Morticks is crap
End of story
That or Farside of the spectrum.
Lol, I made it! WNB3, or Will Never B Level 3. I don’t think we’re breaking all forum rules, it’s not disrespectful
A lot of people seem to dismiss the extra toughness and LpFS Mortick can provide for IK HotA and consider Magefist the better option.
Assuming 40% fire bonus on amulet and bracers, adding another 20% is (1.6/1.4) - 1 = 14.3% damage increase. To use Magefist, the player must have life recovery from Bloodlust and/or LoH on weapons.
On the other hand Mortick makes Bloodlust/LoH completely redundant and enables player to replace them with more damage oriented passive/affix, on top of 50% extra DR.
I did a GR120 test run with Mortick and I could comfortably replace War Cry with Threatening Shout Demoralize to gather monsters more effectively and play much more aggressively than with Magefist.
Mortick isn’t the huge buff item Barbs are looking for, but it certainly isn’t as bad or pointless as some people think.
Morticks bracers are good as a whole. They just need to tweek zerker passives a bit. I wouldn’t take much. Its not season 4 anymore…im sure they can work with them.
If Slaughter could deal more base damage on its procs I think Barbarians can push a few more GR tiers with it. If there’s a bug on its 15 yard area damage, I guess this should be addressed too but I think that was a wrong call.
Personaly I believe barb should be burst damage .area damage and attack speed as a simple multiplier. Tweeks to slaughter and the passives as a whole might fix that.
I certainly agree. Some DoT skills can be replaced with burst damage skill bonuses and passives can be tweaked. My worry is BR-Bloodshed, that area damage per second don’t really seem good to me but I guess that’s needed given Barbarian is a melee class and desperately needs DoT and area damage to keep mobility.
Well it a barbarian ,it should be some form of rage. Burst with some form of elemental damage per set works for me
If you want to get into leap/quake its a different story. That’s aoe and the game doesn’t support aoe at all you would need huge density. Since the game is all speed that works only solo.
I played leap/quake for a long time since I hate charging to build dps. When the changed bloodlust to a crit. I lost the old passive which I believe was 15% more for leap/quake…i cant remember now. It was the end for leap. They have tried lots I hope they figure a balance for barb ,not as a whole for game play but for a neglected class.
Edit the existing posts… Don’t make repetitive ones to answer the same post. It’s as easy as clicking the pencil icon; third one from left at the right corner icons on your own post.
Not all people are into speed. Im more into sustaining gameplay and working on builds. I don’t care about meta or xp. 6 years just 2k pargon I give a rats aaasss about xp.
Im 70 years old I am going to repeat. Like last blizz con about phones and apps. Don’t you have a grandfather?
I can relate to this. Playing since the open beta and I’m only P1300ish in NS.
I do have 2 accounts though.
You should try MOTE6-IK2-Istvans (as people named it ProSlam).
You will enjoy it. Here is a link to build:
Change Slauther to:
Critical hits has a 25% chance to cause an explosion for 300% of the damage dealt in a 15 yard radius.
Change Arreat’s Wail to:
Each hit burns for 100% Weapon Damage per second and enemies to take 10% increased damage from the Barbarian for 3 seconds.
Making it stack indefinately would cause it become a good damage boost against enemies that take longer to kill, thereby helping a lot with single targets.
It is BIS, only if today is 2015
I just got them dropped for the first time, but I think they are bugged indeed. When I turn the WoB, I don’t have the Areat’s Wail rune equiped, but if I understand correctly, all the effects should be working. However, when I tested it inbetween a stack of mobs, nothing happened. I expected them to insta-gib in flames //yes, I am new.
Thanks for your thoughts.
I have them on my WW Barb with Capt. Crimson set and Echoing Fury in cube, and without a doubt this setup is a leap forward in damage boost.
I would not state however that the bracers make that much of a difference.
Strongarms or Nems give excellent performance as well.
It is still hard to decide if they are bis.