Make the altar permanent vor non season

I have played 30 seasons diligently, but now there’s nothing new anymore. So, I will only play non-season and improve my characters there. The altar is only for the season, but why? The damage has been reduced so much that I don’t care about it. I care about quality of life things, for example, that the companion collects and scraps items. That is so good.


The Altar has a few things that render certain gameplay mechanics obsolete, namely the CC immunity and passability. Also permanent pool of reflection is a huge XP boost. All of those would have to be replaced with something else, preferably with some other QoL features that add something rather than remove.

Also this could’ve been posted into one of the57 trillion other existing threads on this very subject.


You could have worked it the other way: using season to improve characters, get loads of bounty runes, mats, gems, high level atonements or legendary gems for augments, primals, souls, exp and all and then use it after season end.
I realise that you also play hardcore and can’t just blast mindlessly away in season. After playing softcore in the lovely season 28 I have tabs full of level 150 gems/atonements… that I’ll probably never get to use :unamused:

(Not that I hadn’t hoped for the Altar in all game modes too).

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People don’t search the forum for topics. The thing is even if he did search the forum for it. Somebody would come along and slam him for opening a old topic.

The forum is poorly police by the people that police it. That is why we have 57 trillion topics like this!!!


Finding the search function seems even rarer than finding the cosmic wings :joy:

Otherwise, many answers are found using search, so your

is not really valid.


There will often be a hint and warning about similar topics when you start making the headline for a new topic.

Just try and start writing something like Altar non season and see.

Don’t make the topic of course! :grimacing:

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That is so true, I have been here from day 1 over 12yrs I have never got the wings.

I like it when new thread are created. Last Epoch is doing it right. The very same content that is released in Cycles is also released in Core. Blizz is garbage.

Sounds like buyer’s remorse from someone who bought both D3 and D4 and probably more of Blizzard’s games :smile:

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Sounds like someone thinks they’re funny.:laughing:
I’m sure you spent $70 on D4 (I didn’t). You paid for an all access PTR! :rofl:

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Please stop using this meme-bait of an attack. It’s unfair to games that actually utilize betas and PTR’s correctly, when you imply that’s what Blizz did with their FULL RELEASE of Diablo 4.

It was a crappy full release marred by horrible decisions made by the higher ups at virtually every turn. Call it what it is - a FULL RELEASE that STUNK.

They had no cohesion and it took them a year to even START correcting things. By that point, they lost most of the actual Diablo fans.

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Or POE who at least vet league content… if it’s worth making permanent, it’s permanent in both league and standard.

In all seriousness, they released D4 too early. It put a tonne of stress on delivering good D4 seasonal content and did not allow time for the devs to close out D3 properly.

I reckon they should have allowed at least half a year more for D4’s release. For D3, I’d have liked to see the following:

  • sort out the Altar so any mechanics they don’t want permanent gets taken out or replaced or altered (e.g. maybe the CC immunity only works in GR130+)
  • add in the ability deselect a node on the altar
  • make fissures and altar permanent in NS too
  • combine unconstrained cube powers, 4th cube power, shadow clones, and modified paragon system themes into one… combined with soul shards, ethereals, and crucibles, that would make for four reasonably solid themes to cycle through every 3 months.
  • the kill streak and timed environmental effects… these would have been great as a randomly spawning, non-extractable legendary powers on some of the weapons that have no leg powers… even in NS. Would make for some fun LOD builds and give some life to items like The Grandfather, Blackguard, Wildwood, Gift of Silaria and Windforce

More accurately, I’d argue they “soft announced” D4 too early by hinting and hyping, and then waited too long to give us concrete details. They wouldn’t have felt pressure to “turn the PR around” if they hadn’t massively flubbed with the “don’t you guys have phones” fiasco.

Investors want strong market signals to reassure them they’re getting favorable ROI. When you crap the bed and create bad PR to that extent, it makes investors lose faith which makes corpo execs very nervous. There’s NOTHING that galvanizes “results” faster than threatening someone like Bobby K with a cut to his bonus. As silly as that sounds to normal plebs like you and me. It’s the literal truth. Money talks.

They could have baked D4 for several more years if needed. But, “merger” this and “bad press” that.


Nope. Blizz deliberately released a half baked game. Stop defending them, it makes you look like a fanboy (I guess you are).


We have fanboys and cryboys, haters and appreciaters and everything in between here.


I think you’re misunderstanding me. I’m in full agreement with you - they released a half baked game, deliberately. I’m doing the opposite of defending them. I’m trying to take away the wiggle room calling it “just a beta” would otherwise afford them.

I am absolutely a fan boy of past blizzard. I literally wouldn’t be here if I weren’t. It’s not like I randomly decided to join these forums and buy these games on a whim. If I didn’t greatly enjoy how they used to be, I wouldn’t care right now about how awful they’ve become.

Stop looking for fights when none are needed.


I did misunderstand you, my apologies.


You and most of us. Twenty years ago, I’d defend them to a T. Today, it’s be disingenuous.

I do see they’re trying to make it better. So we’ll see…

You forget the forum we’re on. :joy:

Just by your comment, you validated your point, nice job :slightly_smiling_face:


It’s all good. I get it - I often approach public forums like this with a general, I don’t know, “anticipation” perhaps? An expectation maybe, that I’m going to read something I don’t like or agree with.

So when I quoted you and said “stop the meme level attacks” I definitely understand why you may have felt “I’ve seen all I need to see of this Dimlhugion idiot” (am I allowed to call myself an idiot? :thinking:)

But it’s more like, there’s SO MUCH to critique from Blizz right now. It’s my opinion that attacking the low hanging fruit just runs counter to actually holding Blizz accountable because the actual white knights can just dismiss it under pretense of “it’s just troll memery”

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