Does anyone remember the video of Mosqueira multiboxing 4 demon hunters back when he was game director?
(Sad I’m not able to find it now)
Does anyone remember the video of Mosqueira multiboxing 4 demon hunters back when he was game director?
(Sad I’m not able to find it now)
I very much agree about that.
But I have had two WoW accounts for example. Never used software to play them, never played them at the exact same time, only by switching between them manually (like, I can lvl 2 characters at once, with one passively on follow). No reason that would be bannable.
As someone who multiboxes D3 on occasion I will share this information:
Next patch, I am actually looking forward to rebooting the 3-man army again. So this step towards stopping MB worries me.
I can understand why it could be problematic in an open world environment, with farmable loot that can hogged by multiboxers. But that is not the case for D3.
Lastly, for anyone who wants to know what MB looks like in GR push, here is an old video of LoD Blessed Shield 3-man doing GR130, I think the highest I got up to was GR132 or GR133 back then (zBarb + zWiz). This was in the Star Pact era, which was demolishing stuff.
In today’s GoD6 Hungering Arrow era, I can probably 3-man a GR140, which is lower than my solo clear. (This group is WW zBarb and another GoD zDH)
When 2.6.10 rolls out, I’ll run LoN Bombardment 3-man – I predict low GR140s. Not game breaking results.
Not gonna lie, i have to be honest, you’ve got a lot of gittin gud to do. Also, why dont you have a 4th account, they are like 5$. Also part 2, 4 WWRend barbs are really good in s22.
I run that on a laptop that overheats.
Show your footage, then we’ll have a conversation about getting better.
The 4th account allows an RGK into the party, which makes the trash clearer do more dps. Otherwise your 3rd is going hybrid support / rgk.
And here I thought that MB is for primal farming in gr 80-90 . You know, 4x the same class = 4x bigger chance for good drop for your main char.
Yes and roughly 2x the time to hash out the items after each clear, even more if you are speed clearing. It’s not really worth it from a loot standpoint. Every now and then you’ll get a nice item to trade over.
My 2 alts are low paragon, so they are officially zDps and can trade items like CoE/F&R/Traveler’s Pledge etc. Sometimes you’ll score a nice piece for another build – but it is very rare and most definitely slower than running bounties for the desired item.
ah yes, the worst thing about it is having to clear every bounty in all 5 acts.
Multi-boxing is not illegal. The software that makes it easier is.
Change your subject line OP. It’s misleading.
No it isnt, that’s only relevant to WoW. Stop spreading misinformation.
this probably wont come to D3 multiboxers usually plays all 4 slots just like me i play all 4slots and it doesnt effect the d3 community as much as it does for wow
What part of what I wrote is misinformation?
He is probably splitting hairs with the definition of “illegal”.
As in it is not something the government will charge you with crimes for - illegal.
Against the Blizzard policies illegal
BOTH are within the official definitions as per Miriam Webster, a well known Dictionary - which makes your statement correct and his bait (an attempt at an argument). Illegal Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
(Entry 1 of 2)
: not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit also : not sanctioned by official rules (as of a game)
also how can multiboxing cause problems with d3 if u get a dual boxer u can remove him out… so boxers usually make there own lobbys and if a solo player joins they have the choices to stay or not… multiboxers are not an issue in diablo
So you all but condone 3rd party software to automate keystrokes and game play?
it’s not automation.
Multiboxing is his main form of gameplay in WoW and D3. So this particularly impacts him. That is also why he has so many accounts (according to him).
EDIT - MB software can be used to just clone keystrokes outside the game so that each game instance gets one input - the same input. HOWEVER these days it can also be used to do a lot more than that and Blizz has decided the software as a whole is no longer allowed.
Mutiple accounts are still allowed of course, but the person needs to find a different control solution. Maybe an old fashioned manual hardware one.
saying that the softwares illegal its only been clarified that its only for wow there toes still allows multiboxing with software for other game untill the come out and say that for all there game or they update there tos/eula with it then its not illegal in D3