Must be bad luck all day bad gear drops and zero petrified

I agree but the 5% for three days only gets three of them it’s bad, NOT So your constant rehashing of the topic sounds a lot like whining. And ignorance as to how randomness works. Just stating facts

It is unfortunate, but take a 20 sided D&D die and see how often a 1 comes up.
So, if Primal drop is 1/400, you would need a 400 sided die (if there was such a thing) and still be looking for a ‘1’. :slight_smile:

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Says the guy that doesn’t understand random. :rofl:

Instead of flapping your gums, show some proof. Record yourself doing 10 GR 100s showing dropped items and Kadala rolls. Upload to YouTube. Add a link. I guarantee your account won’t be broke. I will wager you will have around 140-150 legendaries. You will have have between 10 and 20 ancients. That is how random works. Sorry, but you bought a game designed around random, you can’t then complain that it is random.

As for Screams, they are 1/20. You can go 100 runs without getting one and you can go 3 straight runs getting one. That is how random works. Again, how many runs have you done the last 3 days. Simple question. Avoiding it and calling people names just shows you are full of :poop: .


It is not a Bug and this is not a discussion Forum. I’m out and this thread can fade into oblivion.


Petrified screams only drop from GRs at the end.

Edit: Don’t know if they drop from random Rift Guardins in Visions but I’ve never found one there.

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There’s NO SUCH THING as D3 RNG !

It’s D3 BNM.

I ran about a half dozen solo GRs last night and got 3 Petrified Screams. Bad luck ain’t a bug.

I read this whole thread. Then re-read it. I still can’t find the following information…

  1. Exactly how many GRs were run?
  2. Exactly how many petrified screams were obtained?
  3. Exactly how many ancient legendaries were obtained?
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Notice how OP has not returned and , judging by the 9 digit # and no profile, they are either playing on console or used a Starter Edition to post.
I don’t recall ever seeing a BattleTag with a 9 digit number following the name.

I’ve been running around 100 Grifts a day for the last week. I have gotten 0 petrified screams.

Ever since I started augmenting my gear and “Almost” finished did this stop happening. I found around 10 when I had 0 Augmented pieces and now they are non-existent.

Not sure if it’s bad luck or if something else is going on. Last season I never experienced playing off and on for a week straight, everyday and doing nothing but Grifts for the most part and not getting ANY petrified screams.

When I think about it, they stopped dropping around the same time I activated the last Alter upgrade for double primal drops at a time.

I’m back to upgrading my gear the old fashion way for the most part (Leveled 3 GEMS to 125 with 0 Petrified scream drops).

I don’t have any problem with Petrified Scream drops (I’m playing SSF - my main is on Europe). I have over 100 unused PS’s.

However, this season you don’t even need them - upgrade any soul shard to lvl 3 and use it as a 125 Augment.

Good luck.

Except for the Altar - you need both Petrified Scream and Whisper of Atonement.

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Okay, so…

  1. 100 GRs per day, for 7 days, is 700 GR.
  2. The generally accepted drop rate for screams is 5%.

That gives us…

  • Chance that a GR will generate a Scream = 5%
  • Chance that a GR will not generate a Scream = 95%
  • Chance that none of X Grs will generate a Scream = (0.95)^X
  • Chance that none of 700 GRs will generate a Scream = (0.95)^700 = 0.00000000000000025499

That a 1 in 3,921,717,424,591,391 chance.

So, despite this working absolutely fine for everyone else, your account just happened to get roughly a 1 in 4 quadrillion chance streak?


700 GRs in the last week but only 1200 paragon?

Press ‘X’ to doubt.

700 GR120s = enough XP for 0 → 2300 paragon
700 GR110s = 0 → 1900 paragon
700 GR100s = 0 → 1600 paragon
700 GR90s = 0 → 1400 paragon

You cannot have run 700 GRs just in the last week and be only 1200 paragon. The math just doesn’t check out. Unless you are running GR70s or something.

But hey, your profile counts rifts. Screenshot your rift counter in your profile (and note this includes GRs AND regular rifts, so your total GRs run will be less than this number). Here, I’ll do mine:

I’m 2k paragon in SC SSF with 951 total rifts run. And note that includes some rifts in HC SSF, SC non-SSF, and HC non-SSF too, I played all 4 game modes to get to 100% achievements then started grinding in SC SSF.

So let’s say of my 951 profile rifts, I ran about 30-50 each in HC SSF, SC non-SSF, and HC non-SSF. Let’s be conservative and call it ~100 rifts total across the other 3 modes. Then I also ran some regular rifts, I would guesstimate at least 100-200 to farm keys. Let’s call it 150 nephalem rifts.

So of the 950 total rifts, that would leave me with ~700 GRs run in SC SSF.

Oh look, I have 35 screams (I haven’t really used any at all).

~700 GRs / ~35 screams = ~5% drop rate.


I’ve found 6 in 300 Grifts. I did exaggerate sure. So right now, I’m around 2% drop chance for screams.

Last season I played less and had 38 sitting in my bags at the end of the season and stopped picking them up.

It’s all good anyways since you can still use gems in it’s place, just more tedious.

I know RNG is RNG but if you know anything about code. There is no such thing as “Random”.

Another 30 Grifts. 0 Screams. Grift 100 x 10 - 110x10 and 120x10

Sometimes one just has bad luck. Still not a Bug.

A quick trip to…

Number of events: 300
Probability of success per event: 5%
Number of successes: 6
Probability of 6 successes: 0.4247%
Mean number of successes: 15
Variance: 14.25
Standard Deviation: 3.775

0.4247% is roughly a 1 in 235 chance.

Yeah, there’s a marked difference between a claim that has a 1 in 235 chance of happening and a claim that has a 1 in 4 quadrillion chance of happening. That’s why people knew immediately that your original claim was bogus.

Anyway, 1 in 235 puts you very much at the unlucky / low left hand side of a binomial distribution curve, but for every player like you there’s an equal and opposite player on the lucky end of that curve who’s literally drowning in screams.

Unlucky =/= bugged.

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I never said it was bugged. I’m merely pointing out to the OP that “Other” people also experience this. I exaggerated to make a point. I even say in the last sentence that I just level regular gems to compensate, so it’s also not a big deal.

Thanks for the information I already knew though. Must of wasted a bunch of time figuring all that out. Good job I guess?

Then why is this in the Bug Report forum?

If you need to lie to make your point, your point is weak.

So, you know you’re wrong, but you posted things that weren’t truthful to try and support the thing you know isn’t right?

Demonstrating that other people aren’t being truthful to try and support their incorrect claims isn’t wasted time.