Multiboxing SHOULD be allowed with Diablo IV

I created you and your MB theme and now I’ve put you to bed.

Go to sleepy little baby!

HAH you wish you gave up like a little kitty cat couldn’t take the heat and then got rid of yourself.

You also just brought even MORE eyes to the thread digging multiboxings own grave.

If Blizzard make any statements on multiboxing for D4 or release a new official statement, I will DIE with laughter knowing a couple of multiboxers using multiple accounts to back up their own arguments destroyed multiboxing for the entire population of multiboxers and would be the most hated multiboxers in the multiboxing community wishing you would just shut up so it can continue to be swept under the rug.

Every post you made just put another nail in multiboxings coffin and now we don’t have to see it in the Diablo forums anymore :sunglasses: YAAASSS queen! :joy: :rofl:

Who gives af about the “games and technology” forums.

Bye byeee :wave: :sunglasses:

muted the thread

Thanks a lot… I won’t be able to un-forget that.

I actually buy into the argument that something can be “cheating” even it isnt against the rules. P2W could definitely be considered cheating. It is not against the rules, and thus not officially cheating. But it is clearly against the “spirit” of gaming.

We still haven’t seen any arguments as for why Multiboxing could be considered cheating in this definition of “cheating = shady behavior”.

“Normal gameplay” is exactly what Kargon is trying to tell you. Normal gameplay = gameplay as defined in the rules.

Yes, that very much is the point here. MB does nothing that could be considered being “shady” or “against normal gameplay”. It is as normal as gameplay comes.
If MB was cheating, then playing the game itself would be cheating. Which would be absurd.
(this is again if ignoring the one scenario where MB can be used for cheating; if you are playing on both sides in a PvP match - but that is not MB being cheating, it is using MB for something that is cheating. You can do the exact same without using MB, and it would be cheating in the exact same way, making the MB part quite irrelevant)

That clearly isn’t proof that multiboxing isn’t okay in D3? It doesn’t mention D3.

Hence you cant use it to conclude that MB is against the rules in D3. At least it should be possible to agree on that.

Not with ol’ Dusty. His feels and the few hundred that agree with him are all the proof he neefs to make his claims. Point is, last official statement regarding D3 said it’s allowed. The WoW comment relates to the EULA allowing MB, every Blizzard game has the same EULA. Therefore, it is allowed.

I do believe a poster here got a response to asking if it’s allowed in D3, and was told yes, but he called it a lie. So he’s trolling just pushing his agenda at this point.


…is a poll on Reddit and it disagrees with Blizzard’s own statement about multi-boxing in D3 being allowed. Please note that statements about multi-boxing in WoW does not prove anything whatsoever about D3. They have different rules for different games.

Blizzard’s last official statement about multi-boxing in D3 was that it’s allowed.
Until and unless they put out a later statement, that position still stands.

If I ran into a 15+ multiboxer in PvP, I would thank them for their donation of 15xsubscription to the game.

You should have the focus somewhere else, as any good cheater with AI today, can basically run the game better than you can. Already heard about people training ai on private servers to use. Better to find the solution in other ways, basically making them less useful, because that would allow for adjustment behind the scenes, that you just cant mimic and take into account.

Trying to ban them, just hits some small fish and legitimate users.

Why? It’s not like it matters in the slightest for the company, let alone you personally.

You notice this is a thread specifically about multiboxing, so having replies centered around the topic seems appropriate. I won’t play D4 at all so my focus in any direction is nonexistent.