Mrllamas take on "Pls put PLOOT"

A remaster is a remaster. Not sure what you’re even trying to say.

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What is your definition of a remaster for Diablo 2?

You stated that D2R shouldn’t have a personal loot option because it’s a remaster. The definition of a remaster in gaming according to Google is, "The definition of a remastered game has gone through some big changes very recently. In its simplest form, a remaster is offering the exact same game as the original, with small changes that reflect hardware improvements .

So how does one of the changes to Diablo 2 in D2R like a shared stash mean it’s the original definition of a remaster. That is what I mean when I said, “The definition of what a remaster is for this game changed when D2R did.”

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Yeah shared stash could be considered a performance improvement since it wasn’t possible at the time. Messing with the loot tables is completely different.

But the bigger picture is personal loot is a massive change.

I don’t consider D2 to be a multiplayer competitive game.

Not with the threat of cheaters and combined servers.

Yes because they have to in order to have a chance of getting any decent loot for their efforts and or contributions in MP games.

Being banned in D2 game is not a big deal. You can run your programs on a different account and transfer all your “goods” to a clean account and make a killing in profits.

That is beacuse FFA loot system creates this style of gameplay. Having Ploot will encourage METAS!

There is nothing you or anyone, alive or dead, could say or do to offend me. Relax :slight_smile:

They think, bizarrely, that the more they spam specific threads on this forum the more ‘Blizzard’ will listen. They should take a look at Pez’s Twitter once in a while and see where the priorities lie - it isn’t reading “essay” here, that’s for sure.

And most streamers have direct access to Blizzard - lol.

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Like what I was alluding to, you literally changed the definition of a remaster to fit your own narrative and used that term to validate your reason why D2R shouldn’t have a personal loot option. :joy:

The Ploot battles:

(188) The Matrix Revolutions - Zion Machine Invasion [HD] - YouTube

Performance improvements are part of a remaster.

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  1. It is most definitely a competitive multiplayer game, PVP is still thriving 20 years later.

  2. You act like cheaters are that prevalent, sure there will be people with pickit scripts, it’s not going to be as common as you think. It was NEVER as common as you guys make it out to be back around when D2 was in its prime.

  3. No 8 players splitting all the items in a game is NEVER as much as doing the run solo and taking all the items yourself. Most people are not playing in public games and doing runs for loot, they’re doing it primarily for experience.

  4. Uhhh I think you’re talking about botting. Using pickit does not make you automatically rich, it takes thousands of runs to find something decent in Diablo 2, having pickit is not going to reduce that amount of time by much. Botting on the other hand is probably not as big of a deal to get banned, but at least the game will now cost $40 and not $5 for botters to get a new key.

  5. How does PLOOT encourage metas, people will now literally sit in games and let one person do all the work while they are now guaranteed items for doing nothing. At least in FFA loot people HAVE to get close to the monster being killed (most leechers will die if they get close). People are literally ONLY in public games for LEVELING, my god did you guys even play Diablo 2 ? Even if loot is split among 8 players evenly, you will NEVER get anywhere near as much loot as you would running a solo game (which everyone does)

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So you are going to state that a shared stash that eliminates the use of mules (which was a main feature in D2) is a performance improvement so it falls under the definition of what a remaster in gaming that I quoted above is, “small changes that reflect hardware improvements”. Does another change like the removal of TCP/IP fit your category of a performance improvement as well?

If TCP/IP improves the security of the game, yes it is. That’s not to say it’s a good change, but it fits the definition of a remaster.

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Interesting, so does a change for notifications and automatic gold pickup fall under your category of a performance improvement too for what makes up your definition of a remaster?

You already have ploot. mF solo or with clan or friends. But yeah Devs already said it is not happening.

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Your definition of a remaster seems to be a sequel like turning this into Diablo 3, but yes gold auto gold pickup is fair game.

What’s the advantage again?

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It isn’t my definition of a remaster, I literally stated that it was Google’s, go look.

Hmmm… 4 tweets from Rod

People are whining they can’t pick up drops fast enough, so they want drops handed to them for free. Or they grossly overestimate the number of cheaters.

I had no problem in the beta. Granted I didn’t get every drop, but that’s what FFA loot is.

Nobody is messing with the loot tables.

Last survey from mister Lamer:
20% use bots
47% use maphack

“never as common”

So add it to pubs as well. Obvious solution.

At launch.
They also said they discussed it, would consider adding it as an option and are happy to hear our discussions.
Go figure.