Mrllamas take on "Pls put PLOOT"

Well at least there’s a common ground there.

If they can take the barbs items in FFA, they would also be able to roll on them in Ploot. These two systems should basically work the same. Except in ploot it happens through a roll.

Especially weird considering this:

In the past people have hated the RNG, but it was the item generation/itemization being RNG (corrupted gear, titanforged etc.). Not the allocation.

That said, WoW is lacking loot rules, like Master Looter which was removed, these days. Like with D2R, more options for loot allocation is better.

No it isn’t. They might prefer it. But that still doesn’t make it better. Not unless you want to twist the meaning of words.

That is like saying Amazon is better than Sorceress, because you like Amazon more.

No it doesn’t. If anything it encourages some more people to join MP games.

Again not true.
Might I remind you of:

Maybe listen to yourself.

MrLlama does not get:

Neither. Not 8X loot, and you still see all the loot that drops.
As for getting 1/8 on average… yes, just like FFA.

Yes, you get that loot all for yourself if nobody else are nearby

Not more miserable than seeing it drop, and then being picked up by the leecher who was hugging the monster while you fought it.
Merely different experiences. One might prefer one or the other. But the result of the two are overall the same.

If the lvl 10 player is nearby, he can do that just fine in FFA as well.
And if you do not want that lvl 10 player to get loot, in either FFA or Ploot, then do not play with him. Or turn hostile and kill him.

And this would remain true. Nothing would change.

Completely false. We have discussed this for weeks.

Why are you?

Afraid you cant find anyone to carry you in FFA anymore?’


I think a good argument could be made that the range should be within 1 screen range, so you can only get drops from enemies you can see.

Same can happen in FFA. Just less likely to happen in Ploot.

But yes, Ploot is not better than FFA. They merely have different pros and cons. Being at the mercy of RNG rolls can definitely be seen as a con.
As can the potential of runs being slowed down.
Which is fine. For someone who prefers FFA, how is it a problem if Ploot has drawbacks? That seems positive. Making it a preference choice to use it, rather than because it was better.

The slippery slope fallacy stops it. One of these do not lead to the others.

Just like not getting items for 15 runs in Ploot as your example above?

That means someone else is getting more than 1/8.


Some of us are arguing for the game to be harder :+1:


I have to admit, some of the FFA-Only Fans might be bad at most things, but they really are pros as strawmanning.


Yes, that would be fine with me.


Likewise, enjoy your refund!

Stop the presses. :stop_sign:

Are you saying that you would be okay with an optional timed loot system with a 2 second timer? :fireworks: I am okay with this.


I don’t believe it…

While understand his personal feelings and the feeling that he wanted to show. His arguments could used both sides, leechers would happen either with Ploot or not their behaviour could be better or worst based on each one of them, about the information of someone getting the loot even on d3 you could know if someone gets some loot, often doesn’t work on public games, but on clan you would know for sure if you enable it on clan screen, which would be similar feeling for most folks. Folks would congratulate you when you get your godly drop even outside your game.

As opt-in function should be fine, because everyone plays on their own ways.

He knows a lot about the game, but also doesn’t means he has all answers and can dictate anyone’s experience. For me trading and pvp are worst aspect of the game, for some it’s the reason for them to play and for others would try to do their holy grail, for others create dozen of builds and characters.

Which it’s totally fine, because it’s a game and folks deserve to enjoy and have fun by playing they way they want. Which I think his statement tried be neutral, but his feelings it’s compatible with his feelings, not everybody’s feelings about the topic, while I can relate some of his feelings also can easily disagree some of his views in the same theme, because everyone it’s different.

If done right, without increasing the drop rates and as optional. I don’t see any problem for folks mind at all, just turn it off and enjoy the game like usually you would experience, the same would be said for folks who would enjoy it, turn it on and go have fun. Needs to be a option for folks who would want to do it or not do it. The moment you shut the door just because doesn’t suit your taste it’s the moment you show how badly your arguments are, at least in this point he tried to be neutral in that regard, it’s a QoL thing like any other. You can literally just turn it off or on as you need or want.

I had my share of bad experiences of leechers doesn’t hitting the monster because they cared about picking items on public games, I don’t go farm gear on public games and most folks wouldn’t go either, I go for exp, which I stopped because several folks done the same annoying thing.

That’s why I play SSF and sometimes private games with friends for most a decade. Both modes(single player and private games) I completely agree wih his statement, he even asked his team on a season for gear, if anyone drops “fcr gear” give it to me and stuff like that. This kind of thing happens on games with friends, clan mates and some private games, doesn’t happen very often on public games which often he doesn’t play.

Maybe he has his own reasons, maybe he has the same reason as me, because for me public games aren’t meant to mf even if some folks play as if is. Private games and solo are way better ways to farm gear, because you can rely on other players.

I spent a decade without playing public games because folks didn’t cared about killing monsters. Was one of the best decisions I made for my sanity. Because I could simply enjoy the game without care about unnecessary stuff.

On ploot maybe will happen the same thing, but at least they wouldn’t try to self justify not trying to hit monsters because the loot would be randomly assigned for someone. It’s easier to know if someone isn’t going to help before you get in the battle than in the middle of the battle see 7 folks just stop their attacks to get their right spot to get their own precious loot. See Andariel not dying with - of 10% hp during 2 minutes was painful scene to see, even see folks dying and luring her to them because of it, not once but several times. Not only with her but other bosses and named monsters.

If you want mf you go private, I completely agree with his statement in that regard, but most folks wouldn’t do that, public games can be a terrible experience because of leechers, doesn’t matter what loot system you implement, in that case could be less attractive for leechers to do it, because his odds instead being affected by ping, distance, animation breakpoints which often leads to them don’t even to try to kill the monster who would drop the gear.

On randomly assigned loot, their odds would be 1/8 always, so they wouldn’t need to fight on public games for the shiny stuff on the ground, that time could be used to kill monsters, if he tries to free load then you could just create another game or play by yourself like you’re used to do. It’s way better than wait to discover that folks stopped attacking because they want the egg even inside the chicken.

Having a option it’s way better than lack of it. Same as we have a option to play this game or play d2 or play d3 or play all 3.

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This is breaking news if true. Can we get a confirmation?


You have broken me my friend. J want the open world feel. So all loot should be visible. 2 seconds is enough. But I still think for non ladder.

Edit I’ve been drinking so I’m much more friendly.


2 seconds would be enough time for bots/pickit players to not steal the loot so that would be a great idea! :slightly_smiling_face: :clap:

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Time to close down the forum. We have reached agreement.
Somebody call Rod already!


Well that’s progress. I still disagree on the ladder issue. But I was staunchly against any kind of ploot system until Blash convinced me otherwise.

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Call that guy up. Also tell him to fix the sin face.

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It’s is unanimous, humanity restored.

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So long as nobody divides by zero I think we’ll be okay for now

I don’t get what the problem is have a Normal mode and a ploot system mode characters cannot cross to each others game modes so it doesn’t mess with the market in normal mode and you don’t lose players because they cane make the choice themselves its an easy solution people who want to stick to normal mode can and plooters would probably make characters on both modes and swap back and forth when frustrated lol besides half the time in RNG parties your not gonna be competing with other players anymore its 2021 now people your gonna be fighting bots for loot that’s the real issue hear blizzard is the worst at finding and banning botters

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Listen at the end of the day I want as many people playing as possible. But keeping it true to the open feel of the game.

This is my favorite game. Only one I really played as a kid. More people playing more this game stays alive.

I still like FFA for ladder so ill be a proponent of that. NL 2 second allocated would work real nice and keep the d2 feel.


Oh god… the boat isnt just leaking anymore, its capsized! :rofl:


A 2 second timed allocated loot optional system that was just suggested by Stavros would be a great way to fix the bots/pickit players from stealing loot.

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Holy :cow: You should send out a couple of tweets. I will support you in your effort to add optional timed loot to the game with a 2 second timer. I bet others will support your effort.

I will send an extra :sailboat: . It will be fine and we can all get along.

What say you Revenant? Are you open to an optional timed loot system with a 2 second delay? Maybe we should invite others who have had the opposite viewpoint to see if we can reach a consensus.


Yeah, I mean it’s pretty straightforward. The optional mode does not affect anybody at all that doesn’t want to use it. Arguing against implementing something that has no effect on anything – it’s irrational.