Multiboxing SHOULD be allowed with Diablo IV


It’s cheating, period.

That is absurd. And you talk about being obtuse…
Next you will argue that using skill points is cheating or something? If you think it is so obvious how multiboxing could be considered cheating, it shouldn’t be hard to defend such a claim.

Now you’re just being disingenuous.

…in WoW. The last time they made a statement about it in D3, was the one we have a screenshot of, where they said it was allowed.

They have different rules for different games.

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That got deleted now the only official post from Blizzard doesn’t include Diablo.

If something was really worthy information diablo wikis would already captured it. Also wayback machine is out there if you can remember some keywords for web searching.

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If you’re going to accuse me of something, prove it. I don’t even have multiple accounts, so good luck with that.

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Because nothing had changed since the last one. Seriously this act of yours isn’t doing you any favors.


600 votes think it’s cheating when compared to the billions on the planet it’s basically zero

And there are a ton of things that I don’t think are right either all of them more important than whether some program is used and in the end the rules say multibox is allowed, the developers and blizzard don’t have an issue with multibox and it’s their game, what you want is immaterial
Get over yourself, you don’t run the show blizzard does


If multibox is cheating and it isn’t because blizzard has said it is fine to use, why isn’t all games that are not single cheating as well because hey there is more than 1 person and thats cheating

These fools that like to use big words that they don’t know the meaning of and can’t get pass the fact that multibox isn’t cheating in Diablo, Blizzard has said it’s not illegal to use said multibox, It’s their game, if they say multibox is allowed to be used then it’s allowed to be used
You don’t like that FACT you are free not to play anymore
but to have the audacity to come in here and to lay down the law as to what is cheating WHEN THE MAKER OF THE GAME SAY IT ISN’T just defies belief


600+ people voted and 80% of them said it was cheating and should be banned in D4. You have NO leg to stand on Blizzard should take notes and BAN ALL multiboxing in D4.

And all your pathetic attempts to try and cover up the fact it’s cheating are just that. Pathetic. You’re cheaters who will say anything to keep cheating.


By definition it is. Though there are forms of cheating that game makers allow for one reason or another. Most common is that they don’t know how or cannot feasibly enforce it.

And like it or not, Blizzard has never once said “it’s not cheating”. They just said they allow it.

The “because i say so” argument. It is only cheating if blizzard says it is, for example in d3 overlays is cheating, in wow some are allowed and thus not cheating.

I’m not saying it is, every dictionary on the world is. Check the wiki on it too.

It’s pretty cut and dry. Saying it’s not is what’s called “reaching”

If it’s allowed by definition it can’t be cheating.

Not true. Several forms of cheating are allowed by several game developers because they cannot or don’t know how to police it.

People get hung up on the word “cheating”. It’s just a word used to describe using methods that were not designed into the game to get an advantage over others.

I already made this example but I played MTG at a venue years back. The owner was the judge. His best friend played in the tournament and stacked his deck plus trick shuffled so all his best cards were drawn first. People reported this but the “judge” said he was ok with it. The judge said it wasn’t cheating but it really was.

You still fail to give one or two quotes from these dictionaries. If i check wiki tho
" Multiboxing is generally allowed by [MMORPG], because the characters are still subject to all the normal rules of the game world and are controlled by the player directly. This is in contrast to [bots] that partially or fully control the characters, which are against the terms of service of most online games. "

Because you’re being disingenuous and trying to reach. There is no need.

and you are being obtuse, also no need

No, it literally means breaking the rules to get an advantage. IF it’s not against the rules, it’s not cheating.

One corrupt official is beside the point as that’s another issue entirely. And he might not even be corrupt if everyone was allowed to do that.