Marauder's 4pc Pre-PTR Change

Probably some area damage rolls. 110 will probably the highest anyone needs since big packs will be getting hit by 5 or 6 attacks at the same time. Lot’s of double area damage hits in that mess.

I’m also thinking there’s going to be quite a few folks taking RCR on quiver over cooldown.

To hit 3.0 asp, you only need a few attack speed rolls. Rings might be a good place to pick that up over physical damage. Then one on the weapon and glove. Using Gogok and the enchantress, should get you there.

Oh, hell no. Other classes have pet builds that attack independently of the character. This was the best feature of the old Marauder set. There was absolutely no reason to remove it. This is a much belated fix. If you don’t like it, play another set.


This is only sorta partially true. With monk, you have to activate the fire allies yourself, same with LoN bells (kinda a pet build) and you had to cast cyclone strike for damage buffs. With Firebirds, the images attack on their own, but you yourself have to channel and tag stuff in order for the set to actually work.

In the case of M6 autocast, if it worked anything like it did before, did not require anything of the sort. You placed the sentry, and you walked around. You yourself did not need to help buff it, nor help it deal damage in any sort of way. This is not how most pet builds operate nowadays. I’d say the majority of the people that played this build back in the day loved that aspect.

I did want to make this clarification because believe it or not, not everyone liked such a “hands off” approach, and for those players it’s completely fine to want to feel more involved with the set. Everyone has a right to express their opinion on how they feel the set could work.

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you still have to cast your sentries, it’s not like they magically appear.
we should stop this nitpicking :smiley:

It’s ironic that you use the word ‘lazy’, because their perfectly justified ‘excuse’ was that the build made for an essentially lazy playstyle.

This wouldn’t be so bad if other builds existed of similar power level for those who preferred a more active playstyle. However, seeing that M6 will likely take the cake for solo pushing next season, I’m concerned that autocast sentries will render those builds non-existent. Then we’ll all be shoved into the ‘lazy’ playstyle with no alternative, much like how monk/wizard players are forced into extremely powerful but unfun pet builds this season.

And I just wrote about pet builds for monk/wizard and how unfun I find them. And I can’t just “play another set” if they’re made far less powerful and I want to compete on the overall class leaderboards. “Don’t like it don’t play it” is never a valid argument.

true. in that case you have to arrange that with other people that want to play the build, and I don’t think that the “nerf autocast” party is larger than the “yay autocast” party

I must have missed the part in the description of the Marauder set that forces a player not to participate. Hmm…
If you don’t like the hands off approach, heres a crazy idea: get involved. Nobody is forcing the player to stay back. It is just an option.

Also, the WD gargs and dogs are independent. Same for Wizard hydras. And also our Companions but they don’t do much.

The fact that you’d consider an “arrangement” between players is laughable. It’s Blizz who decides which builds rise to the top and which sink; the players are just the unwitting audience of that act.

That’s not to neglect the influence that some players do exert. Fortunately, a good portion of that comes from top-level content creators like the Maxroll guys who have a deep understanding of the game, not random forum-goers.

There’s a severe limit to how much you (the player) can get involved when your pets are doing most of the damage.

[quote=“TheRoninOne-1221, post:45, topic:47372”] “Don’t like it don’t play it” is never a valid argument.

So just because you don’t like a particular playstyle, you think no one else should play it. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

So just because you like a particular playstyle, you think everyone else should play it. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

But that’s the thing. You don’t have to play it. Having the sentries autofire, while still firing when you do, gives you OPTIONS. You can still get involved in the fighting. Without the autofire option, you eliminate one style of play.

Honestly, you are just like an alcoholic; Just because you have no self-control, you think no one else should be allowed to drink. If you can’t prevent yourself from not getting involved in the action, that is YOUR problem, no one elses Stop forcing others to go along with your notions just because you don’t have the willpower to not play a certain way.

and blizz is aware of the feedback here in the forums, even though most of the time they ignore it

No it doesn’t give you options. I’ll tell you why. Because if even a portion of the damage comes from yourself, you’ll have to get “involved in the fighting”. Let’s say hypothetically half of the damage comes from sentries and half from you. If you choose to just hang back you’ll be losing 50% DPS. So you have to get involved, making the playstyle the same as if you did 100% of the damage.

The only scenario where the playstyle changes is if sentries autocast and deal almost 100% of the damage. But then you’d be eliminating the playstyle where you get involved. So there’s still only one playstyle.

You think I haven’t read that before and need it repeated to me? It’s dismaying how almost everyone who preaches “Don’t like it don’t play it” also spouts the same drivel about self-control and willpower. Like seriously, all I want as a player is to play a build that is both fun and competitive. If I have to restrain myself from doing so, then the fault lies with the devs not myself.

You do realize that you’re basically asking something similar to “Shadow shouldn’t buff melee weapons so I can play with a bow or x-bow.”

And your argument of “you do two little damage damage in this scenario”. Excuse but you not shooting your spenders means you’re only doing around 83% of the damage you could be doing. And that 17% percent you’re missing is a GR’s worth of damage at every paragon milestone. That’s not insignificant. In fact, a GR’s difference between builds in most sets across the board is enough to make most players not play that build.

So I’m figuring most folks will play your “active playstyle” way to get the most out of the set. And the ones that don’t, well that’s no skin off your teeth because you’ll be playing the set “proper and all”.

Just sayin’.

Okay I don’t understand, please elaborate. By the way I’m perfectly fine with Shadow only working with melee weapons. Not doing so would be game-breaking.

Of course 17% percent is a significant amount of damage and is worth one tier. But did you actually carefully read what I wrote?

What I meant in this is that arguing that that sentries should not fire your spenders automatically is similar to arguing that Shadow should remove the damage increase for melee weapons and change it to a straight buff for all weapons, so that you could play with a bow, xbow or melee weapon. Not a melee and xbow at the same time.

As for the other part of your post, I probably misread something or misunderstood what you meant. Things got heated in the thread and I may have started to see arguments as snapping back and forth thought you were saying something different than what you wrote.

My apologies.

Yeah my argument was that you either have an active playstyle where you manually fire spenders, or a passive one where your sentries do, and that there’s no scenario where you can choose to do either.

So I still don’t get the analogy here. The first case involves a change in playstyle. The second case actually opens up options.

No, they both involve changing mechanics that may or may not satisfy those accustomed to a certain playstyle. And they changed Shadow too. Some folks may not like the new meta of a somewhat ranged style with the set but that’s not a reason to argue for that to be changed back, just like it isn’t to argue that Sentries shouldn’t auto-fire.

Full disclosure though. I never got to play the original Marauder so I’m curious about this change. And so am a little biased on whether the sentries should auto-fire or not.

No there isn’t. You still have the option of getting involved or not. Yes, you can play it safe and have the sentries shoot everything, but you end up losing out on the damage you do, which can be substantial. Or you accept the loss of damage and play it safe. See, you have options. Your assertion that just because the sentries autofire means you can’t contribute is patently false, so I don’t understand why you keep harping on that. It’s just no true.

Here is one example: Equipping F/R means you can double your damage, but only if you get involved. The sentries don’t trigger either effect of the rings. So if you just let the sentries autofire while you stay back, you lose a lot of damage. Sure you are safer, but won’t be able to push GRs. Again, that is your choice and you will have to decide which style you want to play.

Perhaps some people will try to boost the attack speed of the sentries as high as possible. Perhaps there is a way to mitigate the loss of damage from the player not attacking, but that is their choice. Others will want to contribute their damage into the game.

And it can be situational too. Maybe someone wants to use 9CS and HA, but that is deadly against those Dervishes and other enemies that deflect projectiles, so for those enemies perhaps they would rather have the sentries deal the brunt of damage against those enemies. Again, choices. Removing the autocasting sentries reduce player choice, not improve it. Just because you can’t see that, or want to force everyone to just play what you think is “best,” doesn’t make it a good choice.

I see, though I have no idea why you mention Shadow buffing all weapons when what you’re really comparing against is the buffed Shadow where it receives piercing. By the way, I have every reason to argue against something that I don’t like, it’s simply my right to do so.

Furthermore, the two changes aren’t created equal. Shadow 6p piercing has never been done before, while autocasting sentries is a reversion to an older patch. Since the devs previously justified removing autocasting sentries, they need an equally convincing justification for putting it back in. The same cannot be said for the Shadow change.

Guess what, I never played the original Marauder either, but given my bias for the UE multishot playstyle I can immediately tell that I won’t enjoy autocasting sentries. Therefore I’m making an argument against it.

This sentence shows that you don’t understand the gist of my argument. I can therefore safely ignore the rest of your post.