To me it just fits much more thematically for those two abilities to synergize with Inarius. Rathma is all about summoning tons of minions and reviving the dead to do your bidding and there’s an excellent thread on here with some great suggestions about including Gollums with Rathma and making the pets the center of the damage.
Now entering Bernie mode:
I am one again asking for permanent Skeletal Mages
Haveing perma mages with buffed dmg would be op. And i personaly don’t want another build that revolves around mages. AotD is good in the set, bone spirit can go, mages should be excluded from the set or not considered minions anymore, and summons should have considerable dmg. I read a lot of good ideas but blizz dosen’t even bother to consider them. So now i’m waiting for D2R to play necro as intended, beeing a summoner looking at all my minions to kill the enemy, and supporting them with spells and curses. Good bye D3, good bye ignorant devs.
I know AotD isn’t technically a minion skill, but it is thematically appropriate for the build as you’re summoning more skeletons, just temporarily, and I did rework the new bracers to reflect them in damage calculations specifically for minions rather than Bone Spear-it.
I don’t think any necro build deserves to be punished with that skill, most are suffering enough already.