Yes. Because of their opinions, not because of the games they played before.
Btw, Rhykker has a youtube channel about Arpgs in general. He has played most Arpgs in the past ~5-10 years, so he has a good knowledge of what works and what doesnt.
He frequently talks about endgame system, balance and whatnot.
He is very connected to developer circles and often has inside information.
He researches his video blogs to the best of his ability and is more or less a video game journalist and not just a game-streamer.
There is a huge difference in quality between the two. Even if Rhykker is still a bit improvised and experiments with differing outcomes.
Yes, we do not like to hear a commentary devoid of real arguments against a system that wasnt even suggested!
It is an intellectual disgrace. It is dishonest and trollish.
Not because he has a different opinion but of the way he decides to portrait it.
It is you who still cheer him on despite him having not a single factual argument (apart from maybe the changes in build, but even that is very far fetched).
And you definitely know that we are neither suggesting increased loot drops, nor soul bound items and also have a variant to address the “only see my own items” issue.
You know all that and you should expect a better argument from him as well. He had enough time to think of something.
Sure. But we would also like them to have an argument.
And if they would say “increase drop rates” most of us would also say that we do not support that.
That is the difference. We differentiate. We actually criticise the ones we agree with as well. Even amongst each other. You can see it every now and then.
I am still waiting for an anti-plooter to criticise another. (I know there have been some, but it is maybe 1 by day)
So? If he has a good suggestion, it should be heard. If he makes a bad suggestion, it should be criticised on the point.
I would happily argue against pvp switch. But i do not think we have a shortage of gatekeeping purists on that board. So i dont have to.
Then why do they both not argue about the suggestion that is actually being proposed?
It is not long. It is visible. It doesnt take long to figure it out (look at the biggest arpg aside from diablo):
Then why is their argument so shallow? Seriously.
Do you know day9? Do you even know what kind of luminary figure this community is missing.
No current d2 streamer is even anywhere close to that insight about a game.
What they should have done with all their plattform is to compile a video call. Put in 1 moderator and 1-2 pro-plooters and 1-2 anti-plooters. Some of d2 (preferably 1 each) and some from other games (preferably poe for ploot and d3 for anti-ploot). Then they could exchange their arguments.
There is no gain in giving a one-sided view as Lamer did without giving any space for the other argument and without adressing the real suggestion to begin with.
Dishonest. Disappointing. Deconstructive.
And one more thing: they should not feel that they need to win their argument on their own stream.
Even when Lamer showed the reddit poll he was commenting on every number with “that is ok, i agree”, “that sucks, i dont agree”. Luckily he said a bit more, but he was basically overruling each vote with his opinion.
That should not be his role. He should state the flaws and the benefits but leave his opinion mostly out of it. Or at least balance it out with a second perspective.