Multiboxing should be allowed...i hope

I just want to point out that would be around 400 dollars to get about 2.5-3.5 times the loot, on average, depending on what type of run.

How many people are actually going to be doing that? Not many, I’d reckon.

monster hp means very little in d2 lets be real, most things die in 1-2 shots even in players 8

never underestimate the PW2 crowd they will spends 1000’s on games and dont even think twice just to get an advantage

Most of that advantage is nullified by just having a few friends, and running efficient MF runs. It’s bots that should upset people, definitely not multiboxing in comparison.


Multiboxing should be fine.
We’ll have to find out when the game comes out.

The only potential problem is the demand on resources with D2R.

Multiboxing is a must!

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you mean 7 friends that also dont want any loot ever?, you get all the loot with out having share at all. /players is used for runes more then MF as it remove the nodrop from monsters.

Just dropping by to cast my vote pro-multiboxing.

I understand that many instantly think of WoW, when hearing “multiboxing”
as what WoW has with personal loot and multiboxers simply printing x30++ more gold\loot per hour by abusing hyperspawns/ simultaniously farming multiple spots, with each mob on that spot generating x8 amount(maximum mount of players that can tag, and get a drop from a single given mob) of loot for them, ruining economy in to the ground, and is pure cancer in general in pvp\herb gathering\etc.

In d2 on the other hand, multiboxing is pretty much harmless as loot is FFA - there is next to no impact on the economy.

Also d2 never allowed key-broadcasting software unlike WoW, in d2 it was always a bannable offense, when they could detect it (which apparently wasn’t very often, given they couldn’t properly deal with bots, even today, but still).

Having multiple instances of the game was always beneficial, even to others, as you would use them to fill for empty spots in baalruns\ make enchant games for friends, while still doing your own things\ mule without danger (obviously obsolete with the new stash, but still worth mentioning) \ etc.

Could you link a historical Blizzard post where they said key broadcasting software is not allowed in D2? Botting has been against the rules. The one key press per one action per game client has been the rule.

It was WoW “rule” (rule that wasn’t written anywhere, outside some blue posts on forum).
Any 3-rd party software = bannable in d2, same as it always should’ve been for wow.
Thankfully they finally banned that cancer in WoW, but that’s off topic tho.

  1. bots; i.e. any code and/or software, not expressly authorized by Blizzard, that allows the automated control of a Game, or any other feature of the Platform, e.g. the automated control of a character in a Game;

^Current EULA.

  1. Your Use of
    A. You are entitled to use for your own personal use, but you shall not be entitled to

    (v) use any third-party software to modify to change game play, including, but not limited to cheats and/or hacks;

2009 EULA.

Futher googling of ancient EULA would most likely find complete prohibition of 3-rd party software period, as d2 wiki claims, without a source tho.
In any case key-broadcast falls under both of those examples.

And why do you quote me multiboxing link? I’ve saaid they banned the key broadcasting cancer, as it was automantion software, took them long enough to admit it, explicitly for wow though, as it was banned by default in all other titles always.

For clarity, key inputting software does not automate gameplay. That is botting.

This also does not apply, except for WoW where they recently announced that they now consider key input software/hardware disallowed. In the future, it may apply to other games and for safety sake, it may be advisable not to use currently key mirroring software but as of now these rules apply to WoW.

This is not precisely what Blizzard stated. In November, they wrote:

"As World of Warcraft has evolved, our policies have also evolved to support the health of the game and the needs of the players. We’ve examined the use of third-party input broadcasting software, which allows a single keystroke or action to be automatically mirrored to multiple game clients, and we’ve seen an increasingly negative impact to the game as this software is used to support botting and automated gameplay. The use of input broadcasting software that mirrors keystrokes to multiple WoW game clients will soon be considered an actionable offense. We believe this policy is in the best interests of the game and the community.

We will soon begin issuing warnings to all players who are detected using input broadcasting software to mirror commands to multiple accounts at the same time (often used for multi-boxing). With these warnings, we intend to notify players that they should not use this software while playing World of Warcraft. Soon thereafter, the warnings will escalate to account actions, which can include suspension and, if necessary, permanent closure of the player’s World of Warcraft account(s). We strongly advise you to cease using this type of software immediately to maintain uninterrupted access to World of Warcraft.

Thank you for your understanding."

They said it was use “to support botting and automated gameplay”, They did not say that it automated gameplay.

In the past few days, Blizzard stated:

"On November 3, 2020, we posted an update to our policy for input broadcasting software, and soon thereafter, we began taking action against accounts found to be using third party software to automatically mirror keystrokes to multiple game clients. We find that, like full automation of play, multiple-account mirroring disturbs the gameplay experience for the vast majority of players who control a single account at a time.

We will now additionally prohibit the use of all software and hardware mechanisms to mirror commands to multiple World of Warcraft accounts at the same time, or to automate or streamline multi-boxing in any way. Players found to be in violation of this policy are subject to account actions. These actions can include warnings, account suspensions and, if necessary, permanent closure of the player’s World of Warcraft account(s), as activities which effectively replicate automated gameplay are contrary to the terms and conditions of the Blizzard End-User License Agreement (EULA).

We urge all players to cease using any means of mirroring gameplay across multiple WoW accounts immediately, in order to maintain uninterrupted access to World of Warcraft."

Actually I was talking about friends killing things in different zones, as is the most efficient for of MFing. People should be learning to actually play the game, not sitting in the throne room, if they want good loot.

players 8 online dose not work like players 8 on single player, they need to be with 2 zones to get the nodrop on monsters, cant farm different areas it will just make monsters harder with no increased drop rate, and for MF you’re killing super monsters and champs and bosses they have no effect with the amount of players in the game, well bosses have the nodropped removed but its very low chance that will happen even in /player 1. all about trash mobs and rune drops, some uniques too i guess.

This is incorrect. it is very advantageous to get together a specific team of people do do content, if you have enough people inclined to do it.

Heres what I do if I get enough players that want to cooperate to MF-

1 player makes the game that already has completed baal- This person teleports to Baal.
2nd player joins the baal run and gets that Bugkill. This changes the unique droprate by roughly 1/3.

3rd player bugs meph, then runs for andy.
4th player clears pit
5th player (Blizz sorc) runs tunnel.
6th player runs nihlathak then summoner for keys
7th and 8th players hit chaos

Anyone 95+ gets called when baal and diablo die for the xp.

Incorrect how? you don’t even say how it is incorrect, it is widely known players online must be within in 2 zones for the nodrops to be removed, and as i said the amount of players has zero effect on uniques monsters champs and bosses, they have set drop amounts.

I don’t know how to say it other than it’s factually incorrect. Players 8 in single player works the exact same way as having 8 players in a multiplayer game in separate zones.

Improved Drops for Parties
Every party member in the area of the kill increases the chance that stuff will drop (whether via monster death, chests, etc). Every two additional other players in the game (whether it’s a non-party member or a party member in another area) count as one additional party member toward the extra chance for a drop.

For example (for a sample baseline 25% drop):

Party Chance Of Getting Something
1 1-(0.75^1) = 0.250
2 1-(0.75^2) = 0.438
3 1-(0.75^3) = 0.578
4 1-(0.75^4) = 0.684
5 1-(0.75^5) = 0.763
6 1-(0.75^6) = 0.822
7 1-(0.75^7) = 0.867
8 1-(0.75^8) = 0.900

I’m not entirely sure how multiboxing would work for Diablo 2 in all honesty. Multiple IPs, multiple BattleNet accounts… Feel like it would trigger a red flag for the servers, but that’s just speculation at this point. I’ve included a link to the Suggested Changes Compilation thread to help get this feature concern some more visibility and exposure.
Muyu’s Suggested Changes Compilation

Edit: not sure why this post is pinging you MicroRNA, but it kept coming up every time I tried to post.

Correct, it is allowed on WoW due to the nature of how accounts are managed there al la subscriptions, however Diablo is not subscription based and a single license is tied to your account.

Diablo 2 in its current iteration (not Resurrected) is CD Key based (not sure if it’s still? Correct me if I’m wrong) and allows you to play more than one client at a time as a result. I’m sure it would functionally be the same idea to do so with multiple BattleNet accounts but I’m not sure if Blizzard has that in mind when it comes to their server’s security regarding multiple IPs logging in from the same geo location.

That is not why they allow multiple WoW accounts to be played. Each is still a separate purchase for the game and a separate subscription. Each WoW license is an individual key just like Diablo.

A Bnet account is like a key ring sort of. It holds:

  • 8 WoW keys (each with its own sub)
  • One of each other Blizzard game you buy/play

A person can have as many Battlenet accounts at they want. There are a few restrictions though:

  • They each need to be in your real name with real address, etc.
  • They can’t be shared or sold.
  • You can’t have more than 3 with Battlenet Balance on them. You can have all you want without Balance.

They do allow that on Battlenet 2.0. There are no IP restrictions preventing multiple Bnet accounts from logging in from one IP address. Those restrictions only apply to D2/LoD on the old Bnet system.

I could have 15 people over for a BBQ and game day and we could all play D2R from my house on my IP with no issues.

A parent can also set up a second account in their name that their child/legal ward uses from the same IP.

If they did not allow that, families would have a very hard time playing Blizzard games! So would people in dorms, shared homes, etc.