Multiboxing should be allowed...i hope

Their definition of multiboxing is clarified.

Your definition is more basic.

There’s no need for semantics. Everyone knows exactly what they are referring to.

You can not play two or more accounts at the same time with any form of automation.

If you want to hop back and forth between two PCs, or even two active windows, to give individual commands to individual accounts, go for it. I would not call that multiboxing in this sense. I would call that juggling.

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Yes, this is currently still permitted.

Exactly. Anything, software or hardware, that makes it easier so that the two accounts mirror each other, is what they are targeting.

We do not know the extent to which they will apply this in online D2R games. It is best to simply play it safe.

i agree it should be allowed… we should be allowed up to 4 on 1 ip… same as last time. it shouldn’t matter what computers im on

Modern Bnet 2.0 does not have that limit at all. They currently allow unlimited Battlenet accounts per IP address for modern Blizz games. A Bnet account can hold up to 8 WoW licenses for example.

If you want to open 6 Battlenet accounts in your name and buy 6 D2R licenses - you can. You can play them from the same IP or even computer. There are a few limits:

  • Any Bnet account needs to be in your legal name.
  • A Battlenet account can only have one game license per game, except WoW - where you can have 8 WoW licenses on one Bnet account (each requires a separate license purchase and separate game time purchase).
  • You can only have 3 Bnet accounts with Bnet Balance on them
  • You can’t use software or hardware to automate, mirror, or streamline playing the accounts.

That should allow muling between D2R licenses on diff Bnet accounts.

Very correct. If something goes wrong and you lose account access it takes Govt Issued ID to get the account back. People who fail to registered using their real information as required by the EULA end up in a rather unfortunate pickle.


You’re correct, but banning key mirroring effectively kills multiboxing as it relates to its impact on game economy.

What I am 100% sure is, playing two accounts on two different computers will not get banned. How to know it is not two brothers playing together?

Multiboxing is allowed for D3, and each character has their own drop being more effective then D2 Multiboxing would ever be.

Sandboxie has been allowed for ages which allows multiboxing for D2 on bnet. I have been using it for years now. If you actually had access to the older bnet website there is a place where they posted this ages ago before sandboxie went open source like it is now.

Reason why? It just allows you to run 2 of the program. You need a separate cd key and installed copy of the game but, you can run up to 3 instances on one computer before you will run into issues of you triggering warden and that is just because of RD timers all being seen as one IP with one hardware profile so anything you do will likely cause issues unless you stagger your timing for everything. There is no automation, no follow commands nothing it is basically isolating one from talking to the other so you can launch both. Anything put in the sandbox is basically run in a container as it is known now.


I was asking about it on this topic too, I’d be more cautious about it personally.

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I’m against multi boxing, it only encourages poor behavior overall and doesn’t actually increase the enjoyment of any one player, just there ‘value’.


Multi boxing always reminded me of someone sitting down to a game of checkers. They just spin the board to make it easier for red to beat black or vice versa, but ultimately you’re online just playing with yourself.

People in WoW did this for 2 reasons, to one shot anyone with synchronized fireballs or to set up a farm rotation with multiple units that inevitably ruins the economy.

I’ve never seen anything good come from multiboxing, which is widely understood to mean synchronized and mirrored. It’s always obnoxious.

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I used it for muling and rushing my own characters. I will normally allow 2-3 other people but, I am so proficient at rushing and I am in control not someone else. Otherwise I am subject to them leaving, falling asleep, requiring I give them my forge for the rush, etc. Where if I am rushing myself and a few others if I need hit the bathroom in the middle of it I can, if I want a character to have all the wps I can give them that. If I want to drop a complete staff for the next character I am rushing I can. I am not beholden to others and it gives me advantages early in ladder. I can do rushes for the other person’s forge and get mine as well giving me 1-2 mid runes per hell rush. This does not even include quest drops from bosses, larzuk socket and charsi imbue. None of that brakes the game. It can be an advantage beginning of ladder or it can be a wash because you will have people not give you the forge and rushing 2nd day ladder takes a decent amount of time.

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No multiboxing ever. Except on a multiboxing ONLY realm. They can play with each other, have their own economy and game experience :slight_smile:

What’s the difference between multiboxing on one machine, vs multiboxing on numerous machines close together? in my estimate, the only difference is real world cost.

If you can afford multiple separate computers, you have an advantage over those who can’t afford to. Do we really want to make the game pay to play more than we can help?

I don’t really see the issue with multiboxing, so long as you are not using software to mimic each input. If you have to individually control each character, I think it’s a perfectly legit way to play.

And it’s not like they can limit accounts per ip to 1, or families couldn’t play together, ruining the best aspect of the game.

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Some people like to multibox even within the rules set forth by Blizzard in WoW. I would argue that D2 is far different than WoW due to D2 not being an MMO. I suspect that most legit D2 multiboxers are not characterized by “poor behavior” and the reason that they multibox is that it dos increase their enjoyment of the game.

Yeah I mean, back when this game was “the big game” of the world, I lived with 3 other dudes and we all played. Some of us worked drastically different shifts, and even before “true multiboxing” on one pc became popular, we would often leave a game open for rushing mules/ muling/ mfing, etc. and whoever was at work got to be the “bo barb”

I see no issue with this, so I can’t really judge anyone for using several chars on the same cpu so long as they are actually controlling all of them separately.

It is impossible to create a system to eliminate these types of situations of players gaining an advantage, and even harder to do so without inconveniencing multiple players in a family/same ip.

So long as they ban cheaters that use third party software to emulate playing multiple characters, I’m fine with it.

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I think multiboxing in any game is nothing else then pay to win and should be striktly forbidden. What else is buying the game two times for having your personal bo barb? You are buying a CTA with real money.


People just want /players 8 loot on with out having share, sounds broken af to me and very p2w.

dude if this would be not allowed np…fu** of that no chantgames from my side for the newbies then(sorry i am not helping them), i will buy second low budget computer and set my Bo Barb for that…need to change my homesetup and turning my pc room in to an Space Station but its okay…diablo is life…rofl

I said why its p2w in the post, you get the increase drop rates for every single drop in the game, by a ton by having 8 accounts in one game, effectively bring single player /players 8 in to battle. net, if they wanna allow us to /players 8 with out having to buy 8 accounts then im good with it.