correctly with the right gear on followers it might lead to bugs that could wipe out entire screens in one shot.
The old idea that only the two damage resistance gems work on followers is just not correct. I have asked a couple of the big youtubers to test this and prove it to be true but so far no takers. It needs a high profile player to get it out there.

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It has been tested previously (Maxroll) and the only gem other than Esoteric & Mutilation that has any effect is Enforcer, and that just gives the additional toughness.

But, not impossible that the current patch / soul shards have fully SNAFU’d the gem mechanics in some way and enabled the exploit.