Max Efficiency T16 Barb LON WW P1000+

This build has been around for ages but now in 2.6.6 and onwards it is actually good in T16 without lots of paragon. I’ve refined it for the recent changes and this is as efficient as I can make a Barbarian in T16 at any paragon level. In this video I show it running T16 just fine and works better than Wastes for T16 since it has way more open gear slots. It’ll be better for T16 than W6 until they buff that set, if ever.

Here’s some paragon / augment guidelines:
10,000 Strength or Below: Wear Stone Gauntlets
20,000 Strength or Above: Wear Gloves of Worship, dodge moltens
30,000 Stregth and Above: Wear Gloves of Worship, don’t actually need to WW elites, Dust Devils will kill everything, don’t dodge anything

Gems: Legacy of Dreams, Taeguk, Molten Wildebeast’s Gizzard

Gear: In Geom, Echoing Fury, Aquila Cuirass, Leoric’s Crown, Nemesis Bracers, Hexing Pants, Chilanik’s Chain, Gloves of Worship / Stone Gauntlets, Squirt’s Necklace, Skull Grasp, Rechel’s Ring of Larceny, Mantle of Channeling

Cube: Messerchmidt’s Reaver, Warzechian Armguards, Flavor of Time


Can you pop in an 80-90 taeguk and wildebeast and let me know how it runs then? I am a mostly solo HC player and will most likely never have 150 gems.

It runs exactly the same, just slower.

Here’s a run with 10,000 STR, No Taeguk (empty gem slot), and a level 116 Gizzard (lowest I have).

This is not designed for HC but if it’s HC I would change the build entirely. :tipping_hand_woman:


Thank you for the quick turn around! This looks great!

Seems tanky enough to work in HC. What exactly would you change?

Cheat death instead of Unforgiving, and a ton of points into vitality for sure

I don’t play HC but I assume you play more carefully than SC

Maybe Rechel’s ring to Band of Might and Furious Charge instead of Terrify just in case?

For the most part Cheat death is in every build yes so that would be a difference. But for the rest I generally run around 700k hp and my push build is generally around 400-900 mil toughness.

I would guess with all that you have on your character you are closer to the 500ish mil toughness which is more than enough for T16.

The only real change in HC vs SC for me is I have to be more aware of what is happening on the screen. I am sure you know what that is like when you are pushing super high GRs :+1:

Yeah with Cheat Death and points into vitality it should be fine. The only thing that would kill you I’m assuming is running into a bunch of moltens.

Dang it, now I got to put together another build just so I can be optimal. Oh well at least I have primal gear for most of the slots.


Looks good. I still like the Blade of the Tribes cubed WW LoD build. Good speed, kills fast, and I can manage the speed better than a faster build…


Only problem with LoN builds and T16 is no Sage set :frowning: and the updated Sage does double your Death Breath. But this does seem like a great key running build. So much move speed.

Actually, if you are efficient at T16, you get enough DB’s even without sages. IMHO


I’ve been running a Sage UE DH in my T16 runs. I get 80 DBs a Rift. Closing Rifts in typical 2-3 minute run times. Sage too good now.

Only if you need DB. Sage isn’t that great for Barb T16 builds IMO.

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I’ve been running something very similar in HC season only I cube Motick’s for the added DR and it works like a champ. I won the primal lottery and got a Squirt’s necklace that rolled Str/10CHC/100CHD so I just switch the Str to whatever %element I need. Usually I’ll prime the rift running by using a Bovine Bardiche with gloves of worship to get all of the base shrine effects rolling.

It’s turning out to be ~2.5-3 minutes a rift on average depending upon the overall quality of the map/pylons. Your videos were great in that it showed how powerful FoT is now, in my experience there are a lot more greater shrines in normal rifts so getting a Conduit/Speed/Power can cut the run time of a rift in half.


I think this is key. Unless you run a crapton of bounties for excess whites/blues/yellows, you’re probably limited by regular mats for upgrades and enchanting, not by DBs. You’ll get more DBs/hour running T16 without Sage’s than you can spend with the whites/blues/yellows you get running T16 rifts and speed GRs. You’d have to run a pretty substantial number of bounties to end up being DB-limited. This is my experience, anyway.

This is particularly evident for me this season. Normally I run a crapton of bounties, but I’ve been playing HC this season. Bounty groups are a lot more difficult to find in HC, so I’ve mostly just been slamming T16 and speed GRs. Been great for my XP/hour efficiency, but I’ve been finding I’m largely limited by regular mats, not DBs.

Also depends on how much DBs you spend enchanting vs. upgrading rares too, I suppose. Enchanting uses a much higher ratio of regular mats to DBs than upgrading rares does.

But yeah, I’d argue that unless you run a crapton of bounties and never enchant your gear to perfection and only upgrade rares, you’re likely to be limited by regular mats, not by DBs.

If you have a huge stockpile of regular mats in non-season you may benefit from Sage’s for a while until you deplete your regular mats. But if you start clean, I think you’ll find that at the rate you gain vs. lose regular mats vs. DBs, even without Sage’s you’ll likely end up limited by regular mats. Unless you run a crapton of bounties, anyway.

(I’ll go back to lurking now. You barbs keep doing your barb stuff. Best class section on the forum IMO)

EDIT: And if you farm a crapton of T16 rifts for GR keys to fish, and you largely don’t finish clearing your fish rifts, that will also skew you towards excess DBs and limited by regular mats. You get a decent number of regular mats (particularly yellows) from GR RGs, and if you remove those drops and only have the DBs from your T16 key farming, you’ll be even more skewed towards being regular mat-limited.

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I guess I’m doing something odd then…

Oh, and the only reason I have that many DBs currently is because yesterday I joined a group and spent a couple of hours running some T16 Vaults.

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Interesting I only run out of reusable parts

Man, and I thought I ran a lot of bounties. Your mat ratios are unreal. That’s a lot of bounties.

That likely means you don’t do very many bounties. GRs give an excess of yellows, and bounties give an excess of whites. If you have lots of yellows but not very many whites, it probably means you run a lot of GRs but not very many bounties.

As it is right now, I have like 100,000 y/b/w mats. I’m actually good on DBs with about 10,000. But they go fast when I start upgrading rares. My real bottleneck is actually Souls. Which is why I try to upgrade so many rares rather than reforging.

So I’ve been enjoying Sage in this new patch.

I hate running bounties.

I don’t hardly use Souls, I have 58k of the laying around.