Why not? Resource skills are awful, I don’t mind mana leach but I hate having a skill on every hero to regain my resource and artificially making me do a rotation.
Also, please get rid of the skill bar and let us hotkey our skills to whatever key and use rmb/lmb to spam or use the skill as desired. Combat needs to different than combat in Diablo 3 to keep your fanbase together. Fans on youtube, etc are already calling demo footage reskinned Diablo 3 and saying “this should be an expansion to D3”, etc.
They should just get rid of resource costs, thus no need for a “mana pool”. They are nothing more than spam prevention/psuedu cooldown timers anyway. I’ve never liked either mechanic because people can just/and do manipulate the skills so they can avoid the mechanics that prevent them from doing what they will eventually do anyway. Resource costs and Cooldown timers are boring and silly. It’s a waste of code and everyone’s time.
Fans on youtube, etc are already calling demo footage reskinned Diablo 3 and saying “this should be an expansion to D3”, etc.
Mostly this is because of two things:
There is no Hit Recovery, and smoothness of animations/movement is as good as in D3.
Level design is very similar to D3.
Why not? Resource skills are awful, I don’t mind mana leach but I hate having a skill on every hero to regain my resource and artificially making me do a rotation.
Disagree. Spamming just 1 best skill is much more boring. D3 2012 combat system was the best, the most interesting Diablos ever had. D3ROS reverted it all back to the best skill spam with obligatory use of uneffective skills to do that, which I find much less entertaining than previous system.
I will explain why. Casting powerful skill/spell felt rewarding and, the most important, didn’t allow facerolling. Resource generation was tricky. Skilful using of these abilities (generators) could restore your resource much faster than just mindless spam, and it was still a combat, as they did damage. Positioning, kiting, timing, retreating/advancing played their role. ROS spoilt everything.
Id like to see health and resource orbs, they are a great fit for A-RPGs.
But not as a default thing that always spawns, but more something you can build toward with talents, gear and runes.
Making them just another alternative to life/resource per hit, regen, RCR etc. That way, there will be a trade-off to getting them.
Importantly, the orbs should not be affected by pickup radius. Making you have to move to them both makes them more demanding to use, but also allows you more control over when to use them, instead of just being a constant vacuum pickup.
I agree 100% on mana globes, I like the idea to move to a random location in combat to get more fuel. But it all depends on Energy mechanics : the D4 sorceress’ mana regenerates too fast to make this relevant.
Make her max energy two or three times bigger, all her spells cost mana and some active ways to regenerate (globes, cooldown-based spells, runes etc.)
There needs to be more difference between classes’ energies. Fury works very fine in my opinion, as long as base skills deals enough damage and Fury spenders have special effects.
But mana and spirit should have more specific features to support class identity. I don’t want to feel like I’m just playing a ranged Barbarian…
Classes should all have mana. I’m sick of doing some complicated system, they are all mana with “abilities” you have to use to regen your mana.
The different class resources add zero to the game but they screw up itemization.
You are mistaken though, depending on the situation you’re spamming multiple skills. For instance, if there is one monster with a lot of hp my d2 sorc swaps between ice bolt, static and frozen orb all while spamming cause orb has a minor cooldown. When there is a big group my sorc swaps between static and frozen orb. A big group that I need to thin out, I cast orb and run/walk/tele around between casts. Cold immunes, I spam static, telekenisis and teleport my merc on top of the offender.
Just because spam is in the game doesn’t mean that the game and skills should be made such that one skill is the best for every situation and you use one skill the entire game. Maybe you could but it wouldn’t be optimal. A spammy style of game is not indicative of using less abilities, it’s just a lot more action in a non mowing down a field sort of way.
Different class resources adds to “class identity” and make each class play somewhat differently. That is a huge plus imo. Easily worth the cost it brings to balance issues.
As for itemization, like most stats, resource stats should not be class based.
Dont have +Mana, or +Mana regen.
Have +Base resource or + Base resource regen, which has different translations for each class. Like 10 base resource might be 20 Fury, or 100 mana, or 1 Discipline etc. The tooltip could simply adjust to the class viewing the item.
imo they don’t. I don’t really remember anything about the D3 resources cause they are all basically the same and they don’t really impact the game. Regain your resource so you can use abilities.
Skills should be synonymous with class identity, not mana.
I find making each class have a separate resource that is basically the same to be a great example of unnecessarily complicated. They removed all these things that added depth for whatever reason and then added these resources that are all basically mana and it hamstrings the game.
What’s the second part of your post there? Why don’t you say what you mean, or are you scared?
Wouldn’t surprise me if they do the same with D4 and each class will have it’s own resource, so then they will have a reason not to add any “mana globe”…
Sadly D4 is probably gonna be the same as D3 with 60-120 seconds cooldown on some skills, forcing you to gather as much cooldown reduction as possible. Same with some “powerful” skills that will eat up almost half of your max resource.
Also you can only use some skills for a limited time, like you can’t stay in werebear form forever, but only for like 5-10 seconds, which is pretty lame…
Imo your Mana or whatever resource you have should be allowed to be at least max half of your total HP and either increase it while you’re leveling up your character or by some affix or stat…
Diablo 1 and D2 LoD were hack n slash games with elements of RPG and shouldn’t heavily rely of ridiculous high cooldowns or have your max resource limited to 100-250 points max when some skills require 30-60 mana to be used…
since there isnt a global resource system, its hard to implement global resource mechanics
which is bad
but thats the current state
you would have to change the resource system before you introduced something like that
Yes, sometimes minor skills are added, but generally, when you are geared properly, you don’t need all that, but just spam 1 skill - be it orb, or blizzard, or lightning fury or whatever. When you are leveling up, you use more skills, as you described.
In D3 2012 though I used several skills always, as they all were beneficial all the time - both defensive and offensive - even if I was top-geared. Facerolling simply didn’t exist there (unless you were running - for whatever reason - lowest difficulties like NM or Normal). What I liked there is that with right positioning I could regain “mana” quickly. I had tactical choice when to use cooldown skills, especially defensive. Too early or too late or in a wrong tactical disposition - and you are screwed.
Again, elite affixes were really cool back then to deal with, even though by the very design they were/are-still too cartoony and arcadish (just like health globes).
Diablo 1 and D2 LoD were hack n slash games with elements of RPG and shouldn’t heavily rely of ridiculous high cooldowns or have your max resource limited to 100-250 points max when some skills require 30-60 mana to be used…
I agree that skills with huge cooldowns is a bad design. And cooldown reduction is a bad design as well, which was added to rectify this first mistake, but eventually just lead to much bigger problems. However non-reducible sensible cooldowns on skills is not a bad thing and makes combat interesting.