My thoughts from beta

The game looks and runs great (when servers are working, I know its beta issues). All of the improvements are done very well and it still feels like diablo 2. That being said, I am not someone who thinks that a game feeling like it is 20 years old is necessarily a good thing.

What is the point in a remaster without improvements? If I wanted to play diablo 2 with better graphics, I would just install a mod for d2. Sure its not as high definition but it still works.

Honestly I think more needs to be done to make it a true remaster and it will still be basically the same game that everyone loves.


There is no point to not allow gems and runes to stack. I don’t know for sure but I would guess the only reason they didn’t stack in D2 original is because they couldn’t make them stack and not a design choice, though if it was a design choice then that was a terrible choice.

Ladder content

I think only runewords have been confirmed to no longer be “ladder” but what about the rest of it? There should be no content locked away from someone playing in a different game mode be it single player, ladder or non ladder. The only time this works is with league specific things like in Path of Exile but I doubt anything like that will happen.


The bigger stash is better, but why not more? Why are we forced to have mules? Just do like Last Epoch and allow us to buy more stash tabs for gold at increasing prices.

Melee splash

This is honestly one of the best additions pd2 added to the game. This would be the biggest deviation from diablo 2 but one I think needs to be done to make melee a better option to play. Right now spells that can hit multiple targets far outpace melee attacks. For example, I was playing a paladin and massively outgeared and overlevelled my friend who was a sorc and he was clearing screens while I was stuck missing a 95% chance to hit mob. I one shot it when I do hit, but it felt terrible. Something needs to be done to close this gap and splash seems like the best way.

Make it toggleable so as those who don’t want it, don’t have it.

Loot filter

There is no reason to not have a loot filter as an option these days. If people don’t want it they don’t have to use it, the same way they don’t have to have auto gold pickup or always show loot text. Just give us the option.

This could also have the added bonus of allowing us to resize loot names or even rename specific things like potions because right now, they take up too much of the screen.

Chat spam

I might have missed it, but I want to remove the spam of people joining and leaving chat channels constantly.

Joining/creating games

When joining or creating games, pressing tab should move you to the next box, like going from game name to password, and pressing enter should join the game. Currently these do not work.


no…splash dmg ? are you serious wtf…

aside from that…if all the garbage is introduced that people want so the release is probably still AFTER Diablo 4
and then the Guys are still not satisfied


“Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.”

If you want something different to do, go play a different game.

Zelda: A Link to the Past was a game that was in my SNES more than any other game. If I got bored of Zelda, I didn’t call up Nintendo and ask them to add or change things in Zelda, I’d take the game out and play something else for a while. Guess what, a little while later, Zelda would go back in. You know why? Because it’s a fun game to play! However if I DID call up Nintendo asking for changes and they somehow followed through, and magically the changes affected EVERYONES copy of Zelda, there’d be a lot of upset players!


This game is rediculously awesome


And they aren’t remaking zelda.

The only thing I said that is a large change from d2 is splash so its fair on that point, but everything else is just to make is more modern and enjoyable. Also, like with the auto gold pickup, completely avoidable. Just because there are loot filters doesnt mean you have to use one. Just because there are stacking runes doesnt mean you have to stack them.

Oh thank goodness. I was worried there for a second. Whew!

Constructive comment. Try again.

I agree with most of this except the melee part. Melee builds have always been viable in both pve and pvp.

They are definitely viable, its just annoying how much slower than other builds they are. Defo not expecting it but thought I would still give my feedback for it.

I don’t care if runes and gems are stackable to certain degree. Make them as stackable like keys or attack potions.

Ladder content - It’s okay to not have access to everything. Some things are rewards for doing other stuff and that is okay.

Stash - Blizzard has always been weird about stash space. To the point of stupidity. This is a collecting game. If they just flipped it to make each character have 3 stash pages and there be one shared stash page, then this wouldn’t be an issue at all.

Melee Splash - Hell no. I got tired of that in PoE and other games. They take away the feel of melee and just make everything aoe fest. No. As somebody that plays zealadins and concentration barbs, I don’t care if the sorc is clearing screens.

Loot filter - Never had a problem, but if I could at least turn off potion and scroll drops I would be fine. I want to see all the damaged/cracked/etc stuff because I can upgrade them.

Chat spam - I think that’s just beta client crap. It has to be. I hope.

Joining/Creating Games - I agree.

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I will add there is something to consider when it comes to gem/rune stacking, trade value. In the golden age newbs could slowly gear up by trading 40 pgems for soj/hr. This price of 40 pgems was due to 40 being the max you could trade. If you can stack pgems we might see inflation as players demand 50 60 pgems for the same value. Newbs might think stacking will help them, but they will be pissed when its 200 pgems for an ist.


Melee splash was basically a band aid on a big issue. Most viable builds involve AoE skills, so most Barbarians that clear fast will default to Whirlwind. Some Melee skills are good though like Smite for Ubers because it doesn’t miss. Everything else in-between is a nightmare though.

It would be nice if more skills were viable, but I don’t think the community is open minded enough to allow buffs.


No effin way. Somebody understands. ECONOMY.

There’s a point I didn’t think of. Don’t allow stacking in trade window, and can’t accept trade (even of stacking items) if inventory is full?

The trade aspect is something I hadn’t thought of but yea, just dont allow trading stacked items seems like a simple fix for that.

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This is not exactly true, though in some cases it might be. Not all runes are worth the same, so you can adjust the rune you are willing to give for 40 pgems. Getting an Ist for 40 pgems is not like getting a Jah. I don’t think the limitation matters as much as you’d think.

I’m pretty sure many people just traded on 3rd party websites that bypassed any restrictions you just mentioned. All of these limitations just hurt the lower level players.

i can fully agree, from a 2021 perspective the game wasn´t balanced at all, you only had a hand full of builds that were really playable

back then that was “ok”, cause we didn´t knew it better
today with many mods like pod or pd2 we´ve seen way more variety when it comes to builds instead of mostly enigma hammerdin bots carrying baalruns

but everyone has his own,different perspective, while for me some balance changes would be great, others wouldn´t be as pleased so its hard to find a way between

maybe Blizz/VV should experiment and introduce for the first season no changes at all, while the second season will be an experimental state with balance changes

Yeah, dude I had an Amazon in PD2 that uses actual Spears. Not Javelins. I was destroying things with Fend + Melee Splash damage. It was sick. they could accomplish this by modifying skills and stuff to make them more viable.

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Could be cool yea. Don’t see why mechanical changes like splash couldn’t just be a toggleable option that is by default off though, then those who want the closest d2 experience get it and those who want a change can get it too.

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It seems you expected pd2 remastered, but you actually bought d2 remastered, wait for your mod, it will for sure get live due to the money mr sempai made with pd2.