forgot the big one of adding it as an added option instead of demanding it be the only option like people against it but i was really trying not to feed that troll.
Since almost all advocates of timed or personal loot games want total drops to bethe same as FFA multiplayer games, your worry is misplaced.
If you want to worry, consider the fact the if botters are reduced and duping eliminated in modern battlenet, there will be demands from some supporters of FFA loot to increase the drop rates as the trade economy will no longer be recognizable.
There have been multiple requests (nobody can “demand” anything) from people who aren’t even part of the FFA/ploot discussion.
Most people greatly underestimate what the market will look like without bots/dupers, and I hope both that this happens, and that drop rates never change. This being part of my “achievement” approach to “loot gain”.
You think you are an oracle now? You have some tarot cards sittin on your desk foreseeing the future? All of what you said is just hypothetical.
Listen I hope to god as much as everyone else does that the botters/hackers are taken out and reduced to a pile of ash. However…the drop rates are perfect the way they are and without botters / hackers the value of the items would be at a very healthy state. Would make putting in time Mfing a more worthwhile thing than it has been in a long time.
This whole Personal loot integration would be such a slippery slope. That 8x gear example I gave is just an example of how it would RUIN the economy just as bad as bots / duping would. In a sense that is just duping everything in the game 8x…no bueno. I have some faith blizzard is smart enough to not let that happen however.
stumbled across this when looking for something on the 1.13 rollbacks and it seems evident that people were asking for a system change even 11 years ago it has been changed to an added option but it has been asked for as an exclusive feature for d2 and d2r on some sites.
i also had a post about changing to a need/greed personal loot system for d2 in 2005 after playing wow but the wayback machine didn’t have it
I have 2+ years on the new diablo forum and another several years on the old diablo forum. I have a good sense of what will happen from experience.
How many forum posters who advocate for personal/timed loot have stated that they wanted 8x drops? The posters claiming this are almost always posters who are against loot options. I think it is either lack of knowledge, misinformation, fear-mongering, and/or disinformation.
Of whom? Not even streamers with direct access to Blizzard “demand” anything - there seems to be some delusion as to the importance of posts here. See below:
And anyone who has been playing D2 knew about these requests. Yet the game retained incredible popularity without ploot - so much so that D2R was created despite many claiming it couldn’t be done - and it’ll release without ploot.
So it should be clear that requests != important enough to affect change.
Anyone can demand almost anything. That demand does not mean that it will be listened to or ultimately be adopted.
Correct. Rod has at least 3 tweets stating that will be the case and that alternate loot options are still continuing to be discussed where the latest tweet was from a few days ago.
then why did you ask me to prove that people asking for ploot have compromised on what they were asking for over the years if you already knew they had?
never said it did was simply explaining to shadout, which oddly seems not to be your name yet you decided to disrupt the discussion that was starting, that the switch from asking for the loot system to be changed to ploot to it being an added feature was indeed a compromise that happened.
If a post on a public forum is considered to amount to a “demand” - feel free to think that way. Perhaps in the past, but not in the streamer-influencer era.
Correct. All discussions are still on the table - including the one in which ploot is not added to the game.
I asked you to show me an example or two of the “compromise” that the ploot advocates here have made. 3 times, right? I wanted to see what you meant by “compromise”.
My post was responding to MicroRNA - I used part of your post to make an (obvious) point. And it’s not a compromise to go from “change the entire loot system” to “have it as an option” - the former being a non-starter from your own digging. See, this is why I was interested in what you meant as a “compromise”.
That’s one way of looking at it. But, I guess you played it at release as I did? And some even back then were asking for it to change. Some were also against hostile PK. No critical momentum arose, though. And I think part of the backlash here is still from people who want to capture “that feeling”, as subjective as that is, and as much as you may disagree with it.
At this stage, I wonder if a ‘PTR’ could be created - so that a bunch of us curious as to how this would pan out could simply…play both versions, and see what exactly changes. Wishful thinking?
How it should be at least.
Make it a 3-6 month ladder, alongside a standard ladder (or maybe starting halfway through a normal ladder period, so people didnt feel they had to choose one or the other).
No more guessing about how it would affect player behavior.
MajorMUD players like myself would like to have a word with you. This discussion was taking place back in the MUD era, well before D2. But it never generated enough support, especially where pvp was involved. “Allocated loot” was a concept bandied around in numerous contexts prior to D2.
We can agree on that. And maybe it’d give us something else to talk about
it might have existed in the text based genre idk but it certainly didn’t exist in any 3d or faux 3d games like diablo at the time. also the 3 heads of the studio have admitted to not knowing about it back when they were working on d2.