MissCheetah (MVP) Is Amazing

Maybe this will get moderated/deleted (Unsure) but I want to take a moment to speak to how professional and talented and generally amazing MissCheetah is.

I post here and there but generally read a lot more than I post and I can say from what I’ve seen she is amazing overall. 5000+ posts and just such a talent and hardworker and general boon.

I last I recall she’s not an actual Blizzard employee but she’s really a blessing to this entire gaming community.

The world needs more good people in it. I can only hope my post finds it’s way to her eyes just so she can be positively reinforced and know that there are those of us out here who also want what’s best and are genuinely good people.

Kudos and Cheers!

Moderator: While this post certainly meant well, just calling out another poster like this has the tendency to backfire, as this thread did in parts. Locking thread to avoid further targeting of MissCheetah. Discussion of disciplinary actions or moderation actions is a violation of the code of conduct; for information on how to provide feedback, visit this support site article.


Umm… thank you?

I find compliments odd but do appreciate it. I have been an MVP tech/customer support, D3, and eventually WoW Community since 2013. I had almost 50k posts before we got new forums in 2019. Volume means nothing really though. It only matters if some of them are useful.

Glad some people find it helpful.


She prefers to be paid in brain freeze vids.

but of course she’ll deny it and say


You know the OP’s not alone in the sentiment expressed…


She is great at this and I think her posts are indeed useful/helpful/informative.

I don’t see green text by other MVPs in SC2 forums or WC3:R forums. I think the only other blizz place I’ve seen green text was in WoW forums.

The last one is my spirit animal. I have seen then many times. Kitty is not happy, but I admit it is funny.

The brain freeze stuff makes me just feel bad for them.

You can sometimes see greens on SC2, but the one who mostly posts is Leviathan (MVP version who is customer/tech support).

WoW is the only game that still has a Community MVP program. They have mostly transitioned to the streamer/media/blogger influencer program.

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Very helpful indeed. :slight_smile: I think we all find compliments odd because of the rarity. I try to do what I am able to - to reach those I can to uplift. No ulterior motive. The world just needs more kindness and compassion and I’ve read some of the unkind things said to you and just wanted to give you my personal honest opinion. I’m glad the word reached you!

Me too though I wonder if like us even after they learn about the brain freeze if they still try to keep eating just because it tastes good?

My spirit animal is the Owl.


If not for Miss Cheetah I would have guessed that we where abandoned. I’m also thankful for her referee skills on the forums :raised_hands:


It doesn’t matter if one is a troll or not - there are mods to handle this. An MVP should always behave politely serving as an example for the others in the forum.

He is still here and he resigned the green. I talk to him frequently. He also is the one who helps with my big Cosmetics/Wings thread pinned on the other sub forum.

I am not required to lie. I will leave it at that. Both for my comments about Blizzard and game decisions, and my comments about how some people behave here. I am allowed to call a spade a spade. I just can’t go over the top and turn into some sort of drama llama who stomps around braying. Or break the forum rules of course.


In a thread dedicated to thanking one of the single most helpful people on these forums, imagine my shock that one of the biggest trolls turns up and attempts to derail it.


For good or ill, isn’t it against forum policy to call out another player by name?

Funny. Or not.


Except to me. And I’m all that matters to me.

We had a Community Manager clarify that precise point.
Oddly enough, in another thread about MissCheatah.

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MissCheetah is simply delightful, my favorite MVP anywhere by an Azeroth mile!

Super wholesome, intelligent and a major community pillar.

A literal game database full of helpful info for us needy, grainy eyed gamers!

Your efforts are appreciated dear, you really do rock!




If that were true, the forums would become viridescent overnight.


What is meant by “white knighting?”

It’s an epithet that means not being a jerk.


From Urban Dictionary (which I won’t link to as far too many naughty words on there)…

In forum parlance, it means rushing to the aid of another poster for whatever reason. An accusation typically reserved for when a poster is being hammered by another poster(s) and the accused leaps in to defend them, usually without thinking things through as to why the person is being attacked.

In this context, however, the accusation being levelled is unwavering defence of Blizzard rather than another poster. Of course, the large number of posts made where she was highly critical of Blizzard would tend to preclude that being true.


Pretty much. If you can say things like:

  • I don’t like X for Y reason and this is why it is not fun for me, you are a White Knight
  • I disagree with corproate leadership on Z things, but support the workers
  • Here is how K policy works (not that you agree or disagree, just facts)
  • Here is why Company did K (not agreement, sharing info).

Normal humans agree with some things disagree with others. If we were not people who enjoyed games made by Blizzard we would not be here. Hence we all like something.

We all also dislike things. Which is fair.

If you don’t spew profanity, insults, threats, and make rage click videos you are a “white knight”. Otherwise known as a grown up who is not into it for profit/clicks/exposure.

I don’t get compensated, and have not for all these years. The ones who benefit most are the players who get answers to things (not that they have to LIKE those answers).

I do this because Blizzard does not. Players deserve communications even if it is not what they want to hear. It bothers me that Blizz does not.

An even larger part is that I simply like problem solving and the forums let me do that with real tangible results in a rapid way. Late in my career I got promoted to senior management and hated it. I wanted to go back to fixing things, or at least directly resolving issues. I can do that here. So yeah, I get a personal benefit too I suppose.

All that aside, I do find that “white knight” is used by people who are upset they can’t be rage click jerks and that others don’t agree with it. Heaven forbid someone express disagreement constructively!!!


I find people use the term white knight when you like a game they no long like but hang around the forums to bash said game and antagonize those who do.

But I totally agree with the OP.

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