Mysterious GoD6 DH Bug

What the hell, indeed!

Seems like the only notable constant is that the GoD set is used- this 144 isn’t using either of the big move speed buffs utilized in the 146.

The results seem way too extreme to be an effect of “accidentally kept Ethereals”, as Shu has pointed out. No DH was ploughing 144 like this last season, especially at 2k paragon.

It’s too extreme, too, for “accidentally removed pierce cap on NCC”. GoD was more powerful in those days, but not 144 in 3 minutes with 2k paragon.

And, I sort of wondered if maybe the effect of Momentum had been accidentally inverted… normally, each stack of Momentum gives you 8% move speed. So, maybe each 8% additional move speed was reading as a stack of Momentum. But, I think that would be immediately noticable to anybody looking for the bug. And, even with about 400% bonus move speed, this would only about quintuple your normal damage, which I think is probably not enough to explain 144 in 3 minutes. And, if it were that, why wouldn’t we see the 144 guy with move speed buffs, or the 146 guy with even more move speed buffs, like SP: Shadow Glide, or use Lianna’s Wings, etc?

I also wondered if it was something like a bug where, if you reach the exit shrine at the end of 7, 8, 9 floors or whatever, and use it, the rift gets marked as cleared. That would kind of explain why GoD is used- because it’s fast. But, if you could do that, why wouldn’t you just do 150? So, it’s probably not that.

Whatever it is, it lets you either kill or skip both the mobs and the boss… and it only seems to work with GoD.


You might be onto something here, I think. I noticed in the patch notes that they claim to have fixed a long-standing issue with Calamity not working properly with GoD. It might be possible that they fixed it a bit too well.

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Hmm, interesting…

So, neither of those players was holding Calamity, or had it in the cube. And, I don’t think Scoundrel can carry it, right? And, neither of them had Marked for Death on the bar, so they weren’t taking advantage of any runed effect. If it were directly Calamity-related, they’d have to be doing something like equipping it, then de-equipping it.

But, maybe if you equip Calamity, then the game makes some adjustment to your Momentum stacking ability, and then never un-does it when you de-equip?

If your Momentum stack limit were uncapped, say, how high could you actually get them? So, assuming they still decay at the normal rate, but now instead of capping at 10, they don’t cap at all.

THAT might explain the level of damage we’re seeing.

Another possibility is that somehow you can run the rift with multiple players (like, teaming with 1 or more Inna Monks), and they can leave the rift just before the boss dies, and somehow this gets recorded as a 1-player clear. But, it would be strange if that bug for some reason worked only with GoD DH. I suppose you might inadvertently discover such a thing while playing zDH in a group…


Oooohh I like mysteries :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What changed in the patch? Depth diggers.

What cube items does GOD use?

Maybe a connection?

This is Wudi’s video about some of the abnormalities:

One of the comments says:
There’s a bug on god dh since the new patch. That if u hit a lag spike and didn’t see the momentum building up (even you’re using hungering arrow to proc momentum) and once you’re lagging is okay You kinda teleports throught the level and hit 1800000t in one click. Happened to me twice yesterday

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But Depth Diggers buffed HA before the change.

The builds on US leaderboards topping the GoD6 DH clears, don’t have enough resistance, damage or any kind of mass crowd control to make use of Squirt’s properly. I thought it was about Fate’s Lapse slowing time causing an effect akin to Missile Dampening but that doesn’t explain why they lack any kind of critical hit rating on their equipment.

That was my first thought, I just didn’t have Calamity to test it.

The point is, all of the following stuff has been fiddled with in the patch:

  • Calamity
  • Depth Diggers
  • GoD Momentum (probably, due to #1)

Things rarely break by themselves, so it’s pretty safe to assume that one of these changes has introduced the favourite Blizz’ product - unintended interaction.

I did a quick test, couldn’t reproduce any insane results despite various fiddlings with Calamity.

This is probably what it is- some bug with Momentum. Maybe when you de-sync, the game starts looking at your move speed to determine your Momentum, which then gives you more Momentum, which gives you more move speed, etc. That might explain both the “teleport through the level” and the “hit 18000000t in one click”.

I think blizz knew about this and other bugs which caused our web armory profiles to throw error code 500s right after the patch went live. That way, we can’t see exploiter’s followers…

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Oooohh I get it now.

You guys are overthinking, first of all, think how a historic best record of 134 and 120s open a gr 144-146? Especially the 144 clear its impossible for his bd to clear a 13x let alone 3 min 144.

1 possible cause is low level clear some how registered as high level clear.

That the group exploit works only for GoD is a distinct possibility that should be tested.

150 has been cleared by the “R1” exploiter now. Did anyone by chance notice if he cleared any rifts in between, or did he jump straight from 146 to 150?

According to the bug report forum people are creating seasonal characters from scratch and they are getting stuff from their s24 vault. Plus all crafters started lvl 12, lol. With 600+ paragon.

Off-topic much? We’re talking about a GoD DH-related exploit here.


I dont know dude. Might be related?

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No, that bug has to do with botched s24 end on Asia/Korean servers. All exploit GoD clears are on NA/EU.


He did 148 first, then 150 just a few minutes later. Whatever he figured out how do to, he eventually figured out how to do it reliably.

Do we know that he went straight to 146 (from 134)? He could very well have done 135, 138, 141, 144 all in very short periods of time, before anybody noticed. I mean, he did 148, and then 150 within a couple of hours.

Which I don’t think can come from a de-sync. They’re unreliable at best. And I have very rarely de-synced in the game and am not sure what would cause one exactly when you need it to.

I’m thinkin’ de-sync is too unreliable to be a root cause unless something in the build can just make one happen. Seems unlikely to me.