MTX = Loss of playerbase

How would allowing people to buy cool MTX’s ruin the game!!! O_O


Diablo was never about looking cool. And I don’t see how somebody looking “cooler” than you affects your gameplay. If you don’t want glitter in your short and curlies, don’t buy it.


I wholeheartedly disagree.

My response is POE.

I enjoy playing but never once have I felt compelled to buy MTX or felt like my experience was lessened by others having MTX that I did not have.


Its just sad that we are in a time of microtransactions/lootbox era…remember
a time when games were about play to unlock things ? But people buy them…and as long as people buy them, they won’t remove them.


It’s kinda hard to preach logic and simple truths to people who think like this…

They’re thinking is too superficial… like who honestly cares about appearances in a video game no less?

Sure, you shouldn’t be getting a tattoo on your forehead in real life. You should actually care some what… but yeah, no.

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Everyone agrees with you. But you need to understand that this is where we are right now. Nobody likes it, just some of us don’t lose sleep over it.

Nobody loses sleep over it , you just threw it out there…just keep buying stuff on already paid games,not my problem… only expansions are worth buying tbh…(at least some of them)

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I don’t buy MTX, no idea what you’re talking about. Nor was I attacking you, snowflake. Calm yourself.

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Im speaking in general…you should calm yourself out, my snow white :stuck_out_tongue:

I 100% agree. They’re 100% going to make bright and flashy MTX just for the fact you can stand out and it will ruin the darkness immersion of the game. People will buy it up because people with money like to stand out and be unique right from the get-go.

Not only that but MTX hides what gear you’re currently wearing in most cases and this hides vital information in terms of PVP on hardcore. It will be a negative thing for us.

Also, if you release one MTX, you’re 100% going to release more and more…
Something which ruined WoW and D3, was the constant bombardment of MTXs that ruin the game for others who don’t have $50 a week spending money on purely MTX.

No MTX please. It will ruin the game slowly.


They aren’t making anything “bright and flashy”. Other than Gary, the questionable treasure goblin. I don’t know why they’re even in D4, tbh.

microtransactions shouldn’t be a thing. but, idiots like the ones in this thread defend it. These people are just rich people with tons of money to spend on looking cool to feel like gthey’re better than everyone. because they can afford each and every cosmetic that comes out. – defenders of mtx are NOT true gamers. Typically they plop their fat asses into a new game throw all kinds of money at it. Then cry because they have nothing to do. –

Anyone using POE as a good example should be drug out into the street and stoned to death. That game sucks it hard. If you think it’s so great go play that game. Stop trying to turn diablo into that steamy turd that is POE.


MTX will fund more content for the game. As long it doesn’t stray into the pay to win or loot boxes territory, bring it on!


LOL Where is this coming from? Nobody is defending MTX, we just know that it IS a thing and you’re in denial if you think it isn’t. It doesn’t mean anybody is buying them, either. You sound like that whiny poor kid on the block.

Ad hominem fallacy my dude. Look it up.

Path of Exile is a good game. That’s just a fact. You just have an irrational opinion on MTX.

I agree. There’s not point of MTX, it’s only use is to hide sloppy designs of current armor so that you can look bright and flashy, and not worry about making cool armor/gear for people without MTX.

Blizz will advertise and spam you with “Buy this MTX! Only 5.99 and proceeds go to charity!” Like as if I want to see that on my screen.

Not only that but people in every single game abuse MTX to look as stupid as possible, in order to troll or to hide vital information especially in PVP. Will ruin immersion so much.


I’m a father of 5, homeowner that works a minimum of 40 hours of week. I am not rich and every extra dollar i have goes into a saving account for the future of my children. I don’t care what blizzard does to make money from a game. And I love Diablo i have played it my entire life. I have played more Diablo than I have done any other 1 activity.

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If these MTX-es will keep the game alive for longer I am all for it. It works fine for PoE so why not for another arpg.

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The prescence of microtransactions means they always are generating $$ with the game, a thing that at least secure that we will get patches often.
Cosmetics have no influence in gameplay so, if you don’t want or can’t spend money in them it makes no difference.

I have zero problem with supporting a game I love. I have bought diablo 1, 2, and 3 at least 4 times each upon release and via battlechests for myself as friends.

irrational? nah I’m not the delusional one. Clearly you are if you think that POE is good. (LOL!)