Monk set suggestion for patch 2.7

Watch my name^^ 5 more characters…

The post has to contain 20 characters in the editor, but they can correspond to emoji codes or even to characters that are not shown in the post.

For example…

<blah blah blah blah>

…would add 21 characters to your post, but not be displayed at all.


…would add 23 characters and result in :slightly_smiling_face:

Yeah, thanks :smiley: Those restrictions are pretty dumb like the need of unity or that fd does not double your aps always instead of proc and so on … :slight_smile:

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you could also just be a German speaker, but not be in Germany.
Maybe like Austria or Switzerland, or even the Netherlands or South Africa (there are also a decent amount of German decedents that still speak German),

Go monkforum in faultythread there if like. U will meet
Pupsi and me there ))