Most hours played by class

Barb: 947 hrs
Crusader: 259 hrs
DH: 2242 hrs
Monk: 653 hrs
Necro: 214 hrs
WD: 1146
Wiz: 607 hrs

OMG, 3760 hours on this game. Crazy. WD the most at 1237.

Highest I’ve seen in this thread is maybe 8000 hours or so.
The game’s been out since May 15th 2012, i.e. 7 years 4 months.
(7 * 365) + (4 * 30) = 2675 days = 64200 hours
8000 / 64200 = 12.46% of total available (ignoring scheduled maintenances and unscheduled outages)

So, an average of just under three hours a day if someone with that many hours had played since release.

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Thats some nice Maths :smiley:

Time played by class and account from 6-1-2012 through 7-30-2015
Note that there are 4 accounts listed, the others did not exist at the time of this reckoning. One of these days I’ll do an updated full accounting. I would guess that I am approaching 13,000 hours. Totals are at the end.

Acct #1
Barbarian: 193:49
Crusader: 7:51 (mule only)
Demon Hunter: 2587:39
Monk: 120:51
Witch Doctor: 236:21
Wizard: 922:20
Seasonal: 2:11 (DH)
Lifetime Kills: 3,268,783
Elite Kills: 116,174

Acct #2
Barbarian: 42:38
Crusader: 18:29
Demon Hunter: 1118:00
Monk: 35:25
Witch Doctor: 99:14
Wizard: 285:20
Seasonal: 0:00
Lifetime Kills: 1,294,791
Elite Kills: 55,735

Acct #3
Barbarian: 1:21 (mule only)
Crusader: 0:38 (mule only)
Demon Hunter: 734:55
Monk: 15:58
Witch Doctor: 5:25 (mule only)
Wizard: 35:59
Seasonal: 0:00
Lifetime Kills: 620,147
Elite Kills: 28,526

Acct #4
Barbarian: 0:36 (mule only)
Crusader: 0:57 (mule only)
Demon Hunter: 401:45
Monk: 121:52
Witch Doctor: 13:19
Wizard: 55:36
Seasonal: 52:22 (DH) 0:37 (mule only)
Lifetime Kills: 508,775
Elite Kills: 25,034

Barbarian: 193:49 42:38 1:21 0:36 = 238:24
Crusader: 7:51 18:29 0:38 0:57 = 27:55
Demon Hunter: 2587:39 1118:00 734:55 401:45 = 4842:19
Monk: 120:51 35:25 15:58 121:52 = 294:06
Witch Doctor: 236:21 99:14 5:25 13:19 = 354:19
Wizard: 922:20 285:20 35:59 55:36 = 1299:15
Seasonal: 2:11 52:22 0:37 = 55:10

Total Time Played: 7111:28
Total Lifetime Kills: 5,692,496
Total Elite Kills: 225,469

I logged back to Diablo just to see my hours! :slight_smile:

Wizard: 1677 h
DH: 454 h
Crusader: 434 h
Monk: 282 h
Barbarian: 175 h
WD: 172 h
Necro: 48h

Got to make more use of your necro pack:D

Haha… 48h is 2 whole day, plenty enough! :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue:

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Crikey, that’s not far short of an average of five hours a day.

Bots can post in here with no problem even if they have 8000-10,000 hours on a single char time played and 2000-5000 on the rest. They can even have over 30,000-40,000h total time played…

If you accuse them of botting they’ll just say that they share their account with a family member. This way they get 16-20h (or more) a day total and you can’t ban anyone based on time played without a proof of botting :roll_eyes:

Yeah…gets me kind of curious now…but it’s 6am, time to get a little sleep…

I’ll update my list when I wake up…

I thought there was a way to click a button and quote an entire post, including embedded quotes and other material. Is that so? If so, where is it?

Wizard: 2172 h
Demon Hunter: 1287 h
Monk: 859 h
Crusader: 349 h
Barbarian: 187 h
Witch Doctor: 155 h
Necro: 63 h

Total: 5072 hours

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  1. Click the Reply link under the post you want to quote
  2. Click the speech bubble icon in the post editor (if you hover your mouse over it, it pops up with “Quote whole post”) - it’s the leftmost button on the toolbar.

That’s not entirely true. Some of that time is combined when you were playing multiple accounts at once. If you spend an hour playing 4 accounts via multibox, then your actual time vs game time will be off. Just saying. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Let me see…

DH 2281
WD 1562
monk 1056
barb 629
Wiz 622
Cru 182
Nec 0

6332 hours into this game. That’s a lot of time killing.

Witch Doctor: 1701 hours 46 minutes.
Barbarian: 801 hours 47 minutes.
Demon Hunter: 665 hours 7 minutes.
Crusader: 362 hours 24 minutes.
Monk: 194 hours 55 minutes.
Wizard: 164 hours 2 minutes.
Necromancer: 69 hours 18 minutes.

3959 hours total, roughly.

I’d guess at least 40% of that is time spent sat in town afk while watching youtube videos

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Good grief! I’m an idiot. Thanks!

A short time after reaching 8000 hours played, the number is reset to zero.

It must be a display bug in game, because this website still shows your play time (only as a percentage) correctly, in your profile’s career section.

I have about 20,000 hours played atm, with 6.5k being on WD.

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Barb - 1390 hrs
DH - 162 hrs
Nec - 61 hrs
Cru - 576 hrs
Monk - 97 hrs
WD - 166 hrs
Wiz - 758 hrs
GT - 3210 hrs
Spent the last year playing D3 on console but I’m back on PC now.

You better look at that again. The game has been out 7 yrs 4 ms that is about 64,370 hrs. You # is about little over 2,000,000 yrs. LOL