My leaderboard is messed-up


I wanted to get in touch with the customer support but the process led me here, so here I go !

Since season 25 (I think), my leadboard is messed up. I do appear in the lb, however no matter which class, season or era I select, the leaderboard always shows my current performance instead of my actual one.

For instance, if I select solo Crusader/season 25, I see “–” as I haven’t played Crusader in season 26, while it should show “Tier 150, 14’09” which is my actual performance last season.

Reversely, if I select solo Monk/era 2014-1, it shows “Tier 130, 14’37” (my performance for the current era) while I wasn’t even playing Diablo 3 back in 2014.

And it goes like that for each and every class/era/season.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!

Only help I can give on this one is to embed the pictures for you…


Decided to investigate using my non-seasonal Barb over on EU.

Here’s my Era 2022-1 (current era) GR125 clearance…

However, if I change the Era drop-down to 2014-1, it still shows me with the GR125…

…despite the Rank 1 clearance being a GR60.


Hello Nikookaburra,

My leaderboard is the same way.

I don’t usually bother with the leaderboard but, because you posted this… I did some testing. What I find is that my record at the top doesn’t change… it shows my record for the current season (on seasonal leaderboard) or the current era (for non-seasonal leaderboard)… regardless of the season or era selected.

For example:

The tier 100 gRift in 8:38.666 is my current record for season 26… but that record is still shown even if I select Season 2. (nobody achieved tier 100 gRift in Season 2).

So… I do not know if this is a bug or not… but that is the way it is working.


Thank you so much guys for having looked this up!

Wow, I would have sworn it was working “the right way” before… but I probably do not recall well and it probably does always have been like that… That’s quite a suprising presentation for one’s performance on the leaderboard, though :thinking:

My apologies for the false alert and many thanks again! :wink:

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I don’t think it’s a false alert. Looks like something we rarely see in the Bug Report forum, i.e. a report of an actual bug with evidence.


Oh, OK…! So let’s keep our fingers crossed so that someone from Blizzard sees this and confirms, I suppose…