Most hours played by class

Just curious, what’s your highest hours played across all your classes and how many have you spent on all classes?

For those that don’t know, you can go to your career profile in game and hover over the classes to see how many hours you’ve played on them.


Wizard! :smiley:
By, uh… a large margin…


But how many hours? :smiley:


crusader 3800 hours

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Looks like Monk, 1625 hours. Close second is DH with 1400 hours.

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Demond Hunter 2267
Wizard 2003
Witch Doctor 1118
Barbarian 1107
Monk 810
Crusader 357
Necromancer 311

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Dh 4292
Monk 3372
Sader 885
Barb 713
WD 155
Wiz 95
Nec 66

This is for the NA region. Have less time on the other 2 regions


DH: 3339
Monk: 620
Necro: 563
Crus: 465
Wiz: 423
WD: 275 1/2
Barb: 232

And like BMan this is on NA region. I have some time on Europe and none on Asia.

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At the time of this post:

  • Barbarian with 367 hours and 26 minutes.
  • Crusader with 194 hours and 11 minutes.
  • Demon Hunter with 1,153 hours and 31 minutes.
  • Monk with 351 hours and 21 minutes.
  • Necromancer with 212 hours and 14 minutes.
  • Witch Doctor with 498 hours and 27 minutes.
  • Wizard with 845 hours and 40 minutes.

A lot of time spent over the last 7 years, and yes, a lot of that time was not nearly as efficient as it is now. But there you have it.

Game on.


19694 hr played in all but that’s 7 years of play and i play like 8–12 a day so

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Not to brag but my first DH has over 128,796,234,576 hours.


That’s probably the most hours I’ve seen.

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4954 hours on monk - on and off since vanilla.


Bots have lots of hours.


4,500 hours played in total, about half of it on DH and the rest spread over all the other classes

That’s a given but not really expecting bots to post here.

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Your softcore Wizard’s name is a good one, hard to pronounce for us foreigners though! :stuck_out_tongue:

And sorry, haven’t logged in a while (since done with season 18) and I just can’t see the total number of hours on the career page! :frowning: :confused:


It’s from the Superman comics. You have to pronounce it backwards to send him back to his own Dimension.

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Lol @ these hours. I wonder how many are actually play time… GG careful botters :grinning:

Barbarian: 687 hours. First class, played on and off from beta to about two years ago when I finally gave up on Throw Barb. I can easily say a third of the time was spent dealing with vanilla Inferno. Original barbarian was named Stonewall whom I deleted when I went through a rage quit phase.

Crusader: 95 hours. I have not played Crusader since the days of creative Thursdays or whatever when home made builds were published on the forums.

Demon Hunter: 197 hours. Currently my main class.

Necromancer: 25 hours.

Witch Doctor: 145 hours. I have not played WD since they lost pet thorns.

Monk: Three hours.

Wizard: Zero hours. Never been interested in playing Wizard.

I’ve played on and off since Beta with very long periods of dormancy. Sometimes spanning a year or more with periods of activity lasting a few weeks before going inactive for several months. Lately I get about 2-3 hours a day in during the week with about twice that on the weekends.