Mysterious GoD6 DH Bug

According to the bug report forum people are creating seasonal characters from scratch and they are getting stuff from their s24 vault. Plus all crafters started lvl 12, lol. With 600+ paragon.

Off-topic much? We’re talking about a GoD DH-related exploit here.


I dont know dude. Might be related?

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No, that bug has to do with botched s24 end on Asia/Korean servers. All exploit GoD clears are on NA/EU.


He did 148 first, then 150 just a few minutes later. Whatever he figured out how do to, he eventually figured out how to do it reliably.

Do we know that he went straight to 146 (from 134)? He could very well have done 135, 138, 141, 144 all in very short periods of time, before anybody noticed. I mean, he did 148, and then 150 within a couple of hours.

Which I don’t think can come from a de-sync. They’re unreliable at best. And I have very rarely de-synced in the game and am not sure what would cause one exactly when you need it to.

I’m thinkin’ de-sync is too unreliable to be a root cause unless something in the build can just make one happen. Seems unlikely to me.

Weird crap happens all the time, but most of the time we just keep moving and forget about it.

Back when I used to play 100% Hardcore, I kept having a bug where some combination of the Inna Mystic Allies and the elite Orbiter affix would cause me to keep taking damage continuously until I died. It would even happen while the game was paused: no damage from anything else, just from Orbiter, which would slowly tick down my life until I was dead. That was one of the things that got me to give up playing Hardcore altogether.

The pattern of this guy’s clears really seems to me like: first he notices the bug, then he figures out he can use it to clear absurdly high, then he figures out how to reproduce it. Hence the somewhat lower clears to begin with, escalating fairly quickly to 150.


It’s not broken. It’s a feature, duh.

The player could also have had a top clear of 134 solo, but zdps’d his way up to the mid/high 140s. If you have a PR of Gr20 solo, then play with a group who runs a GR120, you can then run a solo GR121-123.

His legendary gems are low, if he did 4 gr to 146, one of his gems would be 140s. His gems are 130s matching his augment level suggesting his farming tier is 13x at most.

Lets look at the 2k guy. His gr tier is 12x, he need to jump 20 tiers. If he climbed up even at 3 tiers per push, will reflect in his gem levels.

It looks to me, their tier is opened by others, not solo pushed up.

Good. GoD needed a buff anyway. Muahahaha.


Well, not necessarily, he could be leveling gems he isn’t even using… as others have pointed out, this might be an alt account for a knowledgeable and experienced player… or not. But, he might know he’ll probably be banned at the end of this, and furthermore, it doesn’t really seem to matter how high your gems are, at least in terms of utilizing this exploit.

I hear what you’re saying, but I definitely don’t consider that argument conclusive. Of course, I certainly don’t consider my own argument conclusive, either!

But: if it’s just a matter of somebody else opening (and clearing) the rift, why are we not seeing this with any other build? Multiple GoD DHs have done it, but as far as we know, no other build.

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FYI the exploiter who did 147 is on right now. Good chance to ask him about his secret or flat out report him to get Bliz’s attention (you can report him by first messaging him then clicking on his name/battletag).

Do the report schemes also include “Exploit abuse”? I think the proper way is reporting him through this:

He won’t talk to you and the moment you speak, you can get flagged for harassment or something. Just because you gave many people a target, he will take note of that. Don’t do that.

Hate to bump threads but was this ever patched out? I don’t think the leaderboards were reset (US/EU).

Would hate for this to be lost in the shuffle of so many other D3… Umm… “Opportunities for improvement…”

Dont think it has been patched, just now someone has done dh solo in 1min47 on NS EU lol


No, the problem still exists.
New record with GoD6 on NS EU:
GR150 4m 3.383s Dec 14, 2021 6:26:52 PM paragon 7,7k
100% impossible without using bug/exploit.

Edit: Just now the same player has done 1:47. NS EU, GoD
150 1m 47.550s Dec 14, 2021 6:39:22 PM


How do you feel when you know someone already cleared 150 in 1:20 with solo DH and 33 seconds 4 man in S25?

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I feel i didnt care about lb, and still dont. 150s are set out to be speed runs this season anyway.

The 2 “players” use some strange gems on their followers.

EU: Simplicity’s strength
NA: Bane of the powerful