My thoughts from beta

I don’t think it should be a toggle, it changes the game quite a bit too much. I wouldn’t care if it was a single player mod you could just choose from. I think online should be a bit consistent though.

yes exactly so that then such a s.hit like Diablo 3 comes out ?
Where the balance is then completely broken ?


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While good taste in a game, as lttp was my favorite Zelda game and just recently did a run in it myself, silly argument. When game was ported to gba, they added voice to links attacks, simplified a puzzle in dungeon 5 of dark world, and I believe that they added a game mode compatible with GameCube, four swords. Might be remembering the last point wrong.

but you have to admit, that the season themes in diablo3 are the only reasons people are still playing diablo 3

in my opinion this would be a win win situation
first season with the untouched d2 experience for purists
second season with most suggested changes ( splash, balancing and so on )

and after that they could make a survey where players give their feedback - just like now in the beta client, you exit the game and klick the survey button

My thoughts from beta is the community wants 7777777 different builds. I don’t like some things but for the most part I love it. 23rd can’t get here soon enough!!!

My thoughts from the beta.

  1. Screw everything that makes diablo 2, diablo 2… and like turn it into diablo 3.
    ( I fixed your titled)

Sarcasm aside, you’re entitled to your opinion. Though, be prepared to meet those that go against, with what you’re asking. Don’t take it personally, but if Devs do go over these forums. Then they need to see that people disagree with your suggestions.

Please fix that, it is in the original game.

and from what I can see from anyone, they disagree for no good reason. I get people want it to be as close to d2 as possible but which of my suggestions, apart from splash, would make it feel like it wasnt diablo 2? Like I said, everything could be optional like the gold pickup so I honestly dont see an issue. Fine, splash would be a huge deviation, so forget that one. The other things have no down side so all I see are “purists” trying to limit the game to 20 years ago. If they want that so much then just play d2.

I mean mate, a lot of people already stated about this.
When they announced this game, they said “We want to keep it as close to the original as possible”.
That’s what they were advertising. So of course a lot of us, want to protect that. Listen if they came out saying “Hey we’re making D2, but also adding onto it! New classes new abilities new expansion!!” Then by all means, I’d support that also, but I would never call that Diablo 2.

End of the day, it’s a Diablo 2 game. And the closer it resembles Diablo 2, the better. (Hence the name… Diablo 2!)
Anyway you want some feed back I’ll hit you with it.

Stacking. Not against it, but it would also make it easier for Bots to collect an endless amount of runes, without worry about space ever again. For pete sakes, making game decisions should be part of the game. (Do I really need this or should I pass it up, I’ll create room for it.)

Stash- Same issues as stacking. Also it impacts a different element of gameplay. I can’t tell you how many times I gave crap away, because I had no room. (That’s a good thing) it keeps items flowing, versus. Someone with 100+Tabs of inventory. They would hoard everything, and try to trade/sell it for real money. Then once again bots. Bots would benefits the most from this, versus humans making decisions of “DO I NEED THIS FOR A BUILD” “DO I WANT TO TRADE THIS” if it’s neither, then you toss it, or hook someone up with it. Not a life or death situation, just be smart. Also they already gave us Tabs, why are people begging for more. (Because… they want to see how much they squeeze out of them) It’s annoying.

Ladder content- Debatable on a few points. Why play it? (Well it has things I can’t get anywhere else.) That’s a pretty good reason to go into Ladder, similar to PoE. And for those that “Don’t want to play ladder” then simple enough, your character will go to “Non-Ladder”, so why not play Ladder to begin with, then stay in Non Ladder once you get there. Though if you don’t want that, situation. Then Ladder will only be for “Level-Racing” and this is my personal opinion. No one wants to Ladder Race, that’s boring. That’s like %2-3 of the population. There’s need to be more of a incentive to play Ladder. That’s my opinion though.

Melee Splash. - Look up fastest Uber time. Or lowest level Uber. It’s Paladin, smite. Lvl 30. You talk about your Sorc friend, but once it’s Hell mode. Versus Immunities they fall off fast. Heck, Sorcs can’t even do Uber runs. They’re practically useless there, beside static. Personally I wish magic had more of a buff. They all have to get an Infinity, in order to be somewhat useful in Hell. BUUUUT… That’s the beauty of Diablo 2 Hell mode. You’re forced to work together, to get through it. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. We’re all meant to suck.

Loot filter- Totally against this because it would give people an advantage! Due to items names being as they are, you might not see a item where you’re currently standing. Where as someone else, they will. That’s the luck of the draw with this game.
If they change it, like you mentioned “Adjustable or removing text” Well then guess what, everyone is going to lower the text size, and remove junk text like potions. In order to get an advantage of seeing all the drops. I like the luck of the draw way better, versus having to edit my loot filter to be on the same playing field as everyone else.

ChatSpam.- Yeah no clue why the Hell there’s a giant global joining and leaving chat channel. That wasn’t in D2. Hopefully they fix that.

Joining/creating games. - I mean, sure. Tabbing for boxes to make it easier to fill out/faster. Not the biggest deal in my opinion, but I get what you mean. That’d make it more proficient to use. If they don’t get around to it, oh well. If they do, great.

Not here to argue with you. You stated your opinion, I stated mine. Of course they’re going to conflict with each other, we’re on opposite sides of this debate. The game is going to resemble Diablo 2.

  1. Devs do nothing, games works out great. -Yay-
  2. Devs do nothing, games doesn’t work out. Devs start to make changes. -Boo- -Yay-
  3. Devs start with changes, then community is riled up. -Wtf is this crap? This isn’t d2.-

So let them start with by doing nothing, and see how it works out. Versus making a crap ton of changes, for no reason other than a select few people wanted them, and it pisses off, I’d say more than half the community for no reason. Cheers.